X. Plyometrics
Allow full recovery between sets
1. Platform Depth Jump
Preparation- Stand on the box close to the front edge and face the platform.
Execution - Step off box landing on both feet between box and platform. Jump off the ground as fast as possible onto the platform.
Comments - Increase height of platform as ability improves. Plyometric boxes or stacked mats may be used
2. Long Depth Jump
Preparation - Stand on box close to front edge facing measured floor.
Execution - Step off box landing on both feet behind starting line. Jump off the ground as fast and as far as possible.
1. Box Jumps
Preparation - Stand in front of a secured box or platform.
Execution - Jump onto box and immediately back down to same position. Immediately repeat.
Comments - Jump back and forth from floor and box as fast as possible
2. Stair Jumps
Preparation - Stand facing bottom of staircase.
Execution - Squat down and jump up steps using a double arm swing. Upon landing, immediately jump up steps again.
Comments: Use both upper and lower body movements. Keep landings short. Increase number of steps jumped each repetition as ability improves. Perform 2 or more jumps in succession.
1. Box Jump March
Preparation - Stand in front of a short box or platform. Place one foot on edge of box.
Execution - Jump up high and land with opposite foot on edge of box and other foot on floor. Immediately repeat.
1. Lateral Barrier Jumps
Preparation - Stand with side to barrier (ball would be good)
Execution - Jump sideways to opposite side of barrier. Upon landing, immediately jump to other side.
Comments: Use both upper and lower body movements. Attempt to increase speed of jumps, keeping landings short. Perform multiple jumps in succession.
2. Box Lateral Jumps
Preparation - Stand on box.
Execution - Jump sideways down to side of box. Jump back onto box then jump down to the other side of the box. Jump back onto the box and repeat.
Comments: Use both upper and lower body movements. Attempt to increase speed of jumps, keeping landings short. Perform multiple jumps in succession.
3. Box Lateral Shuffle
Preparation - Stand with one foot on box and other foot off, down by side of box.
Execution - Jump sideways so opposite foot is on box and the other is off by side of box. Repeat shuffle side to side.
Comments: Use both upper and lower body movements. Attempt to increase speed of jumps, keeping landings short. Perform multiple jumps in succession
Plyometrics continued:
Bounds: Start off by jogging, then push off with your left foot. Bring your left leg forward, knees bent and thigh parallel to the ground. As you do this, reach forward with your right arm, and extend back your right leg for the duration of the push off, then land on your left foot. Next, do the same with your right leg, and with the left arm reaching forward, left leg extended backwards. Make each stride long to cover as much distance as possible. Land flat footed on the sole of your feet to allow energy to be stored, and immediately take off again. Do three sets over a 30-40 yard section allowing full recovery in between sets.
Hurdle Hopping: Jump over the hurdles / barriers with your feet together. Keep the body vertical and straight; do not let your knees move apart or to either side of your body. Knees should be tucked to your chest. The movement should come from the hips and the knees. Take note to land on the balls of your feet. Perform three sets using 6-8 hurdles. Allow for full recovery between sets.
Single Leg Hop: Standing on one leg, push off with the leg on the ground and jump forward. Use a forceful swing of the opposite leg to increase the length and height of the jump. Land on the ball of the foot of the leg you jumped with. Keep your body vertical and straight. As you progress, try to pull the heel towards the buttocks during the jump. Perform the drill on both legs…Perform three sets over 30-40 yards. Allow for full recovery between sets.
Forward Leap: Line up a set of cones according to leaping ability. Stand with your feet together at one end, then jump to the next cone, keeping your feet together. Try to land as close to the next cone as possible, while getting as much height at the same time. Land on the balls of your feet, and jump to the next cone immediately. Perform three sets using 6-8 evenly spaced cones. Allow for full recovery between sets.
Tuck Jump: From a standing position, jump with your feet together. Grab both knees as they come up your chest. Landing on the balls of your feet, return to the starting position then spring up as quickly as you can. Perform three sets, 8-10 reps per set. Allow for full recovery between sets.
Bunny Hops: Stand up with your legs spread, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs down to a squatting position and jump forward as high and as far as possible. Land on the balls of your feet and spring up as quickly as you can. Keep your body vertical and straight. Perform three sets with 8-10 reps per set. Allow for full recovery between sets.
18 Yard Line Drills: Use a line 18 yards long (aerobic and anaerobic combined session)
1. Slalom Jumps back and forth down the line. Small quick jumps
2. Knees to chest…Maximum height jumping down the line.
3. Facing the line, jumping back and forth doing as many as possible moving quickly down the line.
4. Same as #3 but facing other direction
5. Hop on right foot down the line. Go for maximum height
6. Same as #5 but left foot.
7. Long jump down the line. Go for maximum distance. Feet must stay together the entire time.
8. Lunge walk down the line
9. Speed skating. Long stride, arc and jump. Must be fluid.
10. Sprint to the end of the line and back
After each exercise, except the sprint, jog back to the beginning. Players perform three sets of each of the above.