Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Enrollment Reporting

Effective September 1, 2011

Updated October 26, 2011

Below provides guidance for reporting ALE enrollment.

Students Not Making Satisfactory Progress

A student whose progress was unsatisfactory after the monthly evaluation will be required to have an intervention plan in place within five school days of the evaluation. If an intervention plan is in place within five school days, the student may be claimed for that month’s P-223 based on the weekly instruction hours identified in the student written learning plan. If an intervention plan is not in place within five school days of the unsatisfactory evaluation, the student’s FTE must be removed from the P-223 for the month that the intervention plan was due. The reporting of actual instructional hours after an unsatisfactory evaluation is no longer required.

Example #1:

On the October 3rd count date, , an ALE student was countedand included in the Total K–12 District Enrollment on theP-223 based on the estimated weekly hours identified in the student written learning plan. The student’s monthly progress evaluation on October 20th showed unsatisfactory progress and the required intervention plan was not in place by October 25th, within five school days of evaluation. The student’s enrollment is removed from the October P-223.

Example #2:

On the October 3rd count date, an ALE student was counted and included in the Total K–12 District Enrollment on theP-223 based on the estimated weekly hours identified in the student written learning plan. The student’s monthly progress evaluation on October 31st showed unsatisfactory progress and the intervention plan was not in place by November 4th, within five school days of evaluation. The student’s enrollment is removed from the October P-223. (correction made October 26, 2011)

Reduction of Funding for ALE Programs

Students in ALE programs who meet the minimum contact time as required under WAC 392-121-182(8) will be funded at 90% of the general apportionment rate. Students who do not meet the required contact time will be funded at 80% of the general apportionment rate.

Districts whose ALE programs do not intend to meet the minimum contact time must report their enrollment in these programs for 80% funding. Districts running ALE programs that intend to meet the minimum contact time report their students’ FTE for 90% funding. If students do not meet the intended minimum contact time, districts can claim the students’ enrollment for 80% funding.

SAFS ALE Enrollment Reporting

Districts continue to report their ALE program enrollment by grade, by month, and by home districts through the SAFS ALE Enrollment Reporting system. In addition, districts will report the ALE enrollment that met or did not meet the minimum contact time requirement.

P-223 and P-223S

Beginning September 2011, districts are required to report separately on the P-223 and P-223S, their ALE enrollment (both headcount and FTE) based on the minimum contact time. Districts should continue to include their ALE enrollment in the Total K–12 District enrollment. In addition, the ALE enrollment (headcount and FTE) must be restated in the appropriate new ALE columns. Districts are also required to report ALE enrollment that generates Skills Center, Secondary Vocational, and Middle School Vocational funding based on contact time.

Since the ALE enrollment must be reported based on the average weekly contact time, districts must wait until the end of the month to assess whether the minimum contact time was met. As such, districts should submit their P-223 on the monthly deadline including their ALE enrollment in the Total K–12 District enrollment. By the next month’s enrollment deadline, districts should revise their prior month’s P-223, separately reporting the ALE enrollment claimed based onif the minimum contact time was met or not.

Districts should report their ALE enrollment in its entirety. The 90% or 80% adjustment will be done by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction based on the data provided by the district.

Example #3:

On the October count date, the district has 100.0 FTE in an ALE program that intends to meet the minimum contact time. For the October P-223, the district includes the 100.0 FTE with their total district enrollment in the Total K–12 District Enrollment. At the end of the month, the district will evaluate whether the 100.0 FTE claimed at the beginning met the minimum contact time. Two students (2.0 FTE) missed their face-to-face meetings and did not meet the minimum contact time. The district will revise the October P-223, reporting 98.0 FTE in the ‘Met Minimum Contact Time’ column and 2.0 FTE in the ‘Not Meeting Minimum Contact Time’ column.