AUSD – Agenda Message – Meeting of December 11, 2008 6
District Office Board Room
10365 Keller Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505
Thursday, December 11, 2008 – Closed Session will begin following Hearing Session at 5:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER – 5:00 p.m.
Establishment of Quorum: A quorum is expected with Mr. José Luis Pérez, Mr. Greg Kraft, Mr. Ben Johnson II, Mrs. Carolyn Wilson and Mrs. Debra Kroning in attendance.
This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak to any item on the agenda or regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to five minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.
1. Student Disciplinary Actions
a. Expulsion Cases #2008-09-18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35
2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment
a. Certificated
b. Classified
c. Management/Administration
3. Public Employee Evaluation
a. Superintendent
4. Public Employee Appointment
a. Controller
5. Conference with Labor Negotiator
Agency Negotiator: Craig Wells
Employee Organizations:
a. Alvord Educators Association
b. California School Employees Association, Chapter 339
1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. – President José Luis Pérez
2. Pledge of Allegiance: Board, staff and audience.
3. Annual Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board:
a. Election of Officers: The first item will be to elect the President of the Board of Education for the ensuing year. At the conclusion of this election, the newly-elected President will take office and conduct elections of the Vice President and Clerk.
b. Election of Representative for County Committee on School District Organization: The Board should elect a representative whose function would be to vote on members to be elected to the County Committee on School District Organization
c. Appointment of Authorized Agents: It is recommended that Alvord Unified School District Governing Board Members, José Luis Pérez, Greg Kraft, Ben Johnson, Carolyn Wilson and Debra Kroning; and District staff Wendel W. Tucker, Diana M. Asseier, Craig R. Wells, Paul F. Gill and Ernesto A. Acosta, be appointed as Authorized Agents for fiscal and legal matters.
d. Selection of Day, Time and Place of Regular Meetings: It is recommended that the Board establish its regular meetings to be held on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Office, 10365 Keller Avenue, with the exceptions of January 15, 2009, June 11, 2009, June 25, 2009, July 9, 2009, August 13, 2009 and December 10, 2009.
e. Plaque Presentation to Past President of the Board of Education: The newly elected President of the Board of Education will present a plaque to Mr. José Luis Pérez.
4. Special Recognitions:
a. Student of the Month:
Valley View Elementary School is delighted to honor Christian Sosa as Alvord Unified School District’s Student of the Month for December 2008.
Christian is an outstanding fourth grade student in all subject areas at Valley View and is very deserving of this honor. He is a GATE student and has received such honors as Student of the Month. He gets along with everyone and is willing to help other students. Humility is one of his greatest assets. Christian scored Advanced in both English Language Arts and mathematics on the State test. Students in his classroom look to Christian as a role model. Christian says that he loves math and science. He definitely wants to go to college.
It is a great pleasure to honor Christian Sosa as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for December 2008.
b. Certificated Employee of the Month:
Valley View Elementary School is proud to recognize Rolando Gadiano as the Alvord Unified School District Certificated Employee of the Month for December 2008.
Rolando is an amazing teacher and member of the Valley View community. He is an “original” teacher at Valley View, opening the school 20 years ago and has been affecting the lives of Valley View students ever since. Although Rolando has been a teacher for many years, he is a role model to his colleagues as he strives to constantly improve his teaching practice. This is evident when observing Rolando in action in the classroom. He has been the grade level leader, the EL Coordinator, the Science Fair Coordinator, the 5th Grade Family Life Coordinator and an active member of the Leadership Team. Rolando truly enjoys teaching his students, hoping to make learning exciting and accessible everyday.
It is a great pleasure to honor Rolando Gadiano as the Alvord Unified School District Certificated Employee of the Month for December 2008.
c. Classified Employee of the Month:
Valley View Elementary School is proud to recognize Sue Dalton as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for December 2008.
Sue has been a Special Education Assistant at Valley View Elementary School for six years, but has been an active Alvord parent for 18 years prior to her work here at Valley View. Ask anyone at Valley View about Sue, and all staff members and students will smile. In her work she goes above and beyond, understanding the academic and social/emotional needs of all students. Not only does she serve Valley View students, she serves the school community in many ways. Sue stocks the staff room with goodies and she is the one that collected and prepared all the items to decorate the Board Room this month. Throughout the years, she has always been a member of PTA, a member of District committees, a “self-appointed” member of Valley View’s social committee and a member of the School Site Council. Sue is truly a valuable member of the school community.
