Ames Woodworkers Club Newsletter
July 2017 Ames, Iowa
The Ames Woodworkers Club meets at various places in Ames and in other locations in Central Iowa. Unless otherwise announced, meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Membership is open to all interested in woodworking, arts and crafts involving wood, and related activities. Annual dues for 2017 are $10.00.
NEXT AWC ACTIVITY: SATURDAY, July 22nd and SUNDAY, July 23rd, 2017
Program: AWC Woodworking Exhibit and Live Woodworking Demonstrations
Time: Saturday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm – Sunday 12:00 noon – 5:30 pm
Location: Story County Fairgrounds, Nevada, Iowa
The AWC's group activity for July 2017 will be the Club's participation in the Story County Fair, held at the County Fairgrounds in Nevada, Iowa. The AWC will have both a woodworking exhibit and live demonstrations in the lower level of the Community Building at the Story County Fair:
►Set-up time and project drop-off will be on Friday, July 21st; beginning at 4:00 pm to 6 pm.
►Exhibits and Demonstrations on Saturday, July 22nd (9:00 am to 9:00 pm), and on
Sunday, July 23rd, (from noon until 5:30 pm).
Exhibit of Woodworking Projects: Members are asked to bring one or more woodworking projects to show at the County Fair – Drop-off time is between 4 pm and 6 pm on Friday, July 18th (or between 9 and 10 am on Saturday). It would be great to have a wide range of projects as part of the exhibit, so please plan to show a project or two (even if not done recently) just to demonstrate the range of woodworking projects that are able to be done by our members! At the end of the Fair, the Pick-up time for projects is between 4 and 5:30 pm on Sunday
Live Demonstrations: As was done in previous years, we will have live demonstrations of scroll sawing and woodturning with multiple machines in use throughout the weekend, as well as demonstrations of any other woodworking methods members wish to show. If you have interests in learning about turning or scrolling, stop by during exhibit hours to get some instruction or to watch members work and talk with them about what they are doing. This is a great way to check out some new techniques without any commitment to buying tools or supplies. Come for as long as your schedule will allow! We hope to see you there!
DIRECTIONS: Take US-30 east toward Nevada. Exit onto S14 (=W 4th) and head north until you reach the 4H Park (baseball diamond and tennis courts on right); S14 makes a right and turns into “I” Ave. The Community Building is the first white building on right, just east of the tennis courts; the AWC activities are in the lower level. A map and other information about the Story County Fair is available at:
UPCOMING 2017 MEETING DATES….mark these dates on your calendars: July 21st-23rd – Story County Fair; August 15th – Building a Chair; September 19th – Shop Set Up; October 21st – Shop Tours; November 21st – TBA; (possibly a woodturning demonstration?) December 12th – End-of-Year Meeting/Potuck
LAST MEETING NOTES: The AWC activity for June 2017 was held on Saturday, June 17th and was a tour of the Iowa Arboretum. The group met at the Arboretum beginning at 10:00 – following a brief introduction by Iowa Arboretum Executive Director Mark Schneider, the group of about 34 members and guests were given a tour of many trees relevant to woodworking by Horticulture Project Manager Leah Worth. During the brief introduction in the Cafferty Building, the AWC presented a check for $150 to the Arboretum to become an institutional member and support the Arboretum’s programs. Members were reminded about the forthcoming Woodworking Exhibit at the Story County Fair in July, and the scheduled AWC meeting on August 15th which will be a presentation by John Twedt on building chairs. The arboretum tour was held between 10:30 am and about 12:30 pm, and included a range of mostly hardwood species from which lumber is made, with the intent of showing some of the key characteristics used to identify the trees. Following the tour, the group returned to the Cafferty Building to partake in a lunch consisting of HyVee sandwiches, salads, chips, and drinks, supplied by the club. Members had an opportunity to learn about different native and ornamental trees, and the diversity of these living examples found at the Iowa Arboretum. We thank Mark Schneider and Leah Worth for their time and expertise in providing a great learning experience!
