General Accessibility
Developandimplement policiesto
achieveaccessibilitythrough meeting requirements underthe IAS regulation, includinga statementoforganizational commitment.Provide policies in an accessibleformat uponrequest. / January1,2013 / AODAWorking
LabourLegal AssociateDirector / Draft policiesforapprovalby theBoard
andpostonBoardwebsite. / Completed
Establish andmaintaina multi-year accessibility plan (MYAP)atleastonce
every fiveyears in consultationwith personswith disabilities,andpostthe planandprogress updatesonwebsite. / January1,2013 / AODAWorking Group / Continually update MYAP andshare with AODAWorkingGroupandExecutive
Council inFall2014.Organize consulting groupof persons withdisabilities to reviewtheMYAP.Meet with consulting groupfollowingreview byExecutive Council.Post MYAPandprogress updates onwebsite. / Ongoing
Incorporate accessibility criteria and
featureswhen procuring oracquiring goods,servicesorfacilities,except when it isnotpracticable todoso.If the Boarddeterminesitis not practicabletodoso, it willprovidean explanationuponrequest. / January1,2013 / Purchasing / Purchasing Departmenthas incorporated
this requirementin itscontracts andRFP documentation. / Completed
Incorporate accessibility featureswhen
designing, procuringoracquiringself- serve kiosks. / January1,2013 / Purchasing / Purchasing Departmenthas incorporated
this requirementin itscontracts andRFP documentation. / Completed
Providetrainingonthe requirementsof
the Integrated AccessibilityStandards andthe HumanRightsCode as it / January1,2014 / AODAWorking
Professional Learning / Anawareness pamphlethas been
developed andwill be distributed inFall 2014.Amore detailed trainingplanis beingdeveloped byProfessional Learning / InProgress
pertains topersonswith disabilities to,
- allemployeesandvolunteers;
- allpersonswhoparticipatein developingtheBoardspolicies;and
- allotherpersonswho provide goods,servicesorfacilitieson behalf ofthe Board.
trainingof personswhoprovidegoods, services,facilitiesonthe Board’s behalf).
Providetrainingappropriate to
employeeduties assoonaspracticable followingcommencementof those duties. / January1,2014 / AODAWorking
Professional Learning Unit / Anawareness pamphlethas been
developed andwill be distributed inFall 2014.Training materialwill be distributed tonewemployeesat timeof hire. Additional trainingfor educatorswill be provided. / Ongoing
Providetrainingwithrespecttoany changestothis Policy. / January1,2014 / AODAWorking Group
Professional Learning Unit / As required.IfthePolicychanges,the Boardwillprovide updated training. / As Required
Maintainrecordsofsuchtraining. / January1,2014 / Professional Learning
Unit / Willbe addressed aspartof trainingplan.
Professional LearningUnit is lookingat variousrecord-keepingoptions. Training verificationthroughKeytoLearn. / InProgress
Provide employeesinvolvedin program
orcoursedesign, delivery and instructionwith trainingrelatedto accessibleprogramor coursedelivery andinstruction.The Boardwill keep recordsofsuchtraining. / January1,2013 / Professional Learning
Teachingand Learning / Inadditiontoreadingthe Awareness
pamphlet,educatorswill be requiredto takeanonlinetrainingprogram through Key ToLearn.Thistrainingcomplements existingBoardtrainingforeducators who workwithspecial needs students. This will allowforthe trackingof completionof training.TeachingLearningtomeet with ProfessionalLearning Unit to / InProgress
determinenext steps.
Provideor arrange for provision of
accessibleformatsandcommunication supports for personswithdisabilities,
- Ina timelymannerthattakesinto accountthe person's accessibility needs due todisability;and
- At a cost,if any,that is nomore thanthe regularcostcharged to other persons.
All Board departments and schools / Currentlyaddressedonacase-by-case
basis at local level,otherwiserequestscan be directed totheAODA WorkingGroup.
CommunicationsandPublic Affairs and the AODA WorkingGroupare developing a TDSBaccessibility“hub”onitsintranet andinternetwebsiteswithvariousAODA- related resourcestohelpguide the public andBoardstaff toappropriate Board personnelor departments.
The AODA WorkingGroupwill coordinate internal resources tofacilitate such requests.Special Educationdepartment will provide assistance indeveloping accessibleformatsandcommunications supports uponrequest.
CommunicationsandPublic Affairs will helpprepare aone-page sheet highlightingkeypoints for Superintendents/Family ofSchoolsand BusinessManagers toconsider when dealingwithsuchrequests.