It is a great pleasure to honor Sue Dalton as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for December 2008.
d. Volunteer of the Month:
Valley View Elementary School is proud to recognize Denise Grimes as the Alvord Unified School District Volunteer of the Month for December 2008.
Denise has been an active PTA member and this year is the Program First Vice President of the PTA. This year she has organized such activities as Red Ribbon Week and is the Chairperson for the Valley View Book Fair this month. Denise has two children that attend Valley View. The staff and students appreciate all of Denise’s hard work and positive energy.
It is a great pleasure to honor Denise Grimes as the Alvord Unified School District Volunteer of the Month for December 2008.
e. Check Presentation – Western Municipal Water District: Tom Evans and Charles Field, Directors for the Western Municipal Water District, will present a check to Alvord Unified School District in the amount of $173,866.00 for water use efficiency and retro-fitting on Alvord’s campuses.
f. Plaque Presentations: The Board of Education will recognize the Fritts Ford Family, including Marie Fritts, and Bill and Debbie Chamberlain for 23 years of dedication and support to RAD ~ Riverside Against Drugs and the students of Alvord Unified School District.
Christian Sosa / w / Valley View Elementary SchoolDora Rojas / w / Alvord High School
Ryane Buttigieg / w / La Sierra High School
Britnee Andrzejewski / w / Norte Vista High School
5. Superintendent’s Report: Wendel W. Tucker, Ph.D., Superintendent, will present a Superintendent’s Report to the Board of Education and audience.
This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak to any item on the agenda or regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to five minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.
6. Student Assessment Data Results: Staff will continue the presentation on Student Assessment results for Alvord Unified School District for 2008.
7. Action Taken In Closed Session:
1. Student Disciplinary Actions
a. Expulsion Case #2008-09-18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35
Operational Support Superintendent
8. Award Public Works Contract – ALMA Construction Co., Inc. – 2nd Floor Child Nutrition Center Tenant Improvements: Board approval is requested to award a Public Works Contract to ALMA Construction Co., Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder meeting all contract requirements for work related to the 2nd Floor Child Nutrition Center Tenant Improvements.
Fiscal Impact: $506,000.00 (Escrow Account)
9. Adopt Resolution No. 18 – Hillcrest High School – Approving the District’s Housing Plan in Order to Apply for State Grant Funding Under the School Facility Program for Student Grants Based Upon Eligibility Determined at a Different Grade Level than the Proposed Project: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 18 for the District’s Housing Plan in order to apply for State grant funding under the School Facility Program for student grants based upon eligibility determined at a different grade level than the proposed project for Hillcrest High School.
Fiscal Impact: None
Personnel Services
10. Adopt Resolution No. 19 – Teacher Assignment Monitoring: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 19 allowing legal provisions authorizing staff to teach in their current 2008-2009 school year assignments.
Fiscal Impact: None
Operational Support Services
11. Conduct Second Reading and Adopt Proposed Revisions to Article 7 (Series 7000) Board Policies and Administrative Regulations Entitled “Facilities”: The Board of Education will conduct the second reading and adopt proposed revisions to Article 7 (Series 7000) Board Policies and Administrative Regulations entitled “Facilities.”
Fiscal Impact: None
12. Consent Agenda:
Your Superintendent recommends approval of Consent Agenda items 12.a. – 12.s.
Board of Education/ Superintendent
a. Approve Minutes: Board approval is requested for the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 20, 2008.
b. Accept Gift: Target donated $60.64 to La Granada Elementary School through their Take Charge of Education Program.
c. Approve Parent Newsletter Participation Agreement – 1st Hour Communications, LLC: Board approval is requested for a Participation Agreement between 1st Hour Communications, LLC and Alvord Unified School District for parent newsletters.