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Ames Woodworkers Club Newsletter - Page 2
MEMBERSHIP in the Ames Woodworkers Club not only enables members to attend meetings and receive the monthly newsletter, but members are also entitled to make use of discounts at some local businesses. When your 2015 dues are paid you will receive an AWC Membership Card that can be presented at the time of sale at participating woodworking businesses to make use of in-store discounts for club members.
VIDEO TAPE LIBRARY: The Club has a fairly diverse collection of video tapes on various woodworking techniques and projects that may be borrowed for free. Tapes may be borrowed by club members at each meeting. Please return borrowed tapes promptly at the next meeting so that others may have access to them. Call Charles Smith (515-450-3257) to arrange pickup or drop-off if you can’t attend a meeting when the tape is due.
AWC TOOL LOAN PROGRAM - Club-owned tools are available for loan; contact Jim Gunning (Phone: 515-292- 8412, e-mail: ) to make arrangements. AWC Tools available for loan:
• Table saw alignment system: [Master Plate, A-Line-It dial gauge and miter track mount, alignment video]
• Jointer blade setting jig • Pen Disassembly Tools • Blum 35mm Hinge Hole-boring jig
• Delmhorst J-Lite Wood Moisture meter • Wizard Wand-style metal detector • Spline Jig
• NEW MEMBERS – New member forms are available for download printing from the AWC web site at
• AWC WEB SITE – ( - Webmaster Jim Gunning is always looking for additional items to put up on the web site, including images of members projects, announcements, etc. Contact Jim Gunning (Phone: 515-292-8412, e-mail: ) for information.
• SWAP AND SHOP: This section is YOUR free advertising to put out the word for previously-owned tools or materials you are looking to buy, or if you would like to sell similar items. Are you looking for a tool?? Have something to sell?? Let the Editor know what it is you have to sell or want to buy.
ITEMS FOR SALE: (Please alert the Editor if your items have sold – we normally list items for up to 3 months.)
►WALNUT LUMBER FOR SALE – Recently kiln-dried walnut lumber available: Rough sawn boards around 1” thick, 7 ft. long, and approx. 14” wide (400 bf was available as of 7 June) - $4.00/bf - Contact Clint Hertz at or call 712-260-1102 (after 12:00 noon) for more information.
The following local woodworking-related businesses that have extended AWC members a 10% discount on purchases (excluding power tools):
Ace Hardware – 615 24th St., Ames; 515-232-1791.
Acme Tools – 629 SW 9th St., Des Moines; 515-244-4189.
Hokel Machine Supply – 224 Duff Avenue, Ames; 515-232-6505. (10% discount on machinery)
Hutcheson Lumber & Millwork - 2169 180th St, Marshalltown; 641-753-4144 or 641-751-8125
Sherwin-Williams, Co. - 1624 South Duff Ave, Ames - 515-232-2124 (20% discount on non-sale items; 5% sale)
The Woodsmith Store - 10320 Hickman Road, Clive, 515-254-9494.
Woodhaven - 501 W. 1st Ave., Durant, IA 52747, 1-800-344-6657 (10% disc. on items they make)
Understanding the diversity of woodworking chisels is important - when someone asks for ‘a chisel’, the first image that comes to most woodworkers is a beveled-edge bench chisel. This is a versatile tool, however (depending on the task at hand) they can be completely useless. If cutting a mortise for M&T joinery, a mortise chisel, made narrow, thick, and strong is the go-to tool; a sash mortise chisel is a somewhat lighter version of this. For cleaning up of mating surfaces in joints, a hand-pushed paring chisel is used for these delicate cuts. Japanese chisels use laminated hard and soft steels to achieve a high level of performance. Regardless of the design or purpose, all “good” chisels are maintained in very sharp condition, with a well-flattened back, and a uniform, correctly ground bevel (with or without a micro-bevel) to maintain optimal capabilities for the various cutting tasks.
