American Pageant Chapter 16 pp 350-369

“Cotton is King”

1. Dependence on southern cotton increased after Whitney invented the gin. How was the prosperity of each of these areas tied to the “cotton boom?”

Deep South:



The Planter “Aristocracy”

2. Why did the southern planter class produce more presidents than any other region?

3. To what extent was the South democratic?

4. In what ways were southern women involved with slaves?

Slaves of the Slave System

5. Summarize all the ways cotton production hurt the South’s economy.

The White Majority

6. Make a pie graph expressing the % of Southerners who:

a) owned 100 + slaves

b) 10-99 slaves

c) owned 1-9 slaves

d) owned 0 slaves.

7. Why would the 3/4 of the white population that owned no slaves support the southern slave system?

Free Blacks: Slaves Without Masters

8. Describe the status of free blacks in the South and in the North.

9. What role did free blacks play in the agitation for abolition?

Plantation Slavery

10. How did the end of the slave trade affect treatment of slaves?

11. How were the lives of the following affected by the “cotton boom”?

. slave families in the “Old South”

. female slaves

Life Under the Lash

12. What generalizations can be made about the physical treatment of slaves?

13. What generalizations can be made about the development of a unique African American culture which developed during slavery? Focus on the family and religious practices.

Burdens of Bondage

14. Why were slaves not allowed to read and write?

15. What methods did slaves use to resist slavery other than open revolt?

16. Why did slaves usually run away?

17. Describe the effect of:

·  Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion-1800:

·  Denmark Vesey’s Revolt- 1822:

·  Nat Turner’s Rebellion – 1831:

18. How did slavery negatively affect the peace and happiness of southern whites?

Early Abolitionism

19. What was the “peculiar institution”?

20. What was the purpose of the American Colonization Society?

21. Was the idea of colonization widely accepted by free blacks?

22. What factors explain the renewed energy infusing abolitionism in the 1830s?

23. Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe? What did she write?

Radical Abolitionism

24. Who was Sojourner Truth?

25. Contrast the approach of Douglass and Garrison.

26. Why did Garrison burn the Constitution?

27. How did Douglass feel about using the political system as a way to end slavery?

The South Lashes Back

28. What did the Virginia legislature debate for one last time in 1831-32?

29. Who did southerners blame for Nat Turner’s Rebellion?

30. Which other national crisis inflamed southern paranoia?

31. What were the three main arguments used to support the morality of slavery?

32. What was the Gag Resolution introduced in 1836 to prevent?

33. Who fought to have it repealed by 1844?

The Abolitionist Impact in the North

34. Were abolitionists in the mainstream of Northern thought or were they radicals?

35. Why were men like Massachusetts’ Daniel Webster opposed to abolitionism?

36. What economic consideration prevented many northerners from supporting abolitionism?

37. What treatment did abolitionists like Tappan and Garrison receive from their neighbors?

38. What happened to Elijah Lovejoy in 1837?

39. In spite of the fact that most Northerners were not abolitionists, what did many hope to prevent by the 1850s?