American Sign Language-Course 1
Syllabus and Course Expectations
Mrs. Looymans
(330) 486-2457
Course Description
This is an introductory class to American Sign Language and the historical/current culture of the signing community.
The student will be able to hold a brief, simple conversation on such topics as introducing one’s self and others, exchanging personal information, talking about surroundings, talking about family, and telling about activities.
The student will gain insight into deafness and the Deaf community.
· Class book (to be provided by THS)
· Folder
· Notebook
· Pen/Pencil
Grading Scale
The following grading scale will be used for evaluation in the course:
F=59 and below
Grading Categories
Summative Assessments (80%)à This includes all performances/tests.
Formative Assessments (20%)à This includes all homework, classwork assignments, and participation.
Participation Gradeà This grade depends on attentiveness and preparation for each class.
Attendance and Late Work
Attendance will be extremely important to ensure the successful completion of ASL 1. All THS attendance requirements and consequences will be upheld. Students will be responsible for all missing work.
Late work will not be accepted. The only exception is if a student is absent. Students must complete assignments by the due dates.
Classroom Expectations
1. Come to class on time and be in your assigned seat daily.
a. If you are tardy to class two or more times, you will receive a 30 minutes detention to be served within one week of the offense.
2. Bring all materials to class.
a. Failure to bring materials will result in the loss of participation points.
3. Attentiveness.
a. This means no head down/sleeping.
4. Respect.
a. Show respect to not only yourself but others and property.
5. Extras.
a. Please do not bring food, drink, or electronic devices (including cell phones).
i. These items will be confiscated immediately, and you will need to get them back at the end of the day. Phones will be given to the office, and a parent/guardian will be requested to come pick up the phone 24 hours later.
ii. On testing days in class phones will be collected and returned by the end of the class period.
Classroom Procedures
Upon entering the room:
1. If absent retrieve your work from the crate located in the front of the room. If you have any questions please see me before class starts or at the end.
2. Absent work may be turned in to the tray located on my desk.
3. See the white board for class schedule and homework assignments.