For more information, see:
Ames Woodworkers Club Newsletter - Page 3
• AUGUST 2017 AWC MEETING – The AWC's meeting for August 2017 will be held on TUESDAY, AUGUST 15th and will be a presentation on how to make a chair by John Twedt from Des Moines. Additional information about the presentation topic and the meeting location will be included in the August 2017 AWC Newsletter
• CABINET AND FURNITUREMAKING GROUP - We last met in Clay Gurganus’ new shop on June 27. It was a good shop location for our topic for the meeting which was making your shop safe, efficient and making it enjoyable to be in it. Paul Larson brought a flintlock pistol that he had made along with the supporting parts as ramrod, powder flask, grease container and a device to pull out the ramrod if it get stuck in the barrel. He also brought a very nice cabinet made from quarter sawn walnut with a frame and panel lid. It was an excellent project that showed his cabinet making skills. Will led the rest of the meeting discussing making your shop safe, efficient, and enjoyable. Safety includes the conditions that would affect your hearing breathing, seeing, and body injury. The efficiency topic focused on do you know where all of the things are in your shop, and can you find them when you want them? The ‘enjoyability’ topic focused on how you feel when you are in your shop. Do you feel isolated or is that what you want to feel? If you feel left out or isolated in your shop, then bring in those things that make you feel less isolated, e.g. computer, TV, windows, phone, connection with another building or area. The Cabinetmakers Group will not meet in July, but will meet in August on August 22nd at Clay Gurganus’ shop at 2620 Somerset Dr. in Ames. (Note: Parking is only permitted on the west side of Somerset Drive.) The topic will be various ways to do research to buy a tool. Tom Oxley and Brett Meyer will lead the discussion and they will use as an example buying a new mortiser. If you would like to join the Cabinetmakers Special Interest group, contact Will Zitterich at .
• TURNERS GROUP – The last AAWT meeting was in May and was held on Sunday, May 21st from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm in the shop of Roger Nass; approximately 21 members were in attendance. The meeting demonstration topic was “Negative Rake Scraping and Sanding Techniques”, presented by Roger Nass. Roger demonstrated taking a dried, previously rough-turned bowl that had been re-mounted, trued, and with an “off-the-gouge” surface and showed the the process of scraping and sanding the piece to accept a finish of choice, he emphasized the technique of negative-rake scraping, followed by various sanding methods. Some of these demonstrations included the use of pre-recorded videos, which were effective in presenting the information saving time, and allowing otherwise ‘messy’ or time-consuming techniques to be shown during the meeting. The business meeting included discussion of the forthcoming AAW Symposium in Kansas City, future chapter activities, and completion of recent Craft Supplies and Joyner Jig orders. Members were also reminded about the forthcoming Story County Fair activity in July (see below). Show-and-Tell items were brought by Swede Mandt, Pat Fisher, Roger Stough, Roger Nass, Jerry Turbett, Carl Lester, and Rob Wallace. Roger Nass did a major clean-out of his cold storage area, and LOTS of future turning blanks were given to members during this meeting – For those that took wood to use, let’s see in future Show-and-Tell sessions what you make with the wood! There was no Turners Group activity scheduled in June 2017 so that members could attend the American Association of Woodturners International Symposium that was held in Kansas City from June 22-25. Several AAWT members took advantage of the opportunity to attend the annual AAW Symposium and participate in demonstrations, the Trade Show, Instant Gallery, and other activities. The AAWT activity for July will be the Ames Woodworkers Club Woodworking Exhibit at the Story County Fair to be held the weekend of July 21-23, and as has been done over the past several years, We are looking for a good showing of turned projects to display (for just two days). There also will be several mini-lathes on site doing live turning demonstrations of various woodturning projects. Plan on participating for at least some time during the Story County Fair weekend! More details about the Story County Fair and Turners Group participation in it will appear in the July 2017 newsletter. Contact Rob Wallace (; 292-5785) if you are interested in joining the Turners Group.
• SHOP TOURS 2017 – This year’s Shop Tour Saturday will be held on Saturday, October 21st. We are in need of members to host a tour of their shop, so begin to plan NOW to participate in showing your shop as part of this popular annual event! Please contact an officer to let them know that you’ll be willing to be a host!