Amazing Grace Film WORKSHEET
(Please answer 6 out of 9. Please use complete sentences and paragraph(s) to answer each question.
1. The opening stanza of the hymn, “Amazing Grace”, are:
“Amazing Grace (How sweet the sound)
That sav'd a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.”
Please explain how the above words relate to the film and to at least two of its characters.
2. Explain how the opening scene of the film is relevant and foreshadows (anticipates) the main theme of the film. Particularly, the action scene: two men beating a horse on the ground, William Wilberforce intervening, the men dropping the whip in the mud.
3. Wilberforce, while in conversation with his friend William Pitt, says, “I would rather change myself” and the Butler who quotes the English philosopher Francis Bacon and tells Wilberforce, “It is a sad state for a man to know the world and not himself first.”
The Human Question: What is the challenge the film presents to all people and to Wilberforce himself?
4. The God question: Wilberforce says to the Butler, “it’s God…. I think he found me” and W. Pitt will tell Wilberforce, “do you want to praise the Lord or change the world.” What is the relationship between Works and Faith or Action and Contemplation?
5. The themes of Justice and Truth are at the heart of the film’s questions. Keeping these in mind, what challenges are presented in the case of the abolitions cause in 19th century England during several scenes of Card Games. Explain how the game of gambling sets the stage for issues related to Justice and Truth?
6. William Wilberforce argues at one point that “he no longer can sing”
What happens when he finds his voice? Name at least three examples.
7. Wilberforce struggles with his health throughout much of the film. Why and how does he continue his work despite his physical ailments? Name at least two ways.
8. Explain how the main theme of the film is important in today’s world. Especially, as it is seen in the current William Wilberforce Act of U.S.A. and the moral questions we must always safeguard.
9. The film highlights several key notes of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Using your workbook, Ch. 10 on page 243-244, please explain how the issues of the film express the concerns of the Catholic Church’s social doctrine.