AMSN/MSNCB Plan Charter
Charter: Exemplary Practice Recognition
Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives: This charter describes a joint project between
AMSN Goal #1 Workplace Advocacy.
Objective 1.2: Create ways to recognize healthy work environments in medical-surgical nursing units.
MSNCB Goal #1 MSNCB will become increasingly known as the leader in medical-surgical certification.
Objective 1.2:MSNCB-Increase awareness of the benefits of MSNCB certification.
Responsible Group: Exemplary Practice Recognition Task Force
Charge to Responsible Group: Develop a program for recognition of exemplary
medical-surgical nursing units.
History: Currently, AMSN celebrates and recognizes excellence in medical-surgical nursing within the AMSN membership through awards such as annual individual recognition for clinical practice, clinical leadership and gives several small group honors in the annual Chapter Achievement Awards. Based on recommendation by the Board of Directors (BOD), AMSN highlight’s exceptional, sustained, volunteer efforts through the President’s Award. AMSN periodically extends recognition and distinction externally for extraordinary professional contributions to professional nursing with the prestigious Anthony J. Jannetti Award.
While each professional nurse is responsible for individual practice, it takes a dynamic, energetic, committed, consistent, deliberate nursing unit group effort to achieve and sustain outstanding patient and professional nurse satisfaction outcomes. Premier designated medical-surgical nursing units routinely measure successes, identify opportunities for enhancement, incorporate research, evidence-based practice, and best practices, and insist on an atmosphere of collaboration and creativity.
Recognition of the professionalism and expertise of a medical-surgical nursing unit would provide an exemplar of a healthy work environment, highlight the importance of continuously striving to provide improved patient outcomes, stand as a benchmark to other medical-surgical units, provide a tangible symbol of national achievement, and elevate the stature and overall satisfaction of the nurses practicing on a medical-surgical nursing unit of excellence.
AMSN and MSNCB have an opportunity to identify, recognize, and celebrate medical-surgical nursing units that achieve sustained excellence through a Medical-Surgical Nursing Unit Recognition of Exemplary Practice designation.
Other professional nursing organizations give awards such as the Beacon Award for Critical Care Excellence from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) to recognize top adult critical care, pediatric critical care, and progressive care units that achieve high quality outcomes.
A medical-surgical unit designation would benefit AMSN/MSNCB by enhancing the recognition of medical-surgical nursing as a specialty and encouraging AMSN membership and medical-surgical certification. Acute care settings such as hospitals which have designated medical-surgical nursing units may benefit from marketing a recognized nursing unit. They can report their recruitment and retention of medical-surgical nurses and have the opportunity to showcase themselves as having an excellent, high-quality medical-surgical nursing staff. Medical-surgical professional nurses would have a new forum for long overdue recognition of their specialty and excellent care. A designation to recognize medical-surgical nursing units fits with the strategic plans of both AMSN and MSNCB and is an evolutionary step as AMSN/MSNCB moves forward as the recognized national leaders influencing medical-surgical nursing practice and professional growth of the medical-surgical nurse.
Goal/Outcome/Deliverable:A program for recognition of exemplary medical-surgical nursing units.
Accountable to:Cindy Ward, Board Liaison ()
Staff Resource: Maura King ()
- Review the literature, websites, or other sources of information regarding professional nursing unit awards such as AACN’s Beacon Award.
- Develop a purpose statement for the medical-surgical nursing unit recognition of exemplary practice designation.
- Recommend a title or name for the recognition and avoid the term award. Give rationalfor the title or name.
- Establish eligibility criteria for applicants. Examples of criteria may includeRecruitment and Retention; Education, Training and Mentoring; Research and Evidence-based Practice; Patient Outcomes; Leadership and Organizational Ethics; and Healing Environment.
- Recommend the application process, length of recognition status, and a fee for submission of an application.
- Develop the recognition application along with instructions for completing it.
- Outline the selection process for awarding the recognition.
- Identify the frequency for recognizing medical-surgical nursing units.
- Determine time frames for application deadlines in order to recognize the first designated medical-surgical unit(s) for announcement at the 2011 AMSN Annual Convention.
- Recommend recognition symbols (i.e. plaque, trophy).
- Work to be completed via email, list serves and conference calls up to 6.
- Determine budget implications including estimate of potential costs of resources (both fiscal and man-hours).
- Provide monthly progress update to AMSN and MSNCB BOD liaisons.
- Include BOD liaisons on all communications.
- Collaborate with board liaison via e-mail or phone as needed.
Collaborators:AMSN and MSNCB BOD, Executive Director
Resources (Research, Publications, Etc): AMSN Strategic Plan, MSNCB Strategic Plan, American Association of Critical Care Nurses Beacon Award for Excellence Application Handbook, Application samples for Scholarships and Awards on the AMSN website
Time Frames: Expect completion of work before January 14, 2011
Reporting Times: Monthly beginning in September2010
S:\Strategic Plan\CURRENT 2009-2010\Charters\Exemplary Practice Charter Final 8 16 10.doc