Amanda Campbell

Londi Burvato

Quiz for Chapter 3

  1. The working memory system refers to the
  2. Short-term memory
  3. Sensory memory
  4. Long-term memory
  5. Attentional gate
  1. Memory stored in terms of how the product works or where it should be used is
  2. Brand-Specific
  3. Evaluative reactions
  4. Product category
  5. Brand identification
  1. What is the process of automaticity?
  2. Consumers are highly familiar with a brand or advertisement
  3. Consumers do not pay much attention to a message
  4. Consumers do not believe that additional effort will increase their knowledge
  5. All of the above
  1. What causes us to recall good things as even better and bad things as even worse?
  2. Unipolar emotions
  3. Mystery ads
  4. Mixed emotions
  5. Salience
  1. What happens in a free recall test?
  2. Researchers show ads to subjects one at a time and ask if they have seen them before
  3. Researchers ask consumers to independently think of what they have seen without being prompted for this information first
  4. Researchers tell people that a consumer claim is false to make them misremember it as true
  5. None of the above
  1. Instrumental Conditioning occurs when:
  2. We learn to perform behaviors that produce negative outcomes and avoid positive outcomes.
  3. We learn to perform behaviors that produce easy outcomes and avoid difficult outcomes.
  4. We learn to perform behaviors that produce positive outcomes and avoid negative outcomes.
  5. None of the above.
  1. Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?
  2. A manager complimenting an employee’s work ethic.
  3. A sales rep getting a bonus for being the top seller of the month.
  4. A boss taking his or her employees out for lunch for all of their hard work in the last month.
  5. All of the above.
  1. Which of the following is not a step in thememory process?
  2. Retrieval
  3. Encoding
  4. Decoding
  5. Storage
  1. The halo effect is:
  2. A phenomenon that occurs when people react to other, similar stimuli in much the same way they responded to the original stimulus.
  3. A phenomenon that occurs when people do not react to other, similar stimuli in much the same way they responded to the original stimulus.
  4. A phenomenon that may or may not occur when people react to other, similar stimuli in much the same way they responded to the original stimulus.
  5. When no phenomenon happens.
  1. The condition that occurs when consumers become so used to hearing or seeing a marketing stimulus that they no longer pay attention is called:
  2. Information overload
  3. Advertising wear-out
  4. Marketing overload
  5. Learning wear-out


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B