Clinton Sattler

Imagination Library Board of Advisors


Knox County Schools Supervisor of Research and Evaluation

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The Imagination Library is a non-profit program designed to foster a love of reading among preschool children. The program provides free access to selected age-appropriate children’s literature delivered directly to a family’s doorstep. Participation in the Imagination Library is viewed as a possible pathway to promoting early literacy skills among participating families. Students receive a book on a monthly basis until they graduate from the program on their fifth birthday.

Early literacy data was collected through Knox County Schools’ formative testing to determine how Imagination Library participants performed relative to non-participants on a nationally normed early literacy assessment (STAR Renaissance). All data used in this study was generated during the 2014 fall benchmark testing window in Knox County. The fall benchmark was data was used in this study in order to keep the outcome data as close to the “treatment” as possible.

Analysis: Demographics of Participants

According to Imagination Library enrollment figures, approximately 70% of the eligible children in Knox County have signed up for services through Imagination Library. Knox County Schools was able to match records with 58.5% of the 2014-2015 kindergarten cohort. The ethnic and demographic breakdown of the students who participated in the Imagination Library (IL Alumni) and students of the entire cohort of kindergarten students who were tested in the fall of 2014 are contained in Table 1.

Table 1: Enrollment Demographics

Ethnicity / Demographic
Native Amer. / Asian / Afr. Amer. / Hispanic / Pac. Isl. / White / Econom.
Disadvant. / Special Ed. / English Language Learner / N
Non-IL Alumni / 0.2% / 2.8% / 19.1% / 12.9% / 0.2% / 64.8% / 54.8% / 5.0% / 5.5% / 1737
IL Alumni / 0.4% / 2.0% / 15.3% / 5.5% / 0.1% / 76.6% / 44.6% / 6.0% / 1.7% / 2451
Kindergarten Cohort / 0.4% / 2.3% / 16.9% / 8.6% / 0.2% / 71.7% / 48.8% / 5.6% / 3.3% / 4188

Chi-squared testing indicates that we can reject the null hypothesis that the distribution of African American, Hispanic, White, Economically Disadvantaged and English Language Learner students is no different in the IL Alumni cohort as it is for the KCS kindergarten cohort as a whole (α=0.05: p=0.036, p<0.0001, p<0.0001, p<0.0001, p<0.0001 respectively). Inspection of the data indicates that the percentages of African American, Hispanic, Economically Disadvantaged and English Language Learner students are lower in the IL Alumni cohort than the kindergarten cohort. Because traditional measures of academic progress trend with these demographics, it will be important to control for differences in these characteristics during any analysis of the data.

Analysis: Performance of Participants

The STAR Renaissance Early Literacy Assessment uses student responses to multiple choice questions to create a measure of performance (a scaled score) relative to a national pool of students. The STAR Early Literacy scaled score has been correlated to reading skills. Ranges of STAR Early Literacy scaled scores have been categorized into bands that correspond to reading scales. Per the STAR Early Literacy technical manual, students with a scaled score up to 487 point are considered an “early emergent” reader who are not yet reading at a kindergarten level. The distribution of students taking the first assessment who are estimated to be reading at or above grade level can be found in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Reader Classifications

As evident from the figure, a higher percentage of students who were enrolled in the Imagination Library Program were estimated to be reading at a kindergarten level in the fall of 2014.

STAR Renaissance measures performance in nine early literacy subdomains, which represent broad categories of early literacy skills. Students are awarded scores of 1 to 99 indicating the probability of answering questions within each sub-domain correctly. The mean score for each subdomain is contained in Figure 2 (boxed value).

Figure 2: Sub-Domain Mean Scores

The independent sample t-tests on the means indicate that we can reject the null hypothesis that the mean score in each of the nine sub-domains is the same in the Non-IL Alumni and IL Alumni groups. Visual inspection indicates that the IL alumni had statistically higher mean scores in each subdomain tested in the STAR Renaissance assessment.

Table 2: T-test Results: All Students

Sub-Domain / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / 7.985 / 3572.799 / .000 / 3.185 / 5.258 / 0.132
Concept Of Word / 8.000 / 3580.474 / .000 / 3.309 / 5.457 / 0.133
Visual Discrimination / 8.000 / 3495.649 / .000 / 3.038 / 5.010 / 0.134
Phonemic Awareness / 7.674 / 4186 / .000 / 2.852 / 4.810 / 0.118
Phonics / 7.647 / 4186 / .000 / 2.897 / 4.894 / 0.117
Structural Analysis / 7.410 / 4186 / .000 / 2.625 / 4.515 / 0.114
Vocabulary / 7.684 / 4186 / .000 / 2.793 / 4.707 / 0.118
Sentence Level Comprehension / 7.455 / 4186 / .000 / 2.787 / 4.775 / 0.114
Paragraph Level Comprehension / 7.399 / 4186 / .000 / 2.498 / 4.299 / 0.114

It is important to note that statistical significance can be a biased measure in larger data sets. To estimate the size of effect, we use the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). The magnitude of the r values suggests that the difference between the two groups are small.

