Alturas City Council

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

May 17, 2016 2:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Dederick at 2:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Bobby G. Ray, Cheryl Nelson, Jim Irvin, Mark Steffek. Councilmembers absent: None. Staff present: City Clerk Cary L. Baker, City Treasurer Sara Peet, DPW Joe Picotte, Police Chief Sid Cullins, City Planning Commissioner Bill Hall, Asst. Airport Manager Paula Jessup, Fire Chief Keith Jacques. Public attending: 7. All present joined together in the pledge of allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Under the public forum John Wisser is present representing MMA Modoc Motorsports Association, and requests approval to add 2 more days of practice per month, more specifically 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. MMA was previously approved for one day a week and would like to go to six days per month. There would not be any practices the week of the race.

Mayor Dederick asks if there would be supervision during all practices. Mr. Wisser responds that there will be flaggers present and adults running the gate.

DPW Picotte responds he has flexibility and authority to administratively approve the request through the agreement since the Use Permit only states that MMA can have practices on any day of the week; it does not limit the number of days.

Modoc Co. Librarian Cheryl Baker invites the City Council and staff to the Modoc Co. Library’s Centennial Celebration; this will be held Thursday, May 19th at the Library. Mayor Dederick will be one of guest speakers. Also, the Friends of the Library will be hosting the 12th annual June Jamboree fund raiser on June 25th; tickets are now on sale.

Student representatives from the Jr. Livestock Show Board are present and invite the City Council and staff to this year’s Jr. Livestock Show to be held June 13th through 17th, 2016. This year’s show will be the last year using the existing structures before they are remodeled.

Public Hearing: Strong Family Health Center – General Plan Amendment/Rezone: The proposed project is to change the zoning and the general plan designation for the northern, undeveloped portion of Assessor Parcel Number 001-068-14 (an urban lot of approximately ½ acre) located at 1203 Oak Street in Alturas, CA. The zone is proposed to change from R1 (Low Density Residential) to C1 (Retail/Office Commercial), and the General Plan Designation from Low Density Residential (LDR) to General Commercial (GC). This change will match the zone and general plan of the southernmost portion of the lot which is currently developed as the Strong Family Health Center. This matter will now be considered.

On May 11, 2016, the Alturas Planning Commission adopted Resolution #2016-01 recommending approval of the General Plan Amendment/Rezone for Strong Family Health Center from R1 to C1 for zoning, and from Low Density Residential to General Commercial for the General Plan Designation.

Candace Carlson, representing Strong Family Health Center, is present to address any questions. They are hoping to have the design phase completed by summer and would like to break ground before winter. The general public will also have access to the gym facility through memberships.

No written or verbal comments were received on this project. The hearing is closed at 2:19 p.m.

On recommendation of the Alturas Planning Commission, MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to adopt Resolution #2016-15 approving the General Plan Amendment and Rezone for the Strong Family Health Center. ALL AYES.

Approval to sign the MOU with Modoc County Sheriff’s Office for 911 Dispatch Services is tabled to the next regular City Council meeting.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to approve the Employment Agreement with Sara Peet for the City’s Finance Director. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to adopt Resolution #2016-12 adding Macey Binning as an authorized signature on the City’s account at Plumas Bank, and removing Heather MacDonnell. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to adopt Resolution #2016-13 authorizing City Treasurer Sara Peet and City Clerk Cary L. Baker to make investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to repeal previous City Council motion, on April 19, 2016, to approve a contract with Heather MacDonnell for accounting and financial support from contracted services, and approve her as a part-time as needed hourly employee at $28.00 per hour. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Ray to approve a budget amendment for the Alturas Airport as follows: Airport/Dept. #12 – Increase Airport Engineering by $8,538 to Fund 12, Acct. #4650, Dept. 12. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to approve the addition of a security deposit of $80.00 (or equivalent to two months hangar rent) for the permanent Airport Hangar Rental Agreements to be charged on all future agreements signed after today’s City Council meeting. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Irvin, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to approve the consent agenda as follows: a) Approve minutes of April 19, 2016 meeting; b) Approve City warrants for April in the amount of $319,576.72; c) Adopt Resolution #2016-14 removing inactive water & sewer accounts in the amount of $539.59. ALL AYES.

COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS: Fire Chief Jacques reports he hasn’t heard back from Butler Engineering regarding the Fire Hall; trying to get the Fire Dept. Executive Board together to make a decision on the Fire Marshal position; also, the Fire Department has started the weed abatement process.

Planning Commissioner Hall reports the Planning Commission will be dealing with the vertical advertising banners that have been showing up on Main St. There is a time limit as well as use restrictions for these types of banners. Planning Director Joe Picotte will be sending out letters to the business owners.

City Treasurer Peet presents two different examples of alternate water & sewer bills. These would be printed by the laser printer and could reduce the cost per bill from .06 cents to .02 cents. One sample shows basic information and the other show usage history through a bar graph. There will be a one-time fee from the City’s software company to set up a new bill configuration. Staff and Council both like the example that includes the bar graph.

Asst. Airport Manager Jessup gives an update on the Helicopter Parking Apron project. Bids were opened and Eagle Peak was the low bidder at $1,099,900. With engineering at $263,700 and administrative costs, the total project will be $1,386,600. Construction is scheduled to start the 2nd to 3rd week of August and is scheduled to be completed in 40 construction days.

DPW Picotte reports the Manager of the Rialto Water District invited him to tour their wetlands project, which is the same type the City of Alturas is looking at developing - will be looking at grant opportunities to help fund the project since the sewer rates are not high enough for a loan payment; there are 212 fire hydrants in the City with 89 of them being obsolete – it would cost over $300,000 to replace them all; pothole patching will start soon; his crew is prepping the pool for this year’s season; and mosquito spraying will start next week.

Tom O’Malley, Modoc Co. Superintendent of Schools, is present and reports he attended the pre-bid walk through for the geothermal well pipe project. Bids will be opened on May 24th with the project starting June 15th and ending by October 1st.

Councilmember Nelson comments that the old Bank of America building is being purchased by Carsten’s Motors to be used as a showroom for RVs; also, asks if the weeds have been removed at the livestock grounds.

Councilmember Steffek reports the Pool Committee will meet this Thursday with a funding update from the grant writer; received a letter of support for the Pool project from the Modoc Co. Library; attended the Chamber of Commerce Fandango Days and Balloon Fest meeting; also, attended the Modoc Ground Water Advisory Board meeting.

Councilmember Ray announced the Special Olympics will be held this Thursday, May 19th, at the High School track field; discussed next year’s budget process at the last week’s Department Head meeting.

At this time, 3:45 p.m., Mayor Dederick announced the Council would be meeting in closed session under G.C. Section 54957.8/Labor Negotiations – Conference with Council labor negotiators. Reconvened back to open session at 4:04 p.m. with no action to report out.

With no further business to come before Council, meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. to return in regular session on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., City Hall.


Cary L. Baker

City Clerk