Hello! Welcome to American Government. I hope you had successful first semester. I look forward to working with you this semester. Below are a course description as well as the rules and policies that apply to this course.

Course Description:

American Government 2 is a semester long course that will examine the following areas: Media and Government, Foreign policy and Defense, World Governments and Economic Systems, Government Services and Taxation, State and Local government, and Civil Rights and Liberties (The Justice system. Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn .50 credits. The chapters we will study are as follows:

Chapter 18-19 Media and Government

Chapter 22 Foreign Policy and Defense

Chapter 25-26 Political and Economic Systems of the World

Chapter 20-21 Government Services and Taxation

Chapter 23-24 State and Local Government

Chapters 13-15 the Justice System

Chapter 11-12: Review of the Courts

Textbook: Essentials of American Government, By Richard Remy. 2005.

As well as other supplemental readings will be provided throughout the course by the teacher. You will be accountable for all information from all sources: including but not limited to: lectures, discussions, movies, videos, readings, projects and guest speakers. YOU MAY USE NOTES ON TESTS FROM ALL READINGS THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER.

Grading scale:

100-98: A+


91-90: A-










59-below: F


-be on time

-treat others as you would like to be treated

-follow the warrior way@

-be organized

-keep a notebook

-bring pen/pencil & paper and textbook daily!

-actively listen and participate in class activities and discussions

-points will not be given for unexcused absences

-have fun and bring a positive attitude daily!

Homework: Yes we will have it! It is my professional opinion that homework is essential to learning. Therefore, I feel you should give a total and honest effort toward completing each assignment. Homework is usually given on a nightly basis.

Late work/make up work:

You will be allowed the same amount of time to make up your work according to the number of excused days you missed. All late work will be accepted at a 10% deduction for each day it is late. Better late than never is my feeling on that.


It is vital that the student, parent and teacher work together for the goal of the student=s education. I truly believe communication plays a very important role in reaching that goal. Feel free to call me at 797-8073 or E-MAIL me at . I read my e-mails daily and feel free to leave me phone numbers and e-mail addresses where I can reach you.



Best time(s) to call


Assignments: will consist but not be limited to the following: tests and quizzes, essays, in class activities, homework, and study guides, posters, research projects, Notebooks, etc.

Generally, all class work and projects consist of 50% of the grade and tests and quizzes consist of 50% of the grade.

A semester exam is 20% of the grade.

* I have read and understand the requirements for the course.



PARENT: ______