Activelyencourageuseofplainlanguage. / Completed
Consultwith thepersonmakingthe
request todeterminethesuitabilityof / January1,2015 / AODAWorking
Group / Generate awarenessofthisrequirement. / Ongoing
anaccessible formator communication
support. / Communicationsand Public Affairs
Notifythe public abouttheavailability
of accessibleformats and communicationsupports. / January1,2015 / AODAWorking
Communicationsand Public Affairs / Notificationissetoutin the TDSB’s AODA
policiesandwill beontheTDSB’s accessibility website. / Completed
communicationsareunconvertible, providethe personrequestingthe informationorcommunicationwith,
- Anexplanationas towhy the informationorcommunications are unconvertible;and
- A summaryofthe unconvertible informationorcommunications.
Communicationsand Public Affairs / Generate awarenessofthisrequirement. / InProgressand
Implementa feedback processthatis
accessibletopersonswithdisabilities by arrangingor providingfor the provisionof accessibleformatsand communicationsupports uponrequest. / January1,2014 / Communicationsand
Public Affairs
AODAWorking Group / Feedback processesalready in place.
Generalinquiriesare currentlydistributed by CommunicationandPublic Affairs to appropriate department Manager/Principal for response.Dealt with ona case-by-case basis.
Post feedback processonTDSBwebsite. Feedbackmay alsobedirectedtothe AODAWorkingGroup. / Completed
procedures, plansor publicsafety informationthat isavailable tothe public inan accessible formatorwith / January1,2012 / Communicationsand
Public Affairs
AODAWorking Group / Requestsaredealtwithona case-by-case
basis.Communications andPublic Affairs will assistin developingandimplementing measuresandresourcestohelpguide the public andBoardstaff toappropriate / Completed
appropriatecommunications support. / CaringandSafe Schools / Boardpersonnelor departments.
Requestsaredealtwithona case-by-case basis.
Makeitsinternet websitesandweb
contentconformwith theWorldWide WebConsortiumWebContent Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG 2.0) at Level A (for new internet websites), and/orLevel AA(withsome exceptions),unless itis notpracticable todoso. / January1,2014
Level A (new websitesonly)
January1,2021 Level AA(all websites) / AllBoard
Departmentsand Schools / Various tools are used to test the Board website for WCAG 2.0 (World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliance. The Board’s public website ( is compliant with Level A and is working towards Level AA compliance in accordance to AODA timelines. To ensure TDSB school website compliance to AODA requirements, schools must use the Board content management tool provided to them by Web Services to build and manage their sites. School sites that are not currently using this platform should contact Web Services for assistance. / Ongoing
Provideifnotifiedof need,educational
or trainingresourcesormaterial inan accessibleformat thattakes into accountthe accessibility needs due to disabilityof thepersontowhomthe materialistobe providedby,
- Procuringthroughpurchase or obtainingbyothermeans an accessibleorconversion- ready electronic formatofeducational or trainingresourcesormaterials, whereavailable;or
- Arrangingfor theprovisionof a comparable resourceinan accessibleorconversionready electronic format,if educational or trainingresourcesormaterial
Special Education Teachingand
ContinuingEducation / InKey toLearn, participants areinvitedto
self-identifyany accessibility needsfor training.
For students, each requestis dealtwithon a case-by-casebasis, in consultationwith Principal andSpecialEducation department.
Dealtwithonacase-by-case basis.There are processesin place toprovide accessibleformatsuponrequest. / Completed
cannot beprocured,obtained by
other meansor convertedintoan accessibleformat.
Providestudent records and
informationonprogramrequirements, availabilityanddescriptions in an accessibleformat topersons with disabilities. / January1,2013 / AcademicResearch
Information Management / Requestsaredealtwithona case-by-case
basis.TrilliumVendor(SRV) has confirmed that allnewmodule/product developmentwill be AODAcompliant. The strategyforthe provisioningAODA compliancyofexistingmodules related to student recordswill bedeveloped in conjunctionwithTrilliumPrioritySetting Committee (TDSBrepresentation)
ExternalmyBlueprint (usedfor Secondary Course Selection)website is designed to be accessible andmeetvarious accessibility requirements.Thewebsite supports reader softwarefor thosewith visual impairment. / Completed
versionsof anyeducationalortraining textbooks andprint-basededucational or trainingsupplementarylearning resourcesthatit produces. / January1,2015
January1,2020 Print resources / Teachingand
Special Education ContinuingEducation Purchasing / Requestswill beaddressed onacase-by-
casebasisin consultationwith Special Educationorotherdepartments.
Teachingand Learningis currently reviewingitsprocesses.
