Alternative Energy for Vehicles PROJECT

Your team will select an alternative fuel (hydrogen, biogas, lpg) to research and present to the class. Your group project is due on ______. We will be visiting the media center during class on these dates to research: ______. Your project’s bibliography must include ______references from a variety of sources, including books, reference books, and Internet/magazine articles.

You may choose from the following products:

1.  Power Point Presentation(9-11 minutes) with required content and 10+ visuals

2.  Commercial/Infomercial---max 5 minutes (accompanied by a 3-page double-spaced paper with required content…12 point Times Roman)

3.  Tri-Fold Display Board with required content and 10+ visuals

4.  Live Newscast Presentation(9-11 minutes) with required content and 5+visuals

All group members must participate in the preparation and the presentation of the project. Yes, all must speak and dress professionally! Use note cards to help your group prepare for the presentation. Your group must meet with the teacher at least once as a group during SMART lunch!

Your project must answer the following questions:


·  Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?


-type of alternative fuel



-domestic content of fuel

-fuel availability


Alternative Fuel Vehicles

·  Vehicle Experience

·  Operational Performance

·  Cost to buy and Maintenance/Reliability

·  Environmental Benefits

·  Safety