Instruction for paper (see the text in Italic)

The paper camera-ready copy should be prepared in English using WORD editor and uploaded to the conferencewebsite in both DOC and PDF format.

The submitted paper should not exceed 10 pages and 5Megabytes.. The papers will be typeset on A4 paper with top, lateral and bottom margins of 30, 20, and 20 millimetres respectively. A single column format is to be used. The paper should be typeset in Times New Roman font, 12 point size.

Title page with the paper title printed bold and all caps, initials and the author' names and the title and address of the organization printed lower-case (all data centered); the names are separated by an empty line from the title and address.

The example below illustrates the paper layout and presents various requirements that you should respect before submitting your paper.

AN Experimental investigation of instability wave excitation
in three-dimensional boundary layer
at acoustic wave scattering at a vibrator

A.V.ivanov, Y.S.Kachanov, D.B.Koptsev

Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS,
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia


 A.V. Ivanov, Y.S. Kachanov, D.B. Koptsev, 2010

The problem of three-dimensional laminar boundary layer receptivity to external disturbances is a significant part of the turbulence origin [1, 2]. Experimental investigations of this problem have been limited and conducted comparatively recently. Their results bear primarily qualitative information and, as a rule, cannot be directly used for quantitative comparison with theoretical approaches and for testing the methods of calculation of the flow receptivity to external disturbances.

Color diagrams and figures should be used only when it helps improve understanding. Figures must be centered. Captions must be typeset in 10 point size and the first letter must be capitalized.

Rotating the frame of reference, it is easy to transform r and  to the wave vector components , in local coordinates (x*, z*) with the x* axis parallel to the velocity vector at the boundary layer edge. Then, it is possible to estimate the phase velocities of energy-carrying modes dominant in the packet along x* as well as the corresponding phase velocities along the direction of the wave vector K by the formulas

Equations must be centred and right numbered. An empty line must be inserted before and after the equation:


where  = 2f is the circular frequency.

Let us estimate the angle of inclination ' of the wave vector to the x' axis and * to the x* axis as


If there are severaltables,they must be numbered, table captions must be compact and positioned above the table. There is a table example following below.

Table 1.Comparison of experimental data on thermal conductivities with calculation

T, K / P, MPa / , W/(mK)
R-22 [8] / R-142b [9] / R-21 [8] / С10М1
calculation / our data
303.9 / 2 / 0.0832 / 0.0800 / 0.0988 / 0.0849 / 0.0844
303.9 / 3 / 0.0843 / 0.0805 / 0.0994 / 0.0858 / 0.0851
323.7 / 2 / 0.0744 / 0.0734 / 0.0916 / 0.0768 / 0.0777
323.7 / 3 / 0.0756 / 0.0677 / 0.0923 / 0.0778 / 0.0784

Fig. 1. Diagram of growth of air-vapor spherical (а) and cylindrical (b) bubbles on the orifices
of air-distribution grates.

1– swirler in CBA, 2– tangential slot, 3 – centrifugal-bubbling layer, 4 – cylindrical bubble.

References must be numbered in the text consecutively and listed at the end of the paper in the order they appear in the text.


  1. Kachanov Y.S., Kozlov V.V., Levchenko V.Ya. Origin of Turbulence in a Boundary Layer. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982.
  2. Zhigulev V.N., Tumin A.M. Origin of Turbulence. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1987.
  3. Zinoviev V.N., Konkin A.Ya., Lebiga V.A. On application of aspiration probe in supersonic mixing flows. Intern. Conf. on the Methods of Aerophys. Research: Proc. Pt 2. Novosibirsk, 1994. P. 248  253.
  4. Takagi S., Saric W.S., Radeztsky R.H., Spencer S.A., Orr D.J. Effect of sound and micro-sized roughness on crossflow dominated transition. Bull. Am. Soc. 1991. Vol. 36. P. 2630.
  5. Crouch J.D. Receptivity of three-dimensional boundary layers. AIAA Paper 93-0074, 1993.
  6. Wallis G.B. The thermal speed of drops and bubbles in an infinite medium. Intern. J. Multiphase Flow. 1974. Vol.1, No. 5. P. 491–511