June 7, 2010 7:00 pm


MEMBERS ATTENDING: Risa Marmontello, Joe Rusiewicz, and Harold Boyer; also Chazz Lyon , Township Manager.

CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harold Boyer called meeting to order with the pledge to the flag at 7:10 pm.

MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 3, 2010. Motion made by Joe Rusiewicz, second by Risa Marmontello. Motion passed 3-0.


Mr. Lyon reported on the following items:

·  No further action on Blazer Midget football lighting.

·  The Oxenford family prefers a baseball field name as a memorial for Jake.

MOTION to name Lake Drive Legion Field ( Field #1) after Jacob Oxenford. Field will be named Jake Oxenford Field or Jacob Oxenford Field depending on the family’s preference. Motion made by Joe Rusiewicz, second by Harold Boyer. Motion passed 3-0.

·  The Tree Vitalize Program will be sent to the EAC for possible participation.

·  Price estimates will be gathered for resurfacing the Lake Drive tennis courts and added to a capital projects list for the 2011 proposed budget.

·  The project scope for the DCED grant originally designated for the Peter Jones house has been rewritten for recreation projects, including field work at ACP, 2 gates for tennis courts = $12,000 and planning of improvements at Morlatton Village =$8,000. The DBHS football team wants to volunteer. Stone for the parking lot will come from Haines and Kibblehouse.

·  Hill Road drainage work will be done by Ryan Buckwalter. Walking path work will be done by township workers and volunteers.

·  The Schuylkill Highlands mini grant for Monocacy Hill was approved by the supervisors and submitted May 27th. Risa Marmontello reviewed the proposal details.

Tony Tucci ( DBCA) thanked the township workers for their help with improvements at Lake Drive. He asked that the fences be trimmed by the company that maintains grass outside. He requested 6 more trash cans at Amity Community Park. He may want to hold off on infield mix until next year. Mike Dekker will be getting stone for Hill Road walkway from Haines and Kibblehouse. DBYS will be holding a tournament at Amity Community Park July 25 and 26.


Community Days - Possible participation tabled until the July meeting.



License Committee – no meeting held

Monocacy Hill - Risa. Marmontello reported that the following items were completed: Stone installation at entrance, spring trail trimming, roadway perimeter sings, painting of trail blazes. Some of these tasks were done by a group of employees from XL Insurance as part of their community service work.

She accompanied bus tour sponsored by Schuylkill Highlands to review and discuss economic development tied to the cultural, historic and natural features of the Schuylkill watershed . She updated the group on Amity’s projects.

The bill received from Eco Bound for the herbicide work on Norway Maples in April did not reach the $2,500 approved for the project. Follow up treatment in the same areas on other species could be done for the balance of the amount. She will bring proposal to board in July.



Risa Marmontello mentioned that the board should to revisit the priority usage agreements with DBCA and DYBS this year. They have were written in 2000 for a period of ten years. Amity A.C. revised their agreement a few years ago.

She also mentioned that she was approached by Pete Wanner concerning the culverts under the railroad near the Douglassville Hotel. Two business owners want permission to keep area cleaned out and post signs near the Schuylkill River Trail directing them to the business off trail.

Mr. Lyon said it was unclear who owns the culverts and would grant permission. The resolution may have to wait until the completion of a pending lawsuit.

Harold Boyer wants to investigate the construction of a bocce ball court at Amity Community Park. He would also like to advocate again for a tennis event at Community Days and to encourage a tennis program for the school district.

ADJOURNMENT- MOTION to adjourn meeting at 8:00 pm made by Joe Rusiewicz, second by Harold Boyer. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Risa Marmontello, Secretary