America’s Best Communities Application Form
Way to Go!
Do you represent a non-profit organization within Frontier Communications’ services area? Are you working with individuals and organizations to make your hometown better for the long haul, and for everyone who lives there? Then you’ve come to the right place! Sign up now to begin your community’s application process. We can’t wait to see how you’re America’s Best. To learn more about eligibility and criteria for the America’s Best Communities Prize, go to
We are excited for your participation in the America’s Best Communities Prize. Please complete the following application. All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Your responses will be limited to the permitted word count.
You may continue to edit any portion of the application until you click “Submit.” Hitting the “Save” or “Next” button will save the content of your application. Simply log back into your account to return to your application. Please note that your application cannot be edited or changed once it is submitted. Be sure to submit your application before the deadline on January 12, 2015.
Eligible lead applicants are individuals who
- represent a registered non-profit organization with a valid tax ID number; and
- represent a city or town within the Frontier Communications Service Area.
Please review the eligibility criteria for more details about requirements to create an Applicant Team and complete an application. Show us what you’ve got, America!
This is a worksheet where you can write and edit your responses. Go to to submit your official application. Please r contact your local Frontier General Manager with any questions regarding the application process.
Step 1: Registration
- For what city or cities within the Frontier Communications Service Area are you applying?(List as many cities as needed to meet the minimum population requirement of 9,500).*
- What is the population or combined population per your city’s or group of cities’ latest census data (Numeralsonly)? *
- Please list the contact details of the lead applicant (non-profit status is required).
- Organization Tax ID: *
- Organization Name: *
- Lead Applicant First Name: *
- Lead Applicant Last Name: *
- E-Mail: *
- Phone Number (No spaces or symbols; numerals only): *
- Address Line 1:*
- Address Line 2:
- City: *
- State: *
- Zip Code: *
- Please attach a signed letter of support in PDF format from the lead applicant city mayor or chief executive. *
Step 2: Context and Commitment
- Describe the five (5) most pressing challenges or key barriers to your community’s revitalization and economic growth.*
Word Limit: 250
- What changes or improvements have been considered or implemented in the past five (5) years to address those challenges and barriers?*
Word Limit: 250
- What local resources were allocated toward those improvement efforts, if any? *
Word Limit: 150
- Have these efforts resulted in changes that impacted key economic indicators in your community?*
Yes No
- If yes, please provide examples. (e.g., employment rates, business license processing times, etc.)*
Word Limit: 200
- What roles did the Applicant Team members play in bringing about those changes or the consideration of those improvements?*
Word Limit: 200
Step 3: Economic Development
- List three (3) current economic development initiatives that are supporting local businesses.
- Development 1*
Word Limit: 50
- Development 2*
Word Limit: 50
- Development 3*
Word Limit: 50
- Which challenges or barriers do these programs address for local businesses?*
Word Limit: 200
- Please indicate the success of these initiatives (outlined under question #9) to attract, retain and grow the local infrastructure or population, identifying novel ways to harness local resources, stimulate additional investment or utilize new technologies.*
Word Limit: 200
- Outline up to ten(10) additional or future initiatives that are needed to attract, retain and grow the local infrastructure or population.*
Word Limit: 500
Step 4: Vision and Impact
- Has your community undertaken a visioning and action planning process?*
Yes No
- If so, when (month and year)?
Word Limit: 100
- What is your community’s vision for its future?*
Word Limit: 300
- How does the community’s vision address economic development?*
Word Limit: 200
- What indicators signal progress toward achieving the community’s vision of economic development?*
Word Limit: 200
- List the infrastructure, human and capital resources, and relationships that are needed to make this vision a reality, particularly for local businesses.*
Word Limit: 500
Step 5: Community Identity[*]
- What are the geographic and social characteristics about your community that make it great?*
Word Limit: 200
- List five (5) opportunities that residents have to connect with one another and describe the activities.
- Opportunity 1*
Word Limit: 50
- Opportunity 2*
Word Limit: 50
- Opportunity 3*
Word Limit: 50
- Opportunity 4*
Word Limit: 50
- Opportunity 5*
Word Limit: 50
- List three (3) of the most important arts, culture and education programs in your community.
- Program 1*
Word Limit: 50
- Program 2*
Word Limit: 50
- Program 3*
Word Limit: 50
- What was the total number of firms (businesses) per your city’s latest census data? (Numerals only.)*
- What is your city’s area size? (Square miles; Numerals only.)*
- Please tell us a fun fact about your city (OPTIONAL).
- Please upload up to five (5) photos or videos that reflect past community revitalization efforts or that illustrate the uniqueness of your community (OPTIONAL).
File types: .mp4, .mov, .jpg., .png, .gif, .flv, .mp3
File max size: 2 GB
Step 6: Additional Contact Information
- Please list the contact details of your application team members (minimum of 2 required from 2 different organizations).*
- Contact 1
- First Name:*
- Last Name:*
- Address Line 1:*
- Address Line 2:
- City:*
- State:*
- Zip Code:*
- E-Mail:*
- Phone Number (No spaces or symbols; Numerals only):*
- Contact 2
- First Name:*
- Last Name:*
- Address Line 1:*
- Address Line 2:
- City:*
- State:*
- Zip Code:*
- E-Mail:*
- Phone Number (no spaces or symbols; Numerals only):*
- Please list the contact details of three to five (3-5) local businesses that will directly benefit from additional support for your community.*
- Business 1
- First Name:*
- Last Name:*
- Address Line 1:*
- Address Line 2:
- City:*
- State:*
- Zip Code:*
- E-Mail:*
- Phone Number (No spaces or symbols; Numerals only):*
- Business 2
- First Name:*
- Last Name:*
- Address Line 1:*
- Address Line 2:
- City:*
- State:*
- Zip Code:*
- E-Mail:*
- Phone Number (No spaces or symbols; Numerals only):*
- Business 3
- First Name:*
- Last Name:*
- Address Line 1:*
- Address Line 2:
- City:*
- State:*
- Zip Code:*
- E-Mail:*
- Phone Number (No spaces or symbols; Numerals only):*
This is a worksheet where you can write and edit your responses. Go to to submit your official application.
America’s Best Communities Application Form | 1
[*] Your responses in the Community Identity section may be shared publicly on the America’s Best Communities Prize Competition website