Controlling for ethnicity and demographics yields similar results. Independent sample t-tests indicate that we can reject the null hypothesis that the mean score in each of the nine subdomains are no different between IL Alumni and non-IL Alumni students in the kindergarten cohort among the demographics listed below (α=0.05). The magnitude of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient indicates that the size of the effect is small in all cases.

  • Male Students
  • Female Students
  • Asian Students
  • African American Students
  • Hispanic Students
  • White Students
  • Economically Disadvantaged Students

Independent sample t-tests of the following subgroups indicate that we fail to reject the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the mean sub-domain scores when comparing Imagination Library Alumni to Non-Imagination Library Alumni.

  • Special Education (SpEd) Students
  • English Language Learners

Details of each analysis are available in the appendix of this report.


The demographic data from the SY1415 cohort of Knox County Schools’ kindergarten students indicates that there still exists opportunities for the Imagination Library to increase enrollment in under-served populations. Of note, there were statistically significant differences in the proportion of African American, Hispanic, Economically Disadvantages and English Language Learning students in the SY1415 kindergarten cohort. The Imagination Library may seek strategies to increase participation among these groups of students in order to increase the reach of the program.

This analysis of the SY1415 kindergarten cohort provides some evidence that students enrolled in the Imagination Library outperform students who were not enrolled in the Imagination Library on a nationally normed early literacy assessment. These difference in mean early literacy scores appear to be significant even when controlling for demographics. However, the magnitude of these differences are consistent with effects that most evaluators would consider to be small. The findings of this study, including the size of the difference being measured, are consistent with previous studies.

There are some limitations to this study that may be leading to the small observed differences. It is important to note that while the data exists to determine who is enrolled in the Imagination Library program, there is no measurement for how often students are exposed to the Imagination Library“treatment” (i.e. how often and for how long are IL participants being read to). The data can be further skewed by children who have older sibling who have been enrolled in IL and therefore have access to Imagination Library books without ever registering themselves.

This analysis is not meant to be causal. Although there is evidence that IL students are performing better on early literacy assessments, it is not possible to determine if they are performing better solely because of their participation in the Imagination Library. Additionally, although there are very promising results in regards to reading outcomes, a qualitative study is desirable to determine how imagination library books are being utilized, how participating families view the program, and why some families choose not to participate in the Imagination Library. Although reading scores can illustrate differences in student performance on an assessment, increasing reading scores is not a core mission of the Imagination Library. Qualitative data would help to better understand how well the Imagination Library is carrying out its true mission of instilling a life-long love of reading among its participants.

