Moseley 1

Elizabeth Moseley

Ms. Lisa Boyd

Advanced Placement English 12

6 February 2007

An Economic Solution For America’s Most Important Resource:

Seeking What is Best for Tomorrow

In our nation’s school system, no child is being left behind. Unfortunately, within some of the inner city schools and rural, poverty laden areas, our children are not receiving an adequate education. The issue boils down to uniformity. In this state, this curriculum is taught, in that state, that one, why should our hope for tomorrow suffer the consequences of low standards in the education system? And how much money is spent every year simply trying to evaluate each individual school? With my new ingenious solution, these questions will never have to be in the forefront of your mind again.

I have quite recently stumbled upon the solution that will ensure that the generation of tomorrow will become valuable citizens. The answer you ask: Chips! No, not potato chips, although they have gone a long way towards the betterment of the health of the masses, but rather, computer chips. With a simple device, only two inches square, we can dramatically improve the population as a whole.

Beginning January first, all infants born in American hospitals will have micro chips implanted into the cartilage of their ears – for fast and easy upgrades and repairs. With the standard package, the chips will release grade-appropriate information into the child’s brain upon every birthday. This continual input of information, which we shall call education, provides every child in America an equal education. The intellectual equality amongst all children will also eliminate potential racial or social stigmas – which is an enormous leap towards peace.

The real beauty of this magnanimous plan lies in the economical benefits of the new way of educating society. As public education is now paid for by the tax payers, the microchip implant will provided free of any additional charge or medical expenses (the United States government will not, however, claim responsibility if a child get his ear wet or damages the ear – an artificial ear will be made available for those who care to shower regularly or swim). An additional relief for tax payers is that there is no longer a need to construct or maintain schools, colleges, or libraries. Teachers are now obsolete, the evaluations of teachers and school systems are a thing of the past, and even the need to print, what was formerly considered classical literature, is gone with the wind; in this new age of education, resources can finally be distributed more appropriately – rather than spending so much on children.

Parents, you now have the ball in your court concerning your child’s education. Do you wish your child to be an advanced scholar? The information from simulated AP courses can be uploaded into your child’s computer chip for a nominal fee (made payable to the College Board) If a college education is desired, a ten thousand dollar fee will be assessed – typical to college tuition, and your child can gain the information equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.

Are you a little power hungry? Now, you can even choose your child’s career at birth. Would you like a doctor in the family? In a simple pay as you go format, by the time your child is twenty eight, he will have the knowledge of a full doctoral degree – without ever having the hassle of applying to college (Financial aid will still be made available for advanced degrees).

As we speak, a committee is being set up to develop an Infant Aptitude Test (IAT) to evaluate what skills your child has naturally inherited. The IAP will be accessible at a nominal fee, but it is more like the assurance that your child will be well suited to the career of your choice. We all need to be assured, after all.

More important than these, economically speaking, the children will have more free time to join the work force! [Early worker upgrades are being written to allow children as young as nine to start bringing home the bacon and supporting the economy of our nation]. Of course, child labor laws, put into place in the dark ages, will be amended to permit all children with the early worker program to work in all areas of business and construction from ages nine and onward. Now, there is no more need for expensive toys, video games, and movies with questionable content because your child can easily learn to be a workaholic, just like you.

Our microchips will be programmed in English only, but as the children reach high school age, the parent may choose a foreign language that would be most beneficial. However, it is recommended that children use the enhanced English learning programs, rather than waste valuable resources on barbaric languages. Besides, if all American infants are speaking English at home, why not make it the first global language? We are anticipating the spread of our chips across the world, anyway.

I know all parents are tired of the typical rebellious teenager, but rebellion is a thing of the past. With a simple DISCIPLINE upload, you are in control. This particular upgrade comes with Two parental remotes that make discipline a breeze. With the press of a button, you can administer shock treatment – in increasing intervals -, epileptic convulsions, and the loss of muscle control (focused on the region of the mouth). Now you never have to worry about losing control in your house again!

There is little probability of teenage rebellion like those requiring the solutions above because every teenager in America will be intellectual mirrors of everyone around them. Our program teaches uniformity, rather than independent thinking. We like to think of it as the gray scale – there is more than one shade of gray, correct?

My solution is not just a mere quick fix for the flaws in the education system; it is genius. I am not looking towards the good of my own generation, but to that of the future. Society will be a great thing then, not something characterized by strife and bitterness. The political parties will soon be a thing of culture, like a person’s race, rather than political, and world peace is expected to follow after the rest of the world adopts my education system.

Parents, we are doing it all for YOU. The stress and financial burdens of raising children are now replaced by joy and prosperity…what better thing could you ask? All we need is your trust.