Article I: Name

Section 1:The OhioStateUniversity Alumnae Scholarship Housing Society

Section 2:The Alumnae Scholarship Housing (ASH) Program currently consists of three residences:

Fechko House, 220-222 West 11thAvenue, Columbus, OH 43210

Hanley House, 225 West 10thAvenue, Columbus, OH 43201

Pomerene House, 231 West 10thAvenue, Columbus, OH 43201

Article II: Object

Section 1:Object, as stated in theAlumnae Scholarship Housing Society (ASHS) Constitution.

Article III: Membership and Dues

Section 1:Membership in the ASH Society will be granted to those who are eligible for membership and pay annual dues.

Section 2:A donation by those eligible, including Ohio State University Alumni Association (OSUAA) Life Members, of $25, or more, to any one of the OSU ASH Development Funds paid during a calendar year (January 1 – December 31) will be considered Society dues. The donation will automatically qualify the donor as a member of the ASH Society for the following calendar year. Donations of $75 are encouraged and qualify an alumni donor as a sustaining member of theOSUAA.

Section 3: Honorary members receive complimentary membership.

Section 4:ASH residents receive a one year complimentary membership upon graduation.

Section 5:ASH Student Representatives to the Board of Governors are exempt from membership dues.

Section 6:The Board of Governors will review the price point of dues each year and set them as needed.

Section 7:Membership benefits include receipt of all Society mailings, invitation to all Society events and programs, and the ability to vote on matters of the Society.

Section 8:Members in Good Standing are encouraged to and may serve on any committee.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1:The President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer form the Executive Committee.

Section 2:The offices of President and President-Elect must be filled by an alumna of the ASH Program.

Section 3:The Board member elected to serve (a two-year term) as President-Elect subsequently serves two years as President and then serves two years on the Board as immediate Past-President. Therefore, it is recommended that the President be limited to one term of office.

Article V: Duties of the Officers

Section 1:The President shall:

a.)Have the deciding vote in case of a tie.

b.)Call meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board ofGovernors.

c.)Appoint alumnae members to the Board, upon recommendation of theOutreachCommittee and a majority vote of the membership. In the same way, fill any vacancieswhich occur among Board members.

d.)Ensure that all committees have a chair.

e.)Appoint additional committees as the need arises.

f.)Conduct annual review of the Board of Governors as input to Outreach Committee priorto the slate being final.

g.)Oversee general correspondence.

h.)Maintain a hard copy of all current ASH Society Committee Guidelines.

i.)Work with University Housing, Residence Life designee to receive the names of residents who complete one term living in an ASH house and graduating seniors to assurethat these individuals are appropriately coded in the University database.

j.)Inform the Association of the names of the ASH Society Board of Governors to assure appropriate coding of these individuals in the University database.

k.)Lead an annual review with the Advancement Committee of the Memorandum of Understanding among the Ohio State University Housing, Residence Life, the OhioState University Alumni Association, and ASHS.

l.)May arrange for the Treasurer and additional members of the Society, dependent onduties, to be bonded.

Section 2:The President-Elect shall:

a.)Be the nominee for the office of the President.

b.)Correspond with committee chairs regularly and prior to quarterly meetings of the Board of Governors, collect committee activity and status reports.

c.)Compile and send all necessary reports to the Alumni Association, annually, to retain recognition as the ASH Society.

Section 3:The Secretary shall:

a.)Oversee the preparation, maintenance and filing of all non-tax documents required by Local, State, and Federal Agencies.

b.)Serve as custodian of the records of the organization, including archiving with theUniversity Archives.

c.)Maintain an inventory of letterhead, stationary, and note cards.

d.)Prepare and distribute Society newsletters, at least twice per year.

e.)Assist the Communications Committee.

Section 4:The Treasurer shall:

a.)Prepare and file all pertinent Local, State, and Federal tax documents, and ensure thatthe Society complies with all applicable tax laws.

b.)Prepare and file all pertinent financial reports and documents as required by the AlumniAssociation.

c.)Oversee the preparation and maintenance processes of ASH Society funds and ASH Program funds held by The Ohio State University Office of Development (endowments) inaccordance with the procedure stipulated by the University.

d.)Assure that a complete and current report of the endowments and funds shall be submittedat each quarterly Board meeting.

e.)Work with the President to maintain a current list of ASHS members and ASH Alumnae.

f.)Prepare annual budgets.

g.)Prepare annual financial statement and report for themembership highlighting theyear’sactivitiesincluding accounting for all revenue and costs.

h.)Serve as Finance Committee Chair.

Article VI: Board of Governors

Section 1:Shall meet quarterly.

Section 2:The time and place of all meetings shall be determined by the Board of Governors (BOG).