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Sub-Domain - All Students / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 58.35 / 17.333 / 7.985 / 3573 / .000 / 3.185 / 5.258 / 0.132
IL Alumni / 2451 / 62.57 / 16.159
Concept Of Word / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 57.23 / 17.939 / 8.000 / 3580 / .000 / 3.309 / 5.457 / 0.133
IL Alumni / 2451 / 61.62 / 16.778
Visual Discrimination / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 67.41 / 16.688 / 8.000 / 3496 / .000 / 3.038 / 5.010 / 0.134
IL Alumni / 2451 / 71.44 / 15.073
Phonemic Awareness / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 35.89 / 15.911 / 7.674 / 4186 / .000 / 2.852 / 4.810 / 0.118
IL Alumni / 2451 / 39.72 / 15.922
Phonics / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 34.52 / 16.181 / 7.647 / 4186 / .000 / 2.897 / 4.894 / 0.117
IL Alumni / 2451 / 38.41 / 16.286
Structural Analysis / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 27.62 / 15.073 / 7.410 / 4186 / .000 / 2.625 / 4.515 / 0.114
IL Alumni / 2451 / 31.19 / 15.563
Vocabulary / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 37.02 / 15.583 / 7.684 / 4186 / .000 / 2.793 / 4.707 / 0.118
IL Alumni / 2451 / 40.77 / 15.543
Sentence Level Comprehension / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 29.86 / 15.935 / 7.455 / 4186 / .000 / 2.787 / 4.775 / 0.114
IL Alumni / 2451 / 33.64 / 16.334
Paragraph Level Comprehension / Not IL Alumni / 1737 / 28.08 / 14.385 / 7.399 / 4186 / .000 / 2.498 / 4.299 / 0.114
IL Alumni / 2451 / 31.48 / 14.829
Sub-Domain - Female / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 1157 / 63.64 / 15.024 / 4.785 / 1651 / .000 / 2.079 / 4.968 / 0.117
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 60.12 / 16.984
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 1157 / 62.71 / 15.624 / 4.771 / 1654 / .000 / 2.147 / 5.145 / 0.116
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 59.07 / 17.609
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 1157 / 72.54 / 13.861 / 4.935 / 1614 / .000 / 2.062 / 4.783 / 0.122
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 69.12 / 16.181
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 1157 / 40.49 / 15.115 / 4.194 / 1728 / .000 / 1.586 / 4.373 / 0.1
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 37.51 / 15.976
Phonics / IL Alumni / 1157 / 39.18 / 15.487 / 4.194 / 1733 / .000 / 1.621 / 4.468 / 0.1
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 36.14 / 16.297
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 1157 / 31.83 / 14.887 / 3.966 / 1986 / .000 / 1.373 / 4.058 / 0.089
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 29.11 / 15.286
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 1157 / 41.55 / 14.721 / 4.232 / 1723 / .000 / 1.574 / 4.294 / 0.101
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 38.61 / 15.616
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1157 / 34.32 / 15.613 / 3.999 / 1986 / .000 / 1.467 / 4.291 / 0.089
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 31.44 / 16.135
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1157 / 32.08 / 14.172 / 3.964 / 1986 / .000 / 1.306 / 3.865 / 0.089
Not IL Alumni / 831 / 29.50 / 14.583
Sub-Domain - Male / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 1294 / 61.61 / 17.059 / 6.542 / 2198 / .000 / 3.422 / 6.351 / 0.138
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 56.72 / 17.498
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 1294 / 60.64 / 17.695 / 6.573 / 2198 / .000 / 3.567 / 6.601 / 0.139
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 55.55 / 18.084
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 1294 / 70.45 / 16.019 / 6.398 / 1873 / .000 / 3.191 / 6.012 / 0.146
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 65.85 / 16.998
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 1294 / 39.03 / 16.587 / 6.584 / 2198 / .000 / 3.251 / 6.009 / 0.139
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 34.41 / 15.713
Phonics / IL Alumni / 1294 / 37.73 / 16.945 / 6.623 / 2019 / .000 / 3.304 / 6.084 / 0.146
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 33.03 / 15.938
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 1294 / 30.62 / 16.128 / 6.577 / 2049 / .000 / 3.066 / 5.671 / 0.144
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 26.25 / 14.752
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 1294 / 40.08 / 16.218 / 6.560 / 2198 / .000 / 3.166 / 5.867 / 0.139
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 35.57 / 15.418
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1294 / 33.03 / 16.935 / 6.600 / 2041 / .000 / 3.250 / 5.998 / 0.145
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 28.40 / 15.617
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1294 / 30.95 / 15.378 / 6.561 / 2048 / .000 / 2.916 / 5.402 / 0.143
Not IL Alumni / 906 / 26.79 / 14.084
Sub-Domain - Asian / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 48 / 73.77 / 14.276 / 2.673 / 94 / .009 / 2.266 / 15.359 / 0.266
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 64.96 / 17.831
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 48 / 73.31 / 14.840 / 2.683 / 94 / .009 / 2.383 / 15.951 / 0.267
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 64.15 / 18.443
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 48 / 81.27 / 12.207 / 2.717 / 88 / .008 / 2.109 / 13.599 / 0.278
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 73.42 / 15.878
