American History Study Guide—1E (Imperialism and WW I)
Directions: For each term in this packet, you should provide a definition or explanation of the term. It is important to explain the term in its historical context. In other words, you should be able to explain the significance of each term.
Imperialism (ch 10)
pp. 342-351
2)Alfred T. Mahan
3)Queen Liliuokalani
4)Sanford B. Dole
5) Jose’ Marti’
6) Valeriano Weyler
7)Yellow journalism
8)William Randolph Hearst
9)Joseph Pulitzer
10)The de Lome letter
11)U.S.S. Maine
12)George Dewey
13)Rough Riders
14)San Juan Hill
15)“a splendid little war”
16)Treaty of Paris
pp. 352-358
1)“Yankee Peril”
2)Insular Cases
3)Teller Amendment
4)Platt Amendment
5)Leonard Wood
7)Guantanamo Bay
8)Emilio Aguinaldo
10)“Sick man of Asia”
11)John Hay
12)Open Door
13)Boxer Rebellion
pp. 359-365
1)Russo-Japanese War
2)Treaty of Portsmouth
3)Great White Fleet
4)Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
5)Panama Canal (some details of building and treaty)
6)Roosevelt Corollary
7)Big Stick Policy
8)Dollar Diplomacy
9)Missionary (Moral) Diplomacy
10)Porfirio Diaz
11)Victoriano Huerta
12)Venustiano Carranza
13)Emiliano Zapata
14)Pancho Villa
15)John J. Pershing
American History Study Guide
Directions: For each term in this packet, you should provide a definition or explanation of the term. It is important to explain the term in its historical context. In other words, you should be able to explain the significance of each term.
World War I (chapter 11)
pp. 372-380
1)*The Great War
4)Triple Entente (Allied Powers)
5)Triple Alliance (Central powers)
6)“Powder Keg of Europe”
7)Archduke Francis Ferdinand
9)Black Hand
10)Gavrilo Princip
13)“no man’s land”
14)trench warfare
15)“the bully of Europe”
18)Sussex Pledge
19)“He Kept Us Out of War”
20)Charles Evans Hughes
21)Zimmermann Note
22)“Make the world safe for democracy”
pp. 382-387
1)Selective Service Act of 1917
2)369th Infantry Regiment
3)convoy system
4)American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
5)conscientious objector
6)Big Bertha
8)mechanized warfare
9)Captain Eddie Rickenbacker
pp. 388-395
1)War Industries Board (WIB)
2)Bernard Baruch
3)Fuel Administration
4)National War Labor Board
5)*Total War
6)Food Administration
7)Herbert Hoover
8)“Victory Gardens”
9)“Victory Loan” drive
10)Committee on Public Information/George Creel
11)Four Minute Men
12)Espionage and Sedition Acts
13)Schenk vs. The United States
14)Great Migration
15)*Pandemic of 1918
pp. 398-403
1)Fourteen Points
2)League of Nations
3)*Collective Security
4)The Big Three
5)Treaty of Versailles
7)War-guilt clause
8)*“Peace Without Victory”
9)Henry Cabot Lodge
10)Lodge Reservations