ContinuingEducationwillcontact Purchasingregardingmaterials for continuingeducationcourses. / Ongoing
Libraries, uponrequest,will provide,
procureor acquire anyaccessibleor conversionreadyformatofprint, / January1,2015
Print resources / Teachingand
Learning / Requestswill beaddressed onacase-by-
casebasisin consultationwithTeaching andLearning,SpecialEducation,orother / InProgress
digital, ormulti-media resourcesor
materials(with someexceptions) for a personwith a disability. / January1,2020
Digital/multimedia / Special Education / departments.
Developa procedure tonotify, consult
with, and/or informits employeesand the public abouttheavailability of accommodationfor applicantswith disabilities initsrecruitment and selectionprocesses.
- Notifyjobapplicantswhoare selected forfurtherconsideration that accommodations are available uponrequest;
- Consultwith jobapplicantswho request an accommodationand provideorarrange toprovide suitable accommodationina mannerthat takesintoaccount their needsdue todisability;
- Notifythe successfulapplicant(s)of its policiesfor accommodating employeeswith disabilitieswhen makinganofferofemployment; and
- Inform employees ofits accessibility andaccommodation policiesandprocedures assoonas practicable after starting employmentandin theevent of
LabourLegal / Employee Servicesjobpostings include
the followingstatement:We striveto meetthe accommodationneeds of personswith disabilities. Applicants are encouraged to maketheirneeds for accommodationknown inadvance during the applicationprocess.
Employee Services willupdate itsintranet andinternetwebsitestoincorporatethis notice toapplytoall recruitment, assessmentandselectionprocedures.
Notificationmade ina varietyofways, includingfor example:
-Joboffer letters
-Employee handbooks
-Employee Services websites
Notificationof changes to policiesand procedureswill be done primarilythrough DirectLinee-newsletter.Updatedpolicies andproceduresarealsoavailable to employees andthe publicontheTDSB websites. / Completed
Uponrequest, consultwithan
employeetoprovideor arrange to providesuitable accessibleformats and communicationssupport for joband employment-relatedinformation. / January1,2014 / LabourLegal
Employee Services / Dealtwithonacase-by-case basis.A new
draftWorkplaceAccommodation Procedureencouragesemployeesto notifytheirManager/Principal or Employee Servicesof theirneedfor workplaceaccommodationin advance, andrecommendsthat Principals/Managersand Employee Services consultwith thedisabled employeeontheaccommodation required. / Completed
Developandmaintaina procedure to
provideindividualized workplace emergencyresponseinformationto employeeswhohavea disability, if necessary andifthe Boardis awareof the needforaccommodation. / January1,2012 / LabourLegal
AODAWorking Group
Employee Services / Dealtwithonacase-by-case basis.
Developprocedure andforms.
Post procedureandformsonTDSB intranet byFall2014 and communicateto Principals/SiteManagers.
Accommodationand Returnto Work procedureswill incorporate workplace emergencyresponseintothoseprocesses.
Principals haveevacuationplans at each school.TheTDSBprovidesBlackberrysto hearingimpairedstafftoassist duringan emergencyresponse. / Completed
Developand maintaina procedurefor
the developmentof documented individual accommodationplans for employeeswith disabilities. The individual accommodationplanwill be / January1,2014 / LabourLegal
Employee Services / Individual plans aredeveloped onacase-
by-casebasis. Accommodationprocedure has been drafted, subject toreviewand approval by ExecutiveCouncil by Fall 2014. / InProgress
provided ina format that takes into
accounttheemployee's accessibility needs due todisability. / Notethatteachingstaff covered by OTIP have theirown processesandforms.
Developandmaintainawritten return
towork procedureforemployeeswho have been absentfrom work due toa disability. The returntowork procedurewilloutlinethe steps the Boardwilltake to facilitatereturnto workanduse documentedindividual accommodationplansas part ofthe process. / January1,2014 / LabourLegal
Employee Services / ReturntoWork procedurehas been
drafted, subject toreviewandapproval by ExecutiveCouncil by Fall2014.
Disabilitymanagement reviewmayalso address proceduralissues. / Complete
Takeintoaccount theneeds of
employeeswith disabilitiesas well as their individual accommodationplans duringany performance management process. / January1,2014 / LabourLegal
Employee Services / Dealtwithonacase-by-case basis.
Employee Servicesiscurrentlyreviewing their performancemanagementprocesses toincorporatethis requirement.Currently built intoteacherassessment processand addressedona case-by-case basis to ensure appraisal isbasedonjob performance,notdisability. / Complete
Takeintoaccount theaccessibility
needsof employeeswith disabilities as wellastheir individual accommodation plans when providingcareer development and advancement. / January1,2014 / LabourLegal
Employee Services / Dealtwithonacase-by-case basis.