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 48 / 52.10 / 16.906 / 2.448 / 94 / .016 / 1.724 / 16.526 / 0.245
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 42.98 / 19.522
Phonics / IL Alumni / 48 / 51.15 / 17.392 / 2.438 / 94 / .017 / 1.733 / 16.933 / 0.244
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 41.81 / 20.020
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 48 / 43.65 / 17.850 / 2.282 / 94 / .025 / 1.148 / 16.518 / 0.229
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 34.81 / 20.011
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 48 / 52.85 / 16.375 / 2.445 / 94 / .016 / 1.659 / 16.008 / 0.244
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 44.02 / 18.937
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 48 / 46.63 / 18.258 / 2.354 / 94 / .021 / 1.465 / 17.243 / 0.236
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 37.27 / 20.600
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 48 / 43.33 / 16.968 / 2.258 / 94 / .026 / 1.009 / 15.700 / 0.227
Not IL Alumni / 48 / 34.98 / 19.209
Sub-Domain –Afr. Amer. / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 376 / 57.16 / 15.501 / 2.322 / 706 / .021 / 0.427 / 5.103 / 0.087
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 54.39 / 16.158
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 376 / 55.97 / 16.063 / 2.311 / 706 / .021 / 0.428 / 5.267 / 0.087
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 53.12 / 16.693
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 376 / 66.53 / 14.943 / 2.316 / 706 / .021 / 0.411 / 4.979 / 0.087
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 63.83 / 16.003
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 376 / 34.25 / 13.913 / 2.258 / 706 / .024 / 0.305 / 4.370 / 0.085
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 31.91 / 13.553
Phonics / IL Alumni / 376 / 32.81 / 14.180 / 2.255 / 706 / .024 / 0.307 / 4.438 / 0.085
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 30.43 / 13.728
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 376 / 25.89 / 13.026 / 2.239 / 706 / .025 / 0.263 / 4.008 / 0.084
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 23.75 / 12.240
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 376 / 35.41 / 13.649 / 2.213 / 706 / .027 / 0.254 / 4.251 / 0.083
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 33.16 / 13.369
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 376 / 28.03 / 13.800 / 2.190 / 706 / .029 / 0.230 / 4.214 / 0.082
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 25.80 / 13.091
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 376 / 26.44 / 12.367 / 2.231 / 706 / .026 / 0.243 / 3.804 / 0.084
Not IL Alumni / 332 / 24.41 / 11.663
Sub-Domain - Hispanic / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 135 / 51.61 / 18.241 / 2.540 / 357 / .012 / 1.093 / 8.595 / 0.133
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 46.76 / 17.049
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 135 / 50.23 / 18.766 / 2.542 / 357 / .011 / 1.128 / 8.832 / 0.133
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 45.25 / 17.484
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 135 / 60.88 / 18.087 / 2.483 / 357 / .013 / 0.997 / 8.596 / 0.13
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 56.08 / 17.516
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 135 / 30.13 / 15.417 / 2.630 / 250 / .009 / 1.054 / 7.338 / 0.164
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 25.94 / 13.256
Phonics / IL Alumni / 135 / 28.76 / 15.539 / 2.638 / 248 / .009 / 1.072 / 7.386 / 0.165
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 24.53 / 13.219
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 135 / 22.44 / 13.925 / 2.640 / 242 / .009 / 0.953 / 6.555 / 0.167
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 18.68 / 11.458
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 135 / 31.34 / 15.158 / 2.602 / 252 / .010 / 0.994 / 7.188 / 0.162
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 27.25 / 13.137
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 135 / 24.30 / 14.875 / 2.642 / 243 / .009 / 1.024 / 7.021 / 0.167
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 20.28 / 12.330
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 135 / 23.10 / 13.308 / 2.645 / 243 / .009 / 0.921 / 6.290 / 0.167
Not IL Alumni / 224 / 19.49 / 11.056
Sub-Domain - White / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 1878 / 64.10 / 15.536 / 4.201 / 2265 / .000 / 1.359 / 3.737 / 0.088
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 61.55 / 16.402
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 1878 / 63.21 / 16.147 / 4.222 / 2268 / .000 / 1.423 / 3.892 / 0.088
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 60.56 / 17.016
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 1878 / 72.88 / 14.324 / 4.216 / 2223 / .000 / 1.280 / 3.506 / 0.089
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 70.49 / 15.475
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 1878 / 41.13 / 15.702 / 4.018 / 3001 / .000 / 1.220 / 3.545 / 0.073
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 38.75 / 15.767
Phonics / IL Alumni / 1878 / 39.85 / 16.091 / 4.020 / 3001 / .000 / 1.249 / 3.629 / 0.073
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 37.41 / 16.099
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 1878 / 32.51 / 15.507 / 3.905 / 3001 / .000 / 1.130 / 3.408 / 0.071
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 30.24 / 15.241