Section 3:Notices of all meetings shall be given to members at least two weeks prior to the meeting

Section 4:A maximum of two current ASH students residing in the houses will be selected to serve a one year term on the Board of Governors, commencing atthe start of the academic year.

a.)The selection process will begin in the spring of the preceding school year.

b.)All women who have lived in an Alumnae Scholarship House for one academic term and are confirmed to live in the houses for the following full academic school year are eligible to apply.

c.)All women interested will go through an application process which includes a written recommendation from their current RA or House or Food Manager, a personal statement of intent, a completed application, and an interview bythe Selection Committee or designated current BOG members.

d.)Current ASH Program residents will abstain from voting on any issue that would be perceived as a conflict of interest.

e.)ASH student BOG members are exempt from membership dues.

f.)A resident serving on the Board of Governors who fails to meet the requirements and expectations which allow them to reside in the ASH houses, or if their personal conduct becomes questionable to the ASH Society, may be subject to removal fromtheir position on the Board of Governors based on a majority vote by the Board of Governors. Based on timing and need the Board of Governors will determine if a replacement is necessary.

Section 5:Committee chairs and ASH Program Resident Advisors (as designees of University Housing, Residence Life) shall submit an activity report to the President-Elect prior to each quarterly meeting of the Board of Governors.

Section 6:Officers and committee chairs shall assume duties at the close of the annual BOG meeting.

Section 7:The case for removal of an officer may be broughtforth by a member of the Board of Governors or by 10% of the general ASH Society membership. Charges for removal must be clearly stated and must outline how she is failing to complete her duties or has violated the constitution. There must be a 75% vote of agreement for removal by the Board of Governors.

Article VII: Membership Meetings

Section 1:The annual Society membership meeting will be held in the fall.

Article VIII: Committees

Section 1:Executive Committee

a.)Shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.

b.)Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the President or any member of the Executive Committee.

c.)A majority vote shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2:Standing Committees

To facilitate the administration of the work of the Board, there shall be standing committees. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, the chair of the committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. Each chair shall appoint Society members to serve on committees in accordance with these bylaws. Standing committees will develop and maintain current guidelines to direct their activities.

Section 3:Meetings and Programs Committee

a.)Plan and implement social activities and events for Society members and residents of the ASH Program, including an opportunity to welcome new and returning residents, and an occasionthrough which achievements of residents are recognized.

b.)Provide social programming for ASH alumnae throughout the year, including events associatedwith Homecoming.

c.)Reserve meeting space for the annual meeting and other ASHS programs and events.

Section 4:Advancement Committee

a.)Implement annual fundraising letter and other fundraising events.

b.)Review and maintain designation for donor levels.

c.)Recognize all donors.

d.)The Scholarship Committee, a subcommittee of the Advancement Committee, shall beresponsible for developing criteria and maintaining application materials for, selecting recipients and awarding ASH Program scholarships to Program residents in conjunctionwith the Office of Financial Aid.

e.)Solicit input and suggestions from current ASH residents regarding needs for house gifts, home furnishings, facility improvements, etc.

f.)Work with University Housing personnel to ensure that maintenance and/or improvements to the Alumnae Scholarship House facilities and properties are initiated and completed.

g.)Develop and review annually the strategic plan and update goals and action items for theASH Program and the ASH Society.

Section 5:Outreach Committee

a.) Assist the President and Treasurer with maintaining a current list of ASHS members and ASH Alumnae. Verify eligibility for membership in the ASH Societyand encourage membership in the OSU Alumni Association.

b.)Develop and implement a process to invite and engage interested alumnaeto volunteer and serve asASH Society committee members.

c.)Analyze the database of ASHS members and ASH Alumnae to seek those who possess particular career or personal talents making them particularly well-suited for specific committees or nominees for the Board of Governors.

d.)Provide a slate of nominees for election as BOG officers and BOG members to ensure that the ASH Society has the leadership to accomplish its goals.

Section 6:Communications Committee

a.) Work with the Secretary to design, produce, and distribute the ASHES TO ASHESnewsletter to Society members and ASH Alumnae.

b.) Update annually the ASH Guide Book, and other publications pertinent to the Society.

c.) Inform the Board of Governors of changes and policies which may affect the operation of the ASH Program and/or the lives of the residents.

d.) Preserve the ASH Program history updating it at least annually with the current programresidents through photo albums, scrapbooks, compact disks, DVD’s, flash drives, and/orthe latesttechnology.

e.)Submit ASH documents, information, etc., as appropriate, to University Archives for permanent safekeeping and historical reference.

f.) Create an annual report and distribute to the membership.

g.)Update and maintain all web site information and electronic mechanisms related to the Society.

Section 7:Finance Committee

a.)The Treasurer will serve as the Finance Committee chair.

b.)Establish priorities forthe use of the gift fund and endowment monies.

c.)Recommendallocations and distribution of funds to theBoard of Governors.

d.)Work with Advancement Committee to determine fundraising needs.

Section 8:Additional Committees

To facilitate the administration of the work of the Board, the President may appoint special committees when advisable or necessary.

Article IX: Elections

Section 1:The number of nominees presented by theOutreach Committee shall be equal to the number of vacancies to be filled. Additional nominations may not be made at the annual membership meeting.

Section 2:No person’s name shall be placed in nomination without prior consent from the nominee.

Article X: Bylaws

These bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular or special BOG meeting duly convened. No amendment or addition to the bylaws can be made which is not in harmony with the ASH Society Constitution.

Article XI: Adoption

Adopted February 3, 2012

Article XII: Amendments

Revision August 7, 2012; Revision May 6, 2013; Revision August 18, 2014

Article XIII: Parliamentary Law

The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall govern the Boardof Governors in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.

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