27 – 30 MAy 2002



The fourth meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Aeronautical Mobile Communications Panel (AMCP) Working Group C (WG-C) was held 27-30 May 2002 – in Montreal at the ICAO Headquarters. WG-C thanked the ICAO secretary Mr. Alessandro Capretti for the preparation of the meeting.

The Agenda for the meeting and an overview of the working papers were provided (see Attachment A and B respectively). Attendees introduced themselves and the attendance list is contained in Attachment C.

Agenda Item 1: Report third meeting and Inventory of action items.

1.1  There were no comments on the report from WGC-3. The action item list from WGC-2 was reviewed from which a resulting action item lists is contained in Attachment D. The action item list also includes the actions as agreed per this meeting. It was noted that the follow up on the action items was rather marginal. Considering the work still to be done and the time limitation towards AMCP/8 it was agreed that more activity should be employed between the meetings.

1.2  The results of the action items not discussed under the Agenda items 2 through 6 were the following:

Action Item WGC 3/1: The FAA to verify whether the use of vocoders in tandem is foreseen for VDL Mode 3 implementation. The FAA confirmed that they won’t use vocoders in tandem and advised that this use should be discouraged. A draft text, contained in Attachment E was developed for inclusion in the appropriate ICAO documentation. Action Item closed.

Action Item WGC 3/2: ACTION WGC/3-2: The ICAO secretariat to bring the content of WP 7 to the attention of the appropriate operational entity within ICAO. The ICAO secretariat informed the meeting that the information has been forwarded. Action Item closed.

Agenda Item 2: Result from WGW.

2.1  At WGC-3 the secretariat was requested to convey that WG-C based on the information presented on the comparison between the ADS-B data link it recommended the initiation of the development of SARPs for UAT provided the replies from liaison statements would not significantly effect the conclusion of WG-C. After a number of replies were received it became clear that there was a need for further discussion between the various groups which would be more appropriate dealt with in a Working Group of the Whole (WGW). The meeting was held 21-24 May 2002 in Montreal . The discussion of the WGW mainly dealt with the validity of the TLAT, the potential of system improvements for Mode ES and VDL Mode 4. With respect to UAT the availability of a global frequency allocation was extensively discussed.

2.2  The majority of the panel members present decided that initiatives should be taken to amend the work programme of AMCP to include the development of SARPS for UAT. The Secretary was requested to bring this conclusion of the working group of the whole to the Air Navigation Commission (ANC).

2.3  The availability of 978 MHz, particularly in Europe was questioned and also whether the present ITU regulations allow the use of UAT in the band 960-1215 MHz. Related to the ITU regulation WP 12 was presented containing the interpretation of the French administration. WGC noted this paper and asked to secretary also to note this paper and to submit to WG-F with the objective to ensure that the provisions in the Radio Regulation would support global implementation.

ACTION WGC4-1: The secretary to note WP 12 and to bring the paper to the attention of WG-F.

2.4 The WGW meeting was informed that some members of AMCP WG-C intended to start the work on the development of UAT SARPs pending the instructions from the ANC and WG-C would form a sub group.

Agenda Item 3: Liaison statements

3.1  The WGC liaison statements to the other panels and AMCP working groups were mainly dealing with the TLAT work and were extensively discussed at WGW. Regarding the spectrum availability for possible system alternatives providing AM(R)S outside the VHF band AMCP WG-F drafted a reply which is reflected in WP 6. No reply was yet received from AMCP WG-M, which was requested to assess whether VDL Mode 4 could be considered to support air-ground data communication beyond the surveillance applications.


Agenda Item 4: Report to AMCP/8.

4.1  A new draft of the report to AMCP/8 resulting from the WGC/3 meeting was presented in WP 2. The same draft was contained in WP 4, which included some proposals for change and also requested some clarification on specific issues. It was agreed that the results from the discussion under this Agenda item would be reflected in a revised draft of the document.

4.2  IP 3 provided the results from the Japanese VDL Mode 2 Physical Layer Validation Test It was agreed to include an extract of the information in chapter 5 of the report dealing with the present situation. It was further decided that the information would be forwarded to AMCP-WG-B as is could be useful in their development of frequency planning criteria for VDL.

ACTION WGC/4-2: The secretary to forward IP 3 to AMCP WG-B

4.3  WP 5 dealt with the need for a hot stand by system to deal with the experienced and anticipated delays in case of a satellite failure. Furthermore, it suggested some changes in the description of the AMSS in chapter 5 of the report and inclusion of the MTSAT programme. The requested changes will be incorporated in the next draft of the report. The issue for the need of a hot stand by system will be forwarded to AMCP-WGM.

ACTION WGC/4-3: The secretary to forward WP 5 to AMCP WG-M

4.4  In further discussion on chapter 5 it was agreed that the segments dealing with new services for communication such as CPDLC and a comparison of the various systems would be better placed under the chapter operational requirements and scenario’s respectively. The MLS and GBAS data-links were removed from this chapter as it was decided not to address navigation, however they will be considered under future alternatives.

4.5  It was agreed to rename chapter 8 to ATM Operational concept, as it would better reflect the basis of the work. WP 11 provided the results from the first ICAO ATMCP meeting of which is was decided to use this document for guidance to identify the operational boundaries. However, IP 2 and its later versions will be used as the operational framework since it provides a operational concept more directly related to communication but still within the overall concepts depicted by ATMCP. It was agreed to move the part describing the present operational environment to chapter five; Present Situation

4.6  WP 9 contained a proposed outline for Chapter 8 and 9 of the report with the objective to get a better understanding for the content of these chapters. A new outline for chapter 8 and 9 and a work plan was agreed and is included in Attachment F. WP 14 containing the requirements and desirable features for a future VHF systems was introduced. These requirements were approved at COM/DIV 95 and will be used a guideline regarding the general communication requirements.

