Although I raised Marcee and Obbie from puppies, they have completely diverse personalities. Obbie is a six-year-old male Pomeranian, whereas Marcee is a one-year-old female Boston terrier. Obbie is small and soft, unlike Marcee who has bristly hair and is much bigger. Marcee insists on sleeping on the bed, under the covers every night. On the other hand, Obbie will only sleep on the floor, under the bed. Obbie is tremendously loyal and uptight; however, Marcee is hyper and friendly to anyone she meets or sees. Around other dogs, Marcee cowers to the larger dog, yet Obbie will always stand his ground, never giving up until he is scolded. Given that they were both treated the same way all their life, it is hard to believe that they are so different in everything they do.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can result in many negative effects on a person and the people around them. One important effect is the damage alcohol can do to the human body. Drinking can lead to severe illness and even eventual death; alcohol abuse has been linked to liver disease, kidney failure and for pregnant women, the loss of their unborn child. Consuming alcohol before driving may cause a fatal car accident involving the impaired driver and/or an innocent victim. Last, drinking has negative effects on self-esteem and rational thinking. People who habitually consume alcohol become more self-centered, develop low self-esteem, and behave in ways that they would not normally consider. The negative effects of alcohol abuse are overwhelming when considering the many consequences that drinkers and the people around them have to deal with.

Many of the racial and ethnic groups that live in the Hawaiian Islands today arrived at different times in history. Most of them came to work as laborers on the sugar and pineapple plantations. The first group arrived in the 1850’s, when the Chinese came. They were followed by the Japanese in the 1880’s, and then the Koreans and Filipinos in the early 1900’s. These groups were the last major Asian immigrants to the islands. The immigration process continues today, but now many workers arrive from Mexico and Central America.

Astronomy came a long way in the 1500s and 1600s. In 1531, Halley’s Comet appeared and caused great panic. Just twelve years later, however,Copernicus realized that the sun was the center of the solar system, not theEarth, and astronomy became a way to understand the natural world, not something to fear. In the early part of the next century, Galileo made thefirst observations with a new instrument, the telescope. A generationlater, Sir Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope, a close cousin to what we use today. Halley’s Comet returned in 1682, and it was treated as ascientific wonder, studied by Edmund Halley.

Before camping, make sure you prepare a list of the equipment and supplies you will need. It’s then a good idea to check your gear to make sure nothing is broken and in need ofrepair or replacement. In addition, make sure you have a well-made and waterproof tent that is free of rips and tears. You may also want to bring your own firewood as many camp sites may charge extra for this. Also, a good flashlight, rain gear and a cell phone are handy items to have with you. Don’t forget to pack a first aid kit as well. You never know what may happen in the great outdoors! It’s wise to be prepared.

In order to make tapioca pudding, you must have all of the ingredients to make this traditional dessert. It begins with reading the directions carefully and determining what items and kitchen tools you will need. Follow the directions carefully, and the result will be a creamy and sweet treat that your whole family will enjoy!

Canada is one of the best countries in the world because of its excellent health care system. In fact, Canadians believe that health and well-being are basic human rights, and that it is wrong to deny or withhold medical services from any individual for any reason. Canadians may visit any doctor, specialist, clinic, medical center, or hospital at any time at no cost to individuals. Typically, the Canadian health care system promotes healthy lifestyle choices and discourages negative habits, such as always placing a very high tax on cigarettes.

Deja vu is a French word meaning "already seen." It has also been described as a feeling or experience that one has seen or done something before. For example, you may be waiting in line to check out at the grocery store and the lady behind you asks you to hand her a pack of gum. Suddenly, you get an overwhelming feeling that you have been there before in that exact same spot, talking to the same lady, who made the same request of you. Even though everything seems so familiar, you know there is no way that could have happened in the past. There are many theories as to why and how this phenomenon happens. One theory is that deja vu is connected with temporal-lobe epilepsy, but people without a history of epilepsy have also experienced deja vu. Psychiatrists believe that your brain confuses an event that happened in the past with the present. Parapsychologists theorize that the phenomenon is connected with past life experiences. Whether deja vu is an experience of the paranormal or simply some confusion in the brain, it is a perplexing feeling of having "already seen."

It all began with the dog barking. Monty never barks at night, so when I heard his yelps coming from downstairs, I knew something had to be wrong. Terrified that a robber might be waiting for me outside, I ran into the spare bedroom and, as quietly and quickly as I could, grabbed the baseball bat from the cluttered closet. Then, realizing I couldn’t really see anything, stumbled back into my room and grabbed my glasses from my night stand. At this point it was decision time: confront whatever was making the noise on my own or wake up Mr. Weis. The latter option won, and after stirring him from his slumber, he and I crept down the stairs, baseball bat and cell phone (just in case we needed to call 911) in hand. Following Monty’s barks, we inched down the stairs to the living room door.

“Ready?” Mr. Weis asked. I nodded, quickly flipped on the light switch, and bravely spun towards my husband who was standing before the intruder at the back door.

“Back to bed,” he growled as he picked Monty up. “It was just a cat.”

It is really easy to make Mrs. Weis happy. First, call up your friendly LCPS snow-delay decider and convince her to delay school for two hours. Then, make sure all of your classmates have completed their homework. After you come into class, make sure you follow all of the directions, including writing down your assignments. Next, when Mrs. Weis asks a question, be sure to raise your hand to offer an answer. Finally, ask really great questions on your own and be sure to tell her how much you love text structures! Once you have done all of this, Mrs. Weis will be happy!

Internal text structures refer to methods of organizing text to ease comprehension. Thus, internal text structures are writing tools that help people better understand what they read. They are also known as “organizational strategies” and “organizational tools.”

Pediatricians across the country are concerned about the rise in neck injuries among middle school boys. Waiting rooms are packed with young boys complaining of severe neck pain. What’s the diagnosis? Whiplash. As a result of “Bieber Fever,” boys have mimicked the haircut that helped launch the pop star into fame. One of the trademarks of the “Bieber do” is a sharp, twitch-like, whipping of the head. Boys do this in order to move the long fringy bangs out of their eyes. This sudden movement causes whiplash, a painful neck injury, often times resulting in months of physical therapy. Because of the dramatic increase in the reports of whiplash, Justin Bieber made a bold move. On Wednesday afternoon, the performer debuted a new short haircut on Ellen. Not only are doctors happy with the news, but mothers are too. Gone are the days of sharing their hair products and blow dryers with their sons!

There are many great reasons to learn to sew. First, sewing is a skill that you will have throughout your entire life. Additionally, it is a practical skill to have and is one that is applicable to real-world problems. Sewing also is a great way to save money. For example, if you know how to sew, you can alter your own clothes and avoid paying enormous fees just to get your pants fitted to your size. All seventh graders should thank their FACS teacher for sharing such an important skill with them!

Whenever the economy is in a slump, people typically tend to cut back on unnecessary spending. For example, people usually decide not to go on extravagant vacations, and they always buy fewer presents for holidays. In fact, when times are tough, it seems like all you hear about is how sales are down.

We had hot summers in eastern Nebraska where I was born. Often the temperature rose to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with high humidity to match. Our clothes would become so damp from a walk or bike ride that we’d have to change twice a day just to keep ourselves from sticking to the furniture. We never could get enough of the pool! Now we live in Arizona where summer temperatures are even hotter, yet we seldom complain. Perhaps that’s because more buildings are air-conditioned, or it may be the lack of humidity. Arizona has a far drier climate than Nebraska, winter or summer.