Ambassador Joseph Wilson Sets the Record Straight—Resignations of Cheney, Rice, Rove, & Rumsfeld Appear Warranted
Washington, D.C., November1/PRNEWSWIRE/ -- Robert David Steele Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, Inc., a global open source intelligence company, has today posted a summary of yesterday’s presentation by Ambassador Joseph Wilson to the National Press Club. “The Supreme Court nomination is a distraction,” Steele says. “The real story is that it has now been established, in a compelling C-SPAN presentation, that the sixteen words in the State of the Union speech, falsely alleging Iraqi procurements of 500 tons of yellow cake uranium from Niger, represent high crimes and misdemeanors eligible for impeachment proceedings against, at a minimum, Vice President Dick Cheney, then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Counselor Karl Rove, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.”
“In one of the most articulate, elegant, balanced, and methodical public presentations it has ever been my privilege to observe, on Monday, 31 October 2005, before the National Press Club and available on video from C-SPAN, Ambassador Joseph Wilson formally set the record straight. Here is a summary of his key findings as I heard them stated.
“The documents were known to be a forgery and the White House was so advised well in advance of the State of the Union speech.
“The real investigation that needs to occur has yet to take place. We the People must know who, precisely, inserted those sixteen words on uranium from Niger into the State of the Union speech, who precisely over-ruled the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency when they objected, and who precisely participated in an on-going cover-up of this falsehood until well after the elections.
“Given the centrality of this falsehood within the State of the Union, and the subsequent months of explicit statements by Cheney, Rice, Rove, and Rumsfeld to the public defending this known falsehood, and the consequent public realization that the war on Iraq was based on a web of lies to the public and has now cost tens of thousands of lives, hundreds of billions of dollars, and America’s moral standing in the world, the public has a right to demand, at least, the resignations of Cheney, Rice, Rove, and Rumsfeld.”
Complete information is available at
-0- 11/01/2005 /CONTACT: Robert David Steele Vivas 703.266.6393