Dear ______Local Section,

On behalf of the ______Student Local Section (SLS), we would like to open up a direct line of communication with your Local Section (LS). The AIHA Students and Early Career Professionals (SECP) Committee has developed a model for strengthening the communication between the Local Sections and their nearby Student Sections. The model includes the establishment of a Student Affairs Committee within the Local Section (LS), where the Chair is appointed by the LS President and serves as a Liaison to the student local section. The person filling the role of Liaison would preferably be a recent graduate from the student section or an engaged individual within your section. This individual would then act as direct bridge between the student and professional groups.

The SECP committee suggests that the core functions of the SLS Liaison include:

·  Maintaining contact with both Local Section and Student Local Section leaders to ensure continued communication,

·  Working with the Student Local Section in identifying group goals and then assisting with establishing appropriate connections in the Industrial Hygiene community,

·  Assisting in developing and maintaining a Local Section and Student Local Section exchange site or email listserve to be used for communication between the groups,

·  Developing a list of local organizations and businesses that are interested in providing opportunities for students to gain knowledge in the field (i.e. internships, shadowing, mentoring)

·  Ensuring that the Local Section and Student Local Section are aware of the events promoted by each group,

·  Promoting Local and National AIHA events and providing additional information when available,

·  Providing continuity from semester to semester as a means of preventing the student section from having to “re-invent the wheel” after officers graduate.

If possible, we would like to discuss in detail how our groups can work together. Your valuable time, knowledge, and experience are an excellent resource for the younger members of our profession and your involvement is greatly appreciated.


______Student Local Section