AustralopithecineHome HabilisHome Erectus Neanderthals Cro-Magnons Homo sapiens
Lived 4.5 million years agoLived 2.5 to 1.5 million years agoLived 1.6 million to 250,000 ago NeanderValley in Germany 1868 geologist Louis Lartet Homo sapiens
South and eastern AfricaEast AfricaAfrica, Asia and Europe Europe/Middle East 150,000 years in France 45,000 to 10,000 — Latin:
1st humanlike creature to walkFirst to make ToolsFirst to come out of Africa Over 5’ very strong and muscle. Expert tool makers "wise
Lucy-Don Johanson/Tom GearyMan of SkillUpright Man expert tool makers. Lived as family human" or Brain bigger. “Great Cavity” "knowing
Found in cave in France human"),[
HominidsLucy Stone Age Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age Artifacts
Human like creatures who walked Discovered in 1974 in Hader Three phases2500 to 8000 B.C. 10,000-6,000 B,C.Human
Five different evolutionary tract Ethiopia. Don Johansen and Paleolithic AgeHomo Habilis, Erectus & Control Fire, develop language made
Australopithecine Tom Geary First Hominid to walkMesolithic AgeSapiens specialized hunting animals objects
Homo Habilis 3.75 million years. 25 yrs old Neolithic AgeHunter Gatherers able to prepare veggies
Homo Erectuswhen died.simple stone tools
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Primary source Secondary SourceOral History Hunter gatherers Nomads Fossils
Written material by a witness Written material by other who History told by family members Hunting animals and gathering moving from place to place Remains of
of any items did not witness an eventstories, songs instruments food. In search for food biological
DomesticatedIrrigationSurpluses Migration Neolithic Age Cave Painting
Plants- place grown purposely forTo direct water for the purpose of Extra material grown or made Moving from one place to another 8,000 to 3,000 B.C.
Human consumptionfarming and consumption Homo Sapiens, polish stone
Animals-breeding and using animals make pottery, farming, raise
For human consumption animals. Settle in villiages.
AustralopithecineHome HabilisHome Erectus Neanderthals Cro-Magnons Homo sapiens
HominidsLucy Stone Age Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age Artifacts
Primary source Secondary SourceOral History Hunter gatherers Nomads Fossils
Domesticated Irrigation Surpluses Migration Neolithic Age Cave Painting