4.7  WP 3 and IP 6 addressed considerations to introduce a next generation satellite service as a complementary system to alleviate anticipated VHF frequency congestion in high-density areas. It was agreed to include this option in the future alternatives in Chapter 10. It was pointed out that the system could also be used in other parts of the world where no VHF congestion exists.

4.8  IP 5 introduced the development of the Software Defined Radio (SDR). The meeting received the information with interest and requested to keep informed on future developments, as the technology could be instrumental to reduce the transition hurdles aviation has to overcome when implementing the future communication system.

4.9  In addition to the ones discussed other alternatives such as Airport Position Vehicle Systems, third generation mobile systems, gatelink and wireless network will be addressed in Chapter 10.

4.10  In discussing chapter 11 the problem was identified that the requirement to introduce new communication systems would differ from nation to nation and from Region to Region. Investments would only be made when the traffic volume or the need for ATC modernisation would arise. This will result in different dates when systems will be implemented and that date would be the main factor for the choice of the available technology without having to go through all the steps of a scenario. To accommodate these concerns it was agreed that the scenario’s in principle would not be based on timelines but on specific needs such as need for safety enhancement and increase of traffic volume. It was stressed that the analysis of the scenario’s should take due account of the transition aspects. A general methodology was discussed how to draft the various scenarios and identify the “trigger” point for a possible system change. This resulted in an overview of the elements for building scenario’s as attached in Attachment G. Considering the need to have consensus on these elements before the scenario’s will be analysed and therefore earliest comments are invited.

ACTION WGC/4-4: WG-C participants to comment on the outline contained in Appendix G

4.11  WP 10 provided an example of a specific transition within one country. It was stressed that this French transition plan was co-ordinated within the Region.

4.12  WP 8 introduced the first draft on the chapter of institutional issues, whilst WP 6 addressed specific the Radio Spectrum allocation. After some changes it was agreed to include the information in the next draft of the report to AMCP/8. Although there was the general consensus that the cost consideration wasn’t really directly an institutional issue, the WG agreed that an inventory of cost elements should be included in the report. It was noted that the FANS 2 committee already addressed institutional issues and the material they developed should be considered.

4.13  It was mentioned that the 138-144 MHz seemed to be underused in Europe and the military UHF band. On this matter advise will be sought from WG-F, although it was noted that panel members should contact their military counterparts

ACTION WGC/4-5: AMCP members to contact the military authorities on the possible use of AM(OR)S frequencies for civil use.

ACTION WGC/4-6: Request advise from WG-F on the possible use of 138-144 MHz and the UHF band for military use.

4.14  The revised draft of the Report to AMCP/8 will be circulated well before the WG C-5. In discussing the progress being made on the report to AMCP/8, the meeting agreed on the need to have a mature document available before WG C-5 in order to finalise the report at WG C-5. Therefore participants were urged to provide their promised contributions to the chapter chairmen who are indicated at the beginning of each chapter as early as possible. Considering the need to get more information, the secretariat offered to assist and contact the AMCP members to provide needed information. The chapter chairmen were invited to provide the details of the information they were looking for.

ACTION WGC/4-7: Chapter chairmen to provide the secretary with the details of the information they are looking to obtain from AMCP members.

ACTION WGC/4-8: To provide input and comments on the draft report to AMCP/8..

Agenda Item 5: Future work

5.1  IP 4 proposed the conduct of an initial meeting of the UAT SARPs validation Sub-Group 21 June 2002 in anticipation of the expected inclusion of the development of SARPs for UAT in the AMCP tasks by the ANC. The meeting is intended to get an inventory of the work required and to develop a Terms of Reference for a UAT SARPs subgroup, work-plan and a proposed work structure. The meeting is scheduled for 21 of June in Washington and the results will be submitted to WG-C 5. As several WG-C members were willing to support the activity, WG-C agreed to initiate an UAT sub group stressing that it needs to be ensured that the work-plan will take due account for the need to get multi-national participation. Regarding the work-plan the establishment of requirements and desirable features should get the first priority since it will form the basis of the validation of the prospect SARPs and will be an integral part of the scenario analysis in the report to AMCP/8 related to the data link(s) in support of ADS-B. Considering the required DME and UAT compatibility within the band the UAT RF characteristics need to defined to answer the question on global spectrum availability early in the validation process of the SARPs. Mr. George Ligier will act as rapporteur of this subgroup.

5.2  AN-WP 7748 was introduced containing the Agenda dates and site for AMPC/8. The meeting, noting the date of 4-13 February 2003, understood that all material to be submitted to AMCP/8 have to be available by the end of November

5.3 It was recognised that to finalise the report to AMCP/8, significantly editing was required. An editing committee was formed by the secretariat and the rapporteur, which in co-ordination with the chapter chairmen will do the final editing before submission to ICAO.

Agenda Item 6. Next meeting

6.1  The next meeting of WGC will be held 15-25 October 2002 in Kobe, Japan.

Agenda Item 7:Any other business

7.1  The meeting was informed that the secretariat received a letter from the UK CAA with a proposal to replace AMCP member David Farncombe who retired from UK NATS by John McBride. WG-C expressed its gratitude to Mr. Farncombe’s contribution to AMCP and in particular noted the excellent work on the comparison of data links that form an important element in the work of WG-C.