Our Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Strategy & Implementation Plan was available for consultation from 19th December 2013 until 20th January 2014. During this period we received three formal consultation responses.
Allresponses were broadly positive:
“This is a well-constructed and easy-to-follow document with clear commitment to equality, diversity and human rights.”
“It was refreshing to see a document that was quite clear about its statutory duty to deliver, and commitment to providing, a holistic approach to equality issues”
“I think you have some excellent processes in place.”
The consultation was conducted in a structured format and minor changes were made to the document as a result.
Question 1: Do you agree with the addition of ‘rurality’ to the list of protected characteristics (see page 8)?
As a result of consultation feedback, it was decided that ‘rurality’ should be classed as a “factor” that needed to be considered, rather than a ‘characteristic’.
Question 2: Could our proposed leadership approach be improved?
Two respondents answered this question:
“I think we always strive to improve whatever we do. It would be really interesting to know the diverse cultural make up, including those with protected characteristics, on your various boards/forums/etc.”
“Expert by experience at this level to consult on equality and lead on Involvement”
In response to this feedback we will consider publishing equalities monitoring data on our governing body. Biographies for the members are available on our website at:
Question 3: Do think that the proposed assessment process is sufficient?
It was noted that we should, “have the opportunity of commissioning work through specialist organisations, including those working primarily with protected characteristics, no matter how small”. We currently ensure equality of opportunity for providers throughout the commissioning cycle and will continue to do so in the future.
Question 4: How would you like your CCG to be accountable to you?
Responses to this question demonstrated the importance of public engagement. We are currently building a contact list for public and patient engagement. All members of the public can be added to this list on request.
Question 5: Do you agree with the way the strategy has been integrated into the commissioning cycle?
Question 6: Do you feel that there should be additional questions asked during the commissioning cycle?
In response to concern we have amended the diagram to be explicit about the involvement of those not in protective groups alongside those categorised into protective groups. It is also noted here that a detailed cost analysis is undertaken as part of any change.
Question 7: Do you agree with the way Vale of York CCG does Equalities Impact Analysis?
There was agreement among respondents that the Equality Impact Analysis undertaken by us was of a high standard.
Question 8: Do you find Public and Patient Forums accessible?
It was noted in the feedback that our forums generate good discussions. We will continue to ensure that with all future forum the barriers to attendance are considered and address where appropriate.
Question 9: Could you suggest any additional stakeholder than those listed in the strategy?
York Racial Equality network (YREN) requested that they were added to the list of stakeholders. Although it was not appropriate for their organisation to be added to the list in the Strategy and Implementation Plan, we have added the organisation to our wider stakeholder list. All governing body meetings are open to the public and questions can be submitted in advance by contacting the CCG.
Question 10: Do you agree with the aims for published equality objectives?
All respondents agreed with the publish objectives.
Question 11: how could the figure defining shared equality objectives be improved?
In response to this question we had included a tabulated form of the mind map in the final published version.
Question 12: Do you have any additional comments on the strategy?
In response to consultation we will be monitoring equalities data for our future engagement works.
All of our publications are available in different formats; the availability will be stated where appropriate in all documents. Please request different formats or paper copies of our publications from: .
Thank You
We would like to thank our respondents, particularly York Racial Equality Network for their detailed response.