Understanding Styles of Influence …
And, How Your Habits Might Get in The Way
Date:Wednesday, March 14, 2018
:3:15 pm
Business Meeting:3:30 – 4:00 pm
Program:4:00 – 5:00 pm
Social/Reception:5:00 – 6:00 pm
Location:Sierra Nevada Brewing
Credits:1 hour of general credit for SHRM and HRCI
Program Description:
Have you ever found yourself frustrated because someone on your team was being resistant to what you had to say? Have you ever thought to yourself, “These people just don’t get it! The answer is right there in front of them!”?
As a human resource professional, you are charged to work with other executives to design, maintain, and champion the mission, vision, and strategy of the organization; facilitate culture change; and ultimately create effective communication throughout your organization.
Regardless of whether we have the right solution or not, it won’t help unless we know how to deliver it effectively. Sometimes we get caught up in the frustration and forget to look at the bigger picture. What is it I want to create for my colleagues? And, why is this so important to me? What can I do differently to get my point across?
This session will help you understand your habit nature and how effective styles of influence can be used interchangeably to ensure your vision is being effectively delivered. Your ability to influence your team and others is the catalyst to your success. This workshop promises to provide valuable insight that will not only help you be the best leader and influencer you can be, but will also provide the tools to heighten others’ awareness to lead differently.
Program Objectives:
- To explain the various styles of influence in the workplace
- To explore the participants’ habits and patterns of behaviors that might undermine their influence
- To demonstrate some quick solutions to shift the way someone thinks in order to move beyond a tense interaction
About the Speaker:
Patrick Vaca, MA has over 20 years of experience in people development and systems thinking. Having created several successful start-up programs to functioning in executive leadership positions to working as internal consultant for large agencies, he has vast experience in leadership and corporate cultures. His focus is on goal attainment and developing personal mastery. He uses his extensive body of leadership work (team performance, change management, effective communication and influence) and his clinical psychology background to help others gain insight into patterns of behavior not otherwise recognized. Patrick is a teacher. His passion is to help others recognize where they are, where they want to go, and what it will take to get them there.
Certified as a communications coach he has the ability to offer assessments, trainings, and coaching for individuals to enhance their abilities as a leader of a high performing team. He also works with teams to learn how to effectively communicate and understand one another from differing perspectives. High performing teams are predicated on skill and communication.