AmericanAcademy of Microbiology
Meeting of the Board of Governors
Saturday, May 7, 2005
Hotel Marlowe, Cambridge, Massachusetts
I. Introduction
- Welcome and Roll Call
Present were Board members Eugene Nester (Chair), Kenneth Berns, Arnold Demain, E. Peter Greenberg, J. Michael Miller, Stephen Morse, Harriet Robinson, Abraham Sonenshein, David Stahl, Judy Wall, Judy Daly (guest, ASM Secretary), Millicent Goldschmit (guest, CPC Councilor at-Large), Edna Kaneshiro (ex officio, CPC Councilor at-Large) Ronald Luftig (ex officio,ASM Treasurer),Stanley Maloy (ex officio, ASM President-Elect), James Tiedje (exofficio, ASM President), Carol Colgan (ex officio, Director, American Academy of Microbiology), Angelo Bouselli
(Manager, AmericanAcademy of Microbiology), and Peggy McNult (Manager, AmericanAcademy of Microbiology).
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Nester at 8:30 a.m.
- Approval of Agenda
Upon a motion by Dr. Demain, seconded by Dr. Berns, the agenda was unanimously approved.
- Approval of Minutes of April 3, 2004
Upon a motion by Dr. Greenberg, seconded by Dr. Demain, the minutes were unanimously approved.
II.New Business
- Guidelines for Fellowship Nominations.
Guidelines for Fellowship were developed in 2001 for nominators and the Committee on Election and the BOG to more effectively review nominations, especially clinicians, educators, and those in industry. The guidelines were used for a year before the BOG requested they be rescinded.
At their 2005 meeting, the COE requested guidance to evaluate thesesegments of the profession. The BOG stated that the aforementioned guidelines could be used by the COE and BOG to assist in the evaluation.
Discussion then ensued about the value of having all BOG members participate fully during the vetting of Fellowship nominations. BOG members who sponsor or co-sponsor a nomination must recluse themselves for the discussion of their nominees. Upon a motion by Dr. Wall, seconded by Dr. Sonenshein, the BOG agreed that BOG members may not serve as seconding sponsors for Fellowship nominations. Dr. Stahl opposed the motion.
Academy Bylaws state that the qualifications for Fellowship are:
(a)An earned doctoral degree in microbiology or a related discipline.
(b)Senior professional standing in microbiology.
(c)Distinguished scholarly achievement. This achievement may be evidenced by outstanding publication record; strong editorial board service; honorary, scientific, educational, clinical, and professional achievement awards; significant professional service record; inventions; patents; and board certification.
The Board agreed that scientists should not be required to have a degree in microbiology; the emphasis should be on distinguished scholarly achievement in microbiology. Upon a motion by Dr. Sonenshein, seconded by Dr. Morse, the BOG approved revising the qualifications to:
(a)An earned doctoral degree.
(b)Senior professional standing in microbiology.
(c)Distinguished scholarly achievement in microbiology. This achievement may be evidenced by outstanding publication record; strong editorial board service; honorary, scientific, educational, clinical, and professional achievement awards; significant professional service record; inventions; patents; and board certification.
These proposed changes to the AAM Bylaws will be submitted to the Fellows for vote in December 2005.
- Colloquium Program Update
1.Scheduled Colloquia. Dr. Nester reported that the Academy has used the reserve fund to pay for a few colloquia, the past few years . Dr. Nester stated the topics are veryimportant, but they are not always attractive to external funding sources. Furthermore, he cautioned the Board to review suggested colloquia topics very carefully since external funding is becoming increasingly difficult.
The following colloquia have been held the first half of 2005:
- “Vaccine Development: Current Status and Future Needs.”
- “Agriculture and Food Microbiology Research Opportunities.”
- “Marine Microbial Diversity: The Key to the Earth’s Habitability.”
“Probiotic Microbes: The Scientific Basis,” will be held in November 2005; external funding has been secured.
There have been colloquia planning meetings for “Microbial Production of Energy,” and “The Future of Antibiotics.” Ms. Colgan reported that the Department of Energy has committed verbal funding support for the colloquium, “MicrobialProduction of Energy.” Funding for “The Future of Antibiotics” is on-going.
