“Ancestral Bonds”
Art Production 2008 – 2009
Human beings is immersed in two worlds, the animal and the cultural. That is, when we heritage knowledges from fathers to sons. When we accumulate generation by generation our way to understand the reality. But, anyway we are attached –without conscious-to the nature and biological laws. Scientifictaxonomies have a place and concepts about our planet habitant condition.As mammalswe share with a wide group of others species the first vital and transcendentintegral experience to have a mother´s breast.Ashomo - woman sapiens we are the more persistent and suffering creature-, we are son or daughter of the most powerful mother, the Nature, who send out so soon her creaturesto the adventure of spawning and populating the landscapes under strict laws; making day by day, biologic and cultural processes, that will allow changes to take place in order to dominate the environment next to other species and better endowed generations.In the struggle forward life, surviving.
We are unable to image the extremely long time of the earth that goes by billions ormillions of years old spent in the primary Paleolithic’s stages of our changingparadise,cared for and by animals as custodians, before we could see a changing mammal condition that will yield theintelligence development, and two legged as great primates that we are today.
There are tender and sad testimonies of our hard daily struggles as any nude animal surviving on the earth before we reach the masterful human form, gestures, the word and culture as we know it. Those “recently achievements” compared with the evolution´s times and stages -wasthe tools thatPaleolithic Homo-Woman used to cross the line between animal and cultural animal.Rich and long processto travel the ancestral road.All species including ourselves have transformed in different way as the environmentscould permit; as the lucid mind of our Charles Darwin could see in nineteen epoch. Knowledge impossible to accept with religious ideology of the world creation in some days...Without doubt, we got the superior evolution - it means millions of years- thanks our organic brain development based in omnivorous way of eating and hands using.
Activities and creating mental approaches goes with integral increasing ofphysical and psychologic or confessional competences. Then as a superior Homo –woman capable to survive in front the adversities, did not stop their march of dominance trying to answer the questions about natural events; making territorial wars, taking care theirtotems, magic thoughts, arts, etc. Then we have a human being seeing, hearing and understanding realities; humanizing spaces, like couple love, family bonds, politics,empathy, charity, compassion,making and enjoying different cognitive issues and arts expressions.
Of course we should don’t forget that the animal nature or biologicrequirements of Man and Woman motivate any cultural approach since ancestral stages.Sometimes in different grades or levels of evolution of any historical creature.Animalsgave us their lifes for our vital resources and with some species gave fast since there significants others connections,I mean also, their affection and abilities as long as we was on the earth...
With science we can say now that animal are not “machines”, awide rank of themespeciallymammals and primates are sentience creatures. In this sense our relationships with other species could have to improve, leaving the abuse and violence. Civilization, industrialization or technologic roads are going on but the changes and adaptation is yet critical. Intelligence, magic thoughts, religions and science had have not a “conversation “
Many things of our and other cultures in the world are showing that some fanaticism comes from religions with are used for oppressive and destructive objectives. Ecology and human rightslaws –as in development societies -are in the beginning- but permit recently recognize some animal rights, open new spaces of respect and humanity justice for all under our domination in fact .We have pulled off Mother Nature the great secret of the origin of life and some others: science givesus light and liberation of fake realities … And those knowledges are changing dark concepts to feel healthy identification with all creatures and humans being,appreciating our ancestral origins and bonds. In this line of thoughts willnot be space for discriminating concepts against any person or any sentience creature which are capable to suffer…All human and no-human creatures must be respected in their vital and psychological rights.
Then with these concepts I decided to sharewith my painting language, that behind ourbeliefs and cultural projects is present this base, as living backgrounds... as a guidance of ourhumanizing road.Historic reality –I hope ourdestiny - that can give us joy to live if we learn to look forward with these healthy goals.
I visualize this human being immerse in a rich beauty of our ancestral humble bonds and colorful paradise in little or big spaces, embracing connection and love for with our earth and lives, included the wide rank ofthe no cultural animals. Perhaps to feel finally the conviction that we belongs to a brotherhood and take care the planet for more time…
We have used these reflections to support this painting project “Ancestral Bonds”, where we highlight certain aspects aboutwho we are; using organic-anatomic images toshow what we have in common under the evolution process.Recognizing the Homo-Woman sapiens arethe historical fighters, protagonists of our surprising marvelous superior intelligent with which got our evolution.
Under a neo-figurative style paintingand mixed media on canvas and with thisapproach we and trying to offer the image of this new human being; capable to rescue our noble mission to build peace in ourselves and the societies we create… And perhapswe can greet daily our neighbor, love and respectdomestic or wild animals and take better care our flowers…