Alternative Book Report Ideas
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down!
Pair up and read the same book. Afterwards, each writes up a book review, but in the style of a movie review. Talk about at least 5 literary elements. At the end of the reviews, conclude by awarding a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” on the book. As a culminating event, use the reviews to plan a movie book review television show and videotape it for the class to see.
Sell It!
Pretend to be a publicist. Write and then deliver a 5-minute speech that will persuade other students that they should read the book. Discuss at least 5 literary elements. In conjunction with the speech, include and use other materials (props, visuals, etc.) to advertise and promote the book.
Interview a Character
This alternative book review involves two parts: 1) Compose 10 questions to ask a main character. Also write the character's response to each question. The questions and answers should provide information that shows the book was read(literary elements) 2) Compose 10 questions that s/he feels a main character would like to ask the reader (or the author, another character, etc.), and that person's responses. The questions and answers should show that the student comprehended the book for meaning and insight, not just recall.
Vocabulary Packs
List 5 different story elements (setting, characters, plot, conflict, mood, climax, etc.). Develop a vocabulary pack. This pack consists of 10 important words for each element. Words do not have to appear in the story; in fact, in order to support inferential thinking, it is suggested that most of the words do not. Write each word on one side of a 3X5 card. On the other side, define the word and explain how and why it is important to the story.
In the News!
V On a large piece of paper (flipchart paper works well) create a detailed and colorful front page of a newspaper that tells about the literary elements in the story events, settings, and characters in a book just read. Among other things, the newspaper page might include weather reports, an editorial, editorial cartoon, advertisements, etc. The title of the newspaper should be appropriate to the book.
Picture Books
After reading, creates a picture book version of the story, including illustrations that would appeal to younger students.
Sketch Journal
Creates a sketch journal and writes at least 10 entries that might have been written by a character in a book just read. Each entry is accompanied by a sketch that enhances the written information.
Book Report Container
Selects a book report container. The container can be a can, a manila envelope, a plastic bag, or anything else that might be appropriate for or particularly suited to the book. Decorate the container to convey some of the major details, literary elements (setting, characters, conflicts, climax, resolution, etc.), or themes found in the book.
When containers are completed, students work on the contents of their containers. Among other things, they include:
• Important Questions: On 3X5 cards write a pack of 10 (or more) questions (1 question per card). Five(5) of these questions will require recall of important information in the book and 5 will require inferential thinking about the book. On the other side of each card write responses to each question;
Items or Artifacts: include 5 (or more) items that have a connection to important concepts in the story.
It Needs a New Jacket!
Create a colorful new jacket for the book with an original blurb. The new jacket is accompanied with a diorama that identifies main events and important concepts from the book.
Hyperbole Can Be Fun
Write a tabloid style news story that exaggerates the literary elements in the book. The story is accompanied by at least one illustration.
Making Mobiles
Make interesting mobiles. Mobiles include pictures or symbols (or other creative items) that represent understanding and reaction to the book. Also create a small booklet to accompany the mobile that includes a little description of what mobiles are and how each item relates to the story.
Make a montage that represents understandings and reactions to the book. Also create a small booklet that includes a description of how each item on the montage relates to the story.
Songs, Songs, Songs
Write an original song that can accompany the book and include a 1 page description of how the song relates to the book.
Graffiti Board
Make a creative and colorful graffiti board to display in class. The graffiti board should be multi-modal (language, art, symbols, etc.) and reflect understandings and reactions to the book. Include a 1-2 page description of how the graffiti relates to the book.
Pennants, Pennants, and more Pennants
Create and decorate 5 pennants. Each pennant can correspond to literary elements, major understandings, personal understandings of the book, etc. Include a 1-2 page description of how each pennant relates to the book.
Most Wanted!
Make a "Most Wanted!" large poster for one of the characters in the book. Among other possible things, students include:
• A drawing of the character;
• A physical description of the character;
• The character's misdeeds;
• The reward offered for the capture of the character;
• Other information about the character that is important.
Make sure to incorporate at least 5 literary elements.
Planning a Party
Plan a party for the characters in the book. Complete each of the following tasks:
• Design an invitation to the party which would appeal to all of the characters;
• Imagine that you are five of the characters in the book and tell what each
would wear to the party and why;
• Tell what food you would serve and why;
• Tell what games and other entertainment you will provide and why your
choices are appropriate;
• Tell how three of the characters will act at the party;
• What kind of party is this? (birthday, housewarming, anniversary, etc.);
• Other items.