The BOG recommended adding disclosure statements about colloquium participants to the final report.
2.Proposals for New Colloquia.The following colloquia proposals were considered by the BOG:
- “Acceptable Microbial Risk” (Mark LeChevallier). The BOG approved this colloquium with the condition that but external funding must be secured. It was recommended that “water” be added to the colloquium title to make it more attractive to agencies and potential funders.
- “Endophytic Microorganisms” (Gary Strobel). The BOG stated the topic is too narrow for a colloquium. Dr. Sonenshein recommended incorporating it into “The Future of Antibiotics” colloquium.
- “Microbiology and Evolution” (Edwin Kilbourne). Dr. Tiedje stated that the ASM is discussing this issue and will develop a response.
- “Evolution vs. Creationism” (Millicent Goldschmidt). This colloquium topic was discussed in conjunction with Dr. Kilborne’s proposal.
- “Antimicrobial Products for the Consumer,” “Microbial Resistance to Disinfectants,” “Acceptable Microbial Risk,” and “Swimming in Sewage” (Charles Gerba). All of these topics should be incorporated into Dr. LeChevallier’s suggested colloquium. Dr. Stahl suggested adding water reuse to the colloquium topics too.
- “Wide View of Innate Immunology from Bacteria to Viruses,” “CD1 t Cell Recognition and MHC Class 1 T Cell Recognition: Differences and Similarities,” “in vivo Tracking of Antigen Specific T cells and of Viruses and Bacteria,” “How Viruses Persists,” “Evolving Viruses and Bacterial-Biohazards,” (Michael Oldstone). The BOG rejected. “Defects and Treatment of Persistent Infections” (Michael Oldstone). The BOG requests a full proposal from Dr. Oldstone.
- “Toll-like Receptors” (Stefanie Vogel). This is an appropriate topic for a scientific symposium at a meeting.
- “The Influence of Nutritional Supplements on Immunity and Resistance to Infections” (Abdul Ghaffar). The BOG opined that this is an appropriate topic for a scientific symposium at a meeting.
- “Genome to Diagnostic in Clinical Microbiology” (Didier Raoult). The BOG requests amore focused and developed proposal.
- “Pandemics: Past, Present, and Future”(Ronald Luftig).The BOG approved.
- “Ecology of Infectious Diseases” (Alan Barbour). This topic should be considered for an ASM Conference.
- “Uncultivable Microbes, Future Approaches to Cultivation and in-situ Analysis of Activities”(Caroline Harwood). The BOG approved this colloquium and recommended contacting NSF’s Physics Division about potential funding.
- “Role of Microbial Viruses in Systems” (David Stahl). The BOG stated that this may have been covered at the Academy’s recent colloquium on Marine Microbial Diversity. This proposal has been tabled until the colloquium report is released.
- Approval ofPlan to Communicate ColloquiaReports to Increase Awareness of ColloquiaProgram.The BOG reviewed the attached plan. Upon a motion by Dr. Sonenshein,seconded by Dr. Stahl, the marketing plan was accepted by the Board.
- Approval of Standard Venues for Colloquia. The attached list of standards venues for colloquia was submitted to the BOG for review. Upon a motion by Dr. Wall, seconded by Dr. Greenberg, the BOG approved the list of standard venues.
III.Information Items
- AmericanCollege of Microbiology. Dr. Miller reported that the Board of the AmericanCollege of Microbiology had met several weeks ago and approved a charter. The charter was distributed to the BOG. Upon a motion by Dr. Morse, seconded by Dr. Berns, the BOG approved the charter.
Dr. Miller also reported that an ad hoc Committee had met in 2004 to evaluate the fees and value of the certification programs. The College’s strategic plan is almost complete and a mark for the College has been created.
B.2006 AAAS Symposium. The Academy has submitted a proposal entitled, “Microbial Oceanography: The Very Greatis Achieved by the Very Small.” Dr. James Staley is the organizer.
C.Report from Liaison to ASM’s International Committee. The attached written report was submitted.
D. Annual Report. Dr. Nester’s annual report was submitted.
IV.Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 11:45a.m.