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 1878 / 42.16 / 15.309 / 4.050 / 3001 / .000 / 1.209 / 3.477 / 0.074
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 39.82 / 15.400
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1878 / 35.04 / 16.246 / 3.928 / 3001 / .000 / 1.200 / 3.592 / 0.072
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 32.64 / 16.061
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1878 / 32.74 / 14.777 / 3.886 / 3001 / .000 / 1.065 / 3.236 / 0.071
Not IL Alumni / 1125 / 30.59 / 14.516
Sub-Domain - Econ. Dis. / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 1092 / 56.23 / 15.600 / 3.625 / 1957 / .000 / 1.198 / 4.021 / 0.082
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 53.63 / 16.765
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 1092 / 55.01 / 16.125 / 3.604 / 1959 / .000 / 1.220 / 4.135 / 0.081
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 52.34 / 17.286
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 1092 / 65.66 / 15.264 / 3.755 / 1942 / .000 / 1.277 / 4.069 / 0.085
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 62.99 / 16.715
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 1092 / 33.41 / 13.573 / 3.276 / 2042 / .001 / 0.803 / 3.198 / 0.072
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 31.41 / 13.996
Phonics / IL Alumni / 1092 / 31.96 / 13.746 / 3.246 / 2042 / .001 / 0.793 / 3.214 / 0.072
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 29.95 / 14.118
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 1092 / 25.08 / 12.489 / 3.083 / 2042 / .002 / 0.624 / 2.806 / 0.068
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 23.37 / 12.609
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 1092 / 34.61 / 13.347 / 3.291 / 2042 / .001 / 0.799 / 3.158 / 0.073
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 32.63 / 13.803
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1092 / 27.20 / 13.300 / 3.111 / 2042 / .002 / 0.682 / 3.010 / 0.069
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 25.36 / 13.481
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 1092 / 25.68 / 11.884 / 3.126 / 2042 / .002 / 0.618 / 2.698 / 0.069
Not IL Alumni / 952 / 24.02 / 12.051
Sub-Domain - SpEd / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 148 / 51.21 / 17.659 / 0.587 / 232 / .558 / -3.237 / 5.981 / 0.038
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 49.84 / 16.525
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 148 / 49.82 / 18.131 / 0.609 / 232 / .543 / -3.274 / 6.202 / 0.04
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 48.36 / 17.033
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 148 / 60.49 / 17.897 / 0.481 / 232 / .631 / -3.522 / 5.797 / 0.032
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 59.35 / 16.624
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 148 / 29.57 / 14.342 / 0.683 / 232 / .495 / -2.451 / 5.052 / 0.045
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 28.27 / 13.509
Phonics / IL Alumni / 148 / 28.12 / 14.396 / 0.671 / 232 / .503 / -2.484 / 5.053 / 0.044
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 26.84 / 13.592
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 148 / 21.76 / 12.705 / 0.721 / 232 / .471 / -2.107 / 4.541 / 0.047
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 20.55 / 11.976
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 148 / 30.78 / 14.145 / 0.683 / 232 / .495 / -2.418 / 4.985 / 0.045
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 29.50 / 13.339
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 148 / 23.68 / 13.634 / 0.736 / 232 / .462 / -2.236 / 4.904 / 0.048
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 22.35 / 12.882
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 148 / 22.51 / 12.152 / 0.695 / 232 / .488 / -2.059 / 4.305 / 0.046
Not IL Alumni / 86 / 21.38 / 11.482
Sub-Domain - ELL / Group / N / Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / 95% CI on Diff.
Lower Bound / 95% CI on Diff.
Upper Bound / r
Alphabetic Principals / IL Alumni / 42 / 41.21 / 13.463 / -0.490 / 98 / .625 / -6.703 / 4.048 / 0.049
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 42.54 / 17.032
Concept Of Word / IL Alumni / 42 / 39.50 / 13.751 / -0.519 / 98 / .605 / -6.931 / 4.056 / 0.052
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 40.94 / 17.423
Visual Discrimination / IL Alumni / 42 / 50.79 / 13.857 / -0.323 / 98 / .748 / -6.450 / 4.647 / 0.032
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 51.69 / 17.654
Phonemic Awareness / IL Alumni / 42 / 21.33 / 10.116 / -0.682 / 136 / .496 / -6.051 / 2.947 / 0.058
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 22.89 / 13.127
Phonics / IL Alumni / 42 / 19.86 / 10.086 / -0.729 / 136 / .467 / -6.140 / 2.833 / 0.062
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 21.51 / 13.091
Structural Analysis / IL Alumni / 42 / 14.64 / 8.562 / -0.803 / 136 / .423 / -5.457 / 2.305 / 0.069
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 16.22 / 11.378
Vocabulary / IL Alumni / 42 / 22.67 / 10.062 / -0.680 / 136 / .498 / -6.024 / 2.940 / 0.058
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 24.21 / 13.083
Sentence Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 42 / 15.83 / 9.308 / -0.822 / 136 / .413 / -5.925 / 2.445 / 0.07
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 17.57 / 12.245
Paragraph Level Comprehension / IL Alumni / 42 / 15.62 / 8.252 / -0.762 / 136 / .447 / -5.188 / 2.301 / 0.065
Not IL Alumni / 96 / 17.06 / 10.980

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