Using Textbk (pg 172-173) or Planner make flashcards for the following elements (spell accurately) and their chemical symbols (use correct format):

hydrogen / helium / lithium / beryllium / boron / carbon / nitrogen / oxygen / fluorine / neon / sodium / magnesium / iron / nickel / cobalt/ argon / copper / tin / zinc / silver / lead / bismuth / cadmium / gold / mercury / bromine / potassium / chlorine / phosphorus / iodine / tungsten / sulfur / uranium / vanadium / yttrium / calcium / silicon / gallium / aluminum / manganese / chromium / platinum / francium / arsenic / germanium / antimony / tellurium / astatine / polonium / xenon / radium / curium / thorium / barium / strontium / plutonium / nobelium / bohrium / krypton / radon / rubidium / cesium / ununoctium / indium / thallium / ununtrium / scandium / seaborgium / rutherfordium / mendelevium / meitnerium / lawrencium / dubnium / hassium / copernicium / actinium / lanthanum / zirconium / californium / europium / thulium / titanium / einsteinium / molybdenum / americium


(1)ALLOTROPEis a different form of the an element in the same physical state of matter

(a) it is “1” type of atom, but the atoms are arranged differently,which give theallotropes

different properties

(b)each allotrope is a pure form of that element

1. (e.g.) TWO, SOLID allotropes of carbon [C]are graphite and diamond

(c)Only some elements have allotropes:

1.Carbon [C], oxygen [O], phosphorus [P], sulfur [S] and tin [Sn]

2.(e.g.) oxygen [O] = TWO GASEOUS allotropes:O2 (diatomic oxygen) and O3 (ozone)

(2)EFFUSION  is the process by which gas particles flow through small holes in a


(a) MOLECULAR MASS  is the mass of “1” molecule of a substance

(b)GRAHAM’S LAW states gases with a lower molecular masseffuse more quickly than

gases with a higher molecular mass

1.hydrogen[H]will EFFUSE more quickly from a container than oxygen[O] because

hydrogenis a smaller sized molecule and has less mass than oxygen

2. helium [He] balloonsover time DEFLATE due to EFFUSION, so to SLOW DOWN

the effusion process a thin, metal coating of aluminum[Al] is used giving helium

balloons their silvery color

(3)DIFFUSION  is the movement of particles from an AREA of HIGH concentration to an

AREA of LOW concentration

(a)the KINETIC ENERGY (energy of motion) of the gas’s particles is why this movement

occurs passive transport

(b)diffusion CONTINUES until the particles are EVENLY distributed throughout the area

(c)RATE OF DIFFUSION depends on:temperature,particle size, and level of concentration

1. TEMPERATURE: particles diffuse more quickly at HIGHERtemperatures

2. PARTICLE SIZE: SMALLERparticles diffuse more quickly than larger ones

3. CONCENTRATION LEVELS: particles diffuse MORE QUICKLY when diffusion

first BEGINS