
Science Project



Name (s):


An abstract is summary of the experiment written in approximately 250 words or less.

Things to include are:

●  Introduction. This is where you describe the purpose for doing your science fair project or invention. Why should anyone care about the work you did? You have to tell them why. Motivatethe reader to finish the abstract and read the entire paper or display board.

●  Problem Statement. Identify the problem you solved or the hypothesis you investigated.

●  Procedures. What was your approach for investigating the problem? Don't go into detail about materials unless they were critical to your success. Do describe the most important variables if you have room.

●  Results. What answer did you obtain? Be specific and use numbers to describe your results. Do not use vague terms like "most" or "some."

●  Conclusions. State what your science fair project or invention contributes to the area you worked in. Did you meet your objectives? For an engineering project state whether you met your design criteria.

“How to Write a Science Fair Project Abstract.”Science Buddies, www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/science-fair/how-to-write-a-science-fair-project-abstract.


Write your question here.


Research your topic. Be sure to use a variety of sources (online, print, experts, etc.). Your research should be relevant to the question and help you form a hypothesis.

Summarize your research and cite your sources in MLA format at the end of this report.


State your hypothesis here. Be sure the hypothesis is based on your research and that it is testable.

The hypothesis should be in this format…

If (mention your independent variable), then (mention your dependent variable) because (include something your learned from your research).



List your materials (do not number)


List your procedures (number them)

●  Be sure the directions include measurement tools and data collection procedures

●  Be sure the directions follow a logical order and make sense

●  Be sure that only one variable is tested

●  Be sure that measurements are made using metric units

●  Be sure that multiple trials were conducted (minimum of 3)

Experiment Results

Include the results of your experiment here.

Be sure to:

●  Use a data table while collecting measurements.

●  Use descriptive and detailed observations.

●  Graph your measured data (label axis correctly and include correct units)

●  Independent variable should be on the x-axis, dependent variable on the y-axis

●  Title your tables and graphs

Analysis of Data:

Your analysis should be in paragraph form. Data comparisons should be made that identify, describe and compare measurable changes.

Be sure to:

Explain how the data relates to the hypothesis

Differentiate between observations and inferences


Write a brief summary of the project that includes important ideas and details. Include the following:

●  The original question

●  Identify the independent, dependent variable, and controlled variables

●  Your hypothesis

And answer the following:

●  Based on your experimental data, graphs and observations, was your hypothesis correct? Explain

●  What problems did you encounter?

●  How could you improve your procedure?

●  From your data and observations, what other things did you learn?


Write a paragraph explaining:

How can you apply what you learned to real life? How is it useful?


Write a paragraph explaining:

What would you recommend to the next researcher who would like to repeat or continue your research?


List all your resources form information and pictures in MLA format.