Employee Services iscurrentlyreviewing their performancemanagementprocesses toincorporatethis requirement.Currently built intoteacherassessment processand addressedona case-by-case basis to ensure appraisal isbasedonjob performance,notdisability.
Takeintoaccount theaccessibility needsof employeeswith disabilities as
wellasindividual accommodation / January1,2014 / LabourLegal
Employee Services / Dealtwithonacase-by-case basis. Employee Services iscurrentlyreviewing
their staffing/redeployment processes to / Complete
plans when redeployingemployees
with disabilities. / incorporatethis requirement.
Provide integrated accessible school
transportation,orappropriate alternative accessible transportation servicesfor studentswithdisabilities whereintegrated servicesare not possibleor notthe bestoptiondueto the natureofthe disabilityor safety concerns. / July1,2011 / Student
Transportation Services / IntegratedWheelchairbusesarecurrently
available froma numberoftransportation companies. NextTransportation'RFP'will mandatea percentageofcarrier fleet to have accessible schoolbuses available for charterservices.Therearea variety of vehicletypesusedbyour transportation providers tosuitthe specific needs forour student community.Reviewundertaken andprocessmodified requirement completed. / Completed
Consultwith parentsor guardians of
studentswith disabilities to:
- Identifystudentswith disabilities beforethecommencementofeach school yearor duringtheschool year;
- Developan individual school transportationplan("ISTP") for each studentwitha disability whichsetsout thestudent's assistanceneedsandincludes plans for individual student boarding, securement, and deboarding;
- Identifyandcommunicatetothe appropriate partiesthe rolesand responsibilities ofthe transportationprovider, the
Transportation Services / New studentsare identifiedthroughthe
IPRC process andtheirneedsare documented intheTransportation ApplicationForm(Individual Student TransportationPlan).Verificationforms go out toschools inApriltoconfirm returningstudents andtoidentify any changesinthestudentsneeds.
Duringthe intakeprocessthe transportationneedsof the studentsare documentedonthe Transportation applicationformwhichhasbeenmodified tocollectthe necessary information detailingwiththe student’sneeds.
A Special Needstransportationbrochure is tobeprovided tothe familiesatthe intake meetingthathighlightstherolesand responsibilities ofall parties. / Completed
parentsor guardiansof thestudent
with thedisability,theoperatorof the vehicle used totransport the student, appropriateschool staff , andthe studentwiththe disability; / TransportationProviders are provided
relevant studentinformationontheir bus routerostersandis alsoavailable tothem electronically throughtheBoards TransportationManagement software.
DesignofPublic Spaces
Consultwith thepublic andpersons
with disabilitieswhen it constructs new or redevelopsexistingoutdoorplay spaces. / January1,2016 / Design
Construction / Process has been developed to address the consultation process. / Ongoing
Incorporate accessibility featuresas identified intheIntegratedAccessibility
Standards when it constructsnewor redevelopsexistingoutdoor play spaces that it intends tomaintain. / January1,2016 / Part of design following consultation with public and persons with disabilities. / Ongoing
Address the requirementssetout in
the Integrated AccessibilityStandards when itconstructs newor redevelops existingexterior pedestrianwalkways andoutdoor sidewalks, connected ramps, andconnectedstairs, including thoseatOutdoor EducationCentres. / January1,2016 / Part of design on a project by project basis. / Ongoing
Consultwith thepublic andpersons
with disabilitieswhen it constructs new or redevelopsexistingrestareason exterior pedestrianwalkways and outdoor sidewalks. / January1,2016 / To be reviewed as part of design when required. / Ongoing
Address the requirementssetout in
the Integrated AccessibilityStandards / January1,2016 / To be reviewed as part of design when required. / Ongoing
when itconstructs newor redevelops
existingparking facilitiesthat it intends tomaintain.
Address the requirementssetout in
the Integrated AccessibilityStandards when itconstructs new service countersandfixedqueuingguides,and when itconstructs newor redevelops existingwaitingareas. / January1,2016 / Part of design on project to project basis. / Ongoing
Prepare procedures for preventative
andemergencymaintenanceof the accessibleelements inthepublic spaces notedabove initsmulti-year accessibility plan. / January1,2016 / Procedure in place to address maintenance in emergency situations. / Ongoing
Prepareprocedures for dealingwith
temporary disruptionswhenaccessible elements inthe public spacesnoted above arenotin workingorder. / January1,2016 / Procedure in place to post at school site, or on school website, when temporary disruption to accessible elements. / Ongoing
Updated: March 21, 2017.
This documentis available inan accessible format uponrequest.