Fiscal Impact: Income of $.05 per household/per mailing
Estimated Income of $650.00 per quarter equaling $2,600.00 per year (General Fund/Unrestricted)
Fiscal Services
d. Accept Warrants:
Warrant Date Warrant Register Amount
11/7/08 / 14287423-14287514 / $713,708.1211/10/08 / 14288871-14288881 / 15,408.21
11/12/08 / 14290472-14290493 / 682,114.70
11/13/08 / 14291876-14291880 / 210,488.24
11/14/08 / 14292581-14292622 / 43,273.76
11/18/08 / 14296143-14296220 / 223,900.46
11/19/08 / 14298419-14298481 / 197,612.81
11/20/08 / 14299572-14299654 / 1,162,201.31
11/21/08 / 14301315-14301386 / 1,013,757.08
11/24/08 / 14302158-14302225 / 1,390,200.53
Total: / $5,652,665.22
e. Certify 2008-2009 First Period Interim Report: Board certification is requested of the First Period Interim Report indicating the District’s ability to meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and subsequent two fiscal years.
Fiscal Impact: None
f. Adopt Resolution No. 20 – Public Disclosure of 2007-2008 Reportable Fees: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 20 relating to information made available to the public in the form of a Statutory School Fees report for fiscal year 2007-2008.
Fiscal Impact: None
g. Adopt Resolution No. 21 – Revising the 2008-2009 General Fund Budget: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 21 revising the 2008-2009 General Fund Budget for estimated increase revenue relating to Special Education.
Fiscal Impact: $291,000.00 (Increase Contingency – General Fund/Unrestricted)
h. Approve Transfer of Appropriations 2008-2009 Building Fund: Board approval is requested for the transfer of appropriations to the 2008-2009 Building Fund to revise estimated contributions.
Fiscal Impact: $11,200,000.00 (Decrease Contingency – Building Fund)
Instructional Support Services
i. Approve Overnight Trip to the Pathfinder Ranch Science and Outdoor Education School – Promenade Elementary School: Board approval is requested for ninety-six students and ten chaperones to attend the Pathfinder Ranch Science Camp and Outdoor Education School on February 10-13, 2009 in Idyllwild, California.
Fiscal Impact: $14,592.00 (Student Fundraisers)
j. Approve Overnight Trip to the “Made for Excellence” Future Farmers of America (FFA) Leadership Conference – La Sierra and Norte Vista High Schools: Board approval is requested for nineteen students and three chaperones from La Sierra and Norte Vista high schools to attend the “Made for Excellence” Future Farmers of America Leadership Conference on January 9-10, 2009, at the Hilton in Ontario, California.
Fiscal Impact: $2,701.00 (General Fund/Restricted – Agriculture Incentive Grant)
La Sierra High School: $915.00
Norte Vista High School: $1,786.00
Operational Support Services
k. Ratify Purchase Order List Number 9-2008-2009: Board ratification is requested for Purchase Order List Number 9, Purchase Order Numbers 23457 through 23632 (Total 176); Short Form Contract Numbers 097-08 through 103-08 (Total 7); Child Nutrition Purchase Order Numbers 6958 through 6968 (Total 11); Instructional Support Services Agreement Numbers 818-0809 through 819-0809 (Total 2); Fiscal Services Contract and Agreement Numbers FIS 01-0809 through FIS 02-0809 (Total 2) in the amount of $647,719.95.
Fiscal Impact: $647,719.95 (Various Funds)
l. Approve Change Order Nos. 14-11-1 and 24-11-2 for E & R Glass Contractors, Inc. – Wells Middle School and La Sierra High School: Board approval is requested for Change Order Nos. 14-11-1 and 24-11-2 for E & R Glass Contractors, Inc.
Fiscal Impact: Increase of $2,251.00 (County Schools Facilities Fund)
m. Approve Change Order No. 26-16-5 for Inland Building Companies, Inc. – La Sierra High School: Board approval is requested for Change Order No. 26-16-5 for Inland Building Companies, Inc.
Fiscal Impact: Increase of $275.00 (County Schools Facilities Fund)
n. Approve Change Order No. 11-16-2 for Inland Empire Architectural Specialties, Inc. – Valley View Elementary School: Board approval is requested for Change Order No. 11-16-2 for Inland Empire Architectural Specialties, Inc.