
Among the HiddenQuestions

Chapter 1-6

  1. What do we learn about Luke in Chapter 1? Reread the first paragraph in Chapter 1. What is the mood that is set immediately?
  1. Explain the Population Law. What does it suggest about the dystopian society in which the novel is set?
  1. Aside from confinement, what other clues do we get that Luke may have been raised differently than his brothers?
  1. Explain the further clues we get in Chapter 5 as to the nature of government in the novel.
  1. What clues have readers gotten by Chapter 5 of the Garner household’s finances?
  1. Explain the troubles that have mounted for the Garner family by the end of Chapter 6. How are these troubles related?
  1. What is your reaction to the law preventing a 3rd child?
  1. Are there any circumstances where limiting the number of people born might be necessary? Explain.
  1. What feelings are most apparent in Luke? Do you “empathize” with him? Why or why not?
  1. At the end of Chapter 3 Luke’s mother makes the comment, “And things could be worse.” What happens at the beginning of Chapter 4 that causes Luke to know what his mother meant?
  1. Describe the letter that Luke’s father received. Who was it from? What was his reaction to it when he first saw it? What did the letter say?
  1. Writing Activity: In what ways is Luke Garner like a prisoner? In what ways is he not? Explore your ideas in a paragraph.

Chapters 7-12

  1. What evidence does Chapter 7 give of a society stratified by class?
  1. By the end of Chapter 7, how has Luke’s world shrunk?
  1. How does Luke begin to process what he has seen?
  1. Among the Hidden seems set in the future. Where is the evidence in Chapter 10 that at least one character is not highly evolved?
  1. Explain Luke’s observations in Chapter 11. What do they suggest about his thinking and his circumstances?
  1. Explain Luke’s calculations in Chapter 12. Think of movies you may have seen or other books you have read. What type of person in what setting does his scheme call to mind?
  1. Describe the new homes that Luke saw when he looked through the vent.
  1. What did Luke like best about the end of each day?
  1. In your opinion, was Luke’s dad justified in being so angry with Luke? Explain.
  1. Luke eliminated many possibilities about what he saw at the end of Chapter 8 by watching the Sports family’s house. What possibilities did Luke eliminate?
  1. Describe what Luke saw as he watched the Sports Family’s house. How does this build suspense in the novel?
  1. Why did the rain get in the way of Luke’s plan?
  1. Writing Activity What are some of the personality traits that go into good surveillance work?

Chapters 13-18

  1. Explain Luke’s interior monologue in Chapter 13. What does it reveal about his emotional state?
  1. What are the emotions at war within Luke in Chapter 14?
  1. Explain the revelations of Chapter 15.
  1. What are some of the contrasts between Luke and Jen?
  1. What is Jen’s role in the protest for the rights of “shadow children?”
  1. Describe in detail Luke’s first time outside in so many months. What does he see, what does he hear, what does he smell, and what does he feel inside? Add to the description that the book gives you.
  1. What surprised Luke the most when he first saw the other third child?
  1. In detail describe Jen’s personality. How is she different than Luke? How has her life been different than Luke’s?
  1. What signal do Jen and Luke finally come up with?
  1. What facts about the government does Luke learn from talking to Jen?
  1. What does Jen do to cover for the drops of blood that she found on the carpet?
  1. Describe how Jen was able to go shopping with her mother.
  1. Explain how Jen and Luke have very different experiences and knowledge of food. How do their experiences contrast each other?
  1. According to Jen, why had the population law been passed?
  1. How does Luke feel about Jen’s suggestion that he could attend the rally?
  1. Describe in detail how Jen communicates with the other third children. How many does she have access to?
  1. WRITING ACTIVITY How can the Internet be a powerful force for social change? Why do some governments fear its power?

Chapters 19-24

  1. How does Luke’s world widen through the books Jen gives him?
  1. How does the bond between Luke and Jen change in Chapter 21?
  1. How is the decision to go to the rally different for Luke and Jen?
  1. What does Jen’s goodbye in Chapter 24 suggest?
  1. What had Jen said to Luke that motivated him to read the books and articles Jen had given to him?
  1. For the first time, Luke made a suggestion to his father that his father considered. What was that suggestion?
  1. Why did Luke feel “pangs of guilt” at dinner after reading the books?
  1. In your opinion, who has a more realistic view of the government? Jen or Luke? Explain why you think this.
  1. How did Jen react when Luke told her about his father researching hydroponics?

(This will prove to be foreshadowing!)

  1. Explain Jen’s explanation about fake IDs. According to Jen, what happens to most shadow children when they get older? What is your opinion of this?
  1. “Should Luke attend the rally? Why or why not? Give at least 3 developed reasons for either answer.
  1. Why do you think that Luke was able to understand the letter from the government? (Hint: Why might Luke’s ability to read government materials now be better?
  1. When Jen and Luke talk about their brothers, they both seem sure of one thing. What is it?
  1. What did Jen do to prevent too many population police from being on duty the day of the rally?
  1. Reread the last paragraph on Page 106 and the first paragraph on Page 114. Below explain the differences in Luke’s thoughts and what has caused him to think in such different ways. Which do you think is more Luke’s true feelings? Explain.
  1. Writing Activity If you were in Luke’s shoes, would you have gone with Jen to the rally? Write a paragraph explaining why or why not.

Chapters 25-30

  1. Does interior monologue or action drive Chapter 25?
  1. How is Chapter 26 a departure for Luke?
  1. What chilling evidence do readers learn about this dystopian society in
    Chapter 27?
  1. Explain the history lesson Jen’s father gives Luke.
  1. How does Jen’s heroism inspire Luke to the fateful decision he makes in
    Chapter 29?
  1. How does Luke see his mission in different terms than Jen sees hers?
  1. How do George Talbot and Luke honor Jen’s memory at the book’s conclusion?
  1. After everyone left for the day, why did Luke risk turning the radio on?
  1. A week and half later, Luke went over to Jen’s house. How did he get in? How did he disable the alarm system? Why did he use the computer?
  1. What happened to Jen?
  1. Why is Luke in more danger now according to Jen’s father?
  1. What does Jen’s father offer to do for Luke?
  1. What does Luke suddenly do at the beginning of the chapter? In your opinion, why does he do this?
  1. How did Jen’s father try to prevent the population police from searching?
  1. Why did Luke decide to accept Jen’s father’s offer of a fake ID?
  1. Who is Lee Grant now? Who WAS Lee Grant?How did both of Luke’s parents feel about his decision to get a fake ID and leave them?