Pupil Premium 2017/2018

Allocation, Spend and Impact

Pupil numbers to be used in calculation of the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)

Allocation / 2016/2017 Expected Funding
Pupils in Year groups 1 – 6 as Ever 6 FSM / 192 / £286,440
Looked after children (LAC) / 5 / £7500
Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in English and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianships order a child arrangements order or a residency order / 0
Service children / 0
Total / 198 / £293,940

Barriers to future attainment for pupils eligible for (PPG)

Main internal and external barriers:

  • Vulnerable families and pupils with emotional and social needs
  • High numbers of pupils with limited/no English
  • Tackling Persistence Absentee levels
  • Delayed language and vocabulary skills (speaking & reading skills)
  • School readiness (low academic baselines on entry, socially and emotionally ready)
  • Developing strong relationships with parents, so they view the school as a hub of support

Desired outcomes to diminish the difference between Pupil Premium funded pupils and ‘Other’ pupils

A. PP attainment tracking and monitoring is robust and used to inform subsequent provision (Leaders at all levels)

B. Continue to support families and pupils’ social, emotional and health needs through Hatch, Family Liaison, Thrive Practitioner, Inclusion Team

C. Continue to support pupils and families who are new to English/ no previous schooling

D. Pupils and families with low attendance/ high persistence absentee levels are supported and challenged

E. PP pupils make rapid progress to catch up to their peers

F. More Able PP pupils ‘on track’ to exceed Expected Standard

G. Address low baseline on entry to school in EYFS so pupils quickly catch up to their peers

H. Increase vocabulary, reading and phonics achievement in EYFS & KS1

I. Improve school readiness and pupils’ enjoyment through providing before and after school clubs, subsidising trips.

Effectiveness of Leadership & Management
Objectives / Success Criteria
  • Ensure high quality early intervention from experienced teaching staff
  • Analyse progress of disadvantaged pupils to determine and identify strategies / interventions to address any issues in performance
  • Identify disadvantaged pupils to all staff and track their progress and provision
  • Assistant Principal for Groups to oversee provision and impact, reporting to SLT, HT, Governing Body and Parents
  • Ensure governing body have full knowledge and awareness of allocation / spending / impact of actions
  • Action plan identifies provision and expected impact
  • Assistant Principal for Groups acts as advocate and uses data to track progress and evaluate the impact of intervention strategies
  • Named governor and rest of governing body have a detailed knowledge of actions / their rationale / cost and impact
  • Information collated regarding progress and impact across range of interventions and activities offered to this cohort

Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Objectives / Success Criteria
  • To ensure never less than good / outstanding teaching for disadvantaged
  • Teachers are highly trained and understand and use formative assessment
  • Good/outstanding teaching has a positive impact on accelerating the progress of disadvantaged pupils - using pupil achievement data, lesson observations & book scrutiny to evaluate impact (linked to Appraisal Targets)
  • Targeted intervention demonstrate accelerated outcomes for targeted pupils Formative Assessment strategies embedded and impacting on quality of teaching and thus progress of children – linked to Appraisal process
  • Targeted early intervention (EYFS/KS1) in reading, writing and maths established Internal value-added data shows a positive gap for disadvantaged pupils

Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare
Objectives / Success Criteria
  • Attendance / punctuality and behaviour of disadvantaged pupils is monitored and in-line with other children in school and nationally (96% attendance, 8% persistence absence)
  • If attendance / punctuality and behaviour of children in receipt of PPG not in-line with other children in school and nationally then provide school based interventions such as additional Learning Mentor / TaMHS support/Education Welfare Officer
  • Assistant Principal Groups Standards to monitor cohort half termly within classes to assess impact of intervention or work with class teachers to address any issues in performance
  • Assistant Principal Groups Standards to track additional information and direct resources appropriately based on outcomes using Provision Management. Areas: attendance, parental attendance at meetings, involvement in extra-curricular activities

Outcomes for Pupils
Objectives / Success Criteria
  • To narrow the gap between disadvantaged & non-disadvantages pupils in school and with their peers nationally
  • To provide early targeted intervention for underperforming disadvantaged pupils as identified through achievement data
  • Analyse progress of disadvantaged pupils termly for the causes of under achievement and through the Appraisal process
  • Pupils make at least expected year on year progress
  • End of KS results exceed floor standards (year 2/6 achieve National Average levels or above)
  • Analysis of children taking part in early targeted intervention demonstrates progress above that expected and is being accelerated
  • Internal/External QAing measures demonstrates a positive gap between disadvantaged and non disadvantaged pupils

How are we spending the (PPG)

We draw on evidenced based reform like the Sutton Trust tool kit and EEF research. We then use our knowledge of our pupils to forensically look at why there could be a gap, to maximise achievement. It is divided into the following areas:

Quality first teaching – The power of feedback

The school is investing in crucial teacher development centred on metacognition and feedback. Research has shown that meta-cognition and self-regulation approaches have consistently high levels of impact, with pupils making an average of eight months’ additional progress. The evidence indicates that teaching these strategies can be particularly effective for low achieving and older pupils.

More time

We invest in finding out were gaps are for eligible pupils in each year group. We then deploy extra support through our English and Maths Fellows programme to support with diminishing the gap. We offer our pupils more support after school, in the form of interventions and parental support through our workshops and parental classes.

Diminishing barriers to achievement

We believe that socio-economic disadvantage should not be a barrier to academic success. We have high expectations of all of our students and seek to diminish any differences in achievement between those who are disadvantaged and their peers. Pupil Premium funding allocated to Hatfield Academy will be used to raise the achievement of disadvantaged students through identifying and subsequently overcoming specific barriers to learning in order to have the greatest impact on students.

No child stood outside of a conversation

Over 60% of pupils live in the top 3% of IDACA rated wards in the UK. Many pupils have lacked crucial experiences such as going to the sea side or having a meal in a restaurant. The healthy adult living age in the Academies catchment area is only 50 Years old, according to a recently published NHS report. We want to raise our pupil’s aspirations through experiences, visits to employers such as Cutlers Hall, or visiting to local universities. We aim to ensure all our pupils are exceptional global citizens.

Statements of Success/Impact – Year 1 / 2017/2018
1 / 2 / 3
A / 58 % of PP children –passing phonics screening
B / The progress of PP children is in the top 5% of schools nationally in
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Maths

Statements of Success/Impact – Year 2
To use £ to ensure / 2017/2018
1 / 2 / 3
A / The remaining 19% of pupils will pass their Year 1 phonics screening
B / The PP writing gap will close by 8%
C / The PP reading gap will close by 17%
D / PP attainment will be Writing 65% Reading 74% Maths 73% as per NA 2016
E / The progress of PP children is in the top 5% of schools nationally in
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Maths

H / 74% of PP children will achieve ARE in Reading
I / 53% of PP children will achieve ARE in Writing
J / 59% of PP children will achieve ARE in Maths
Statements of Success/Impact – Year 3
To use £ to ensure / 2017/2018
1 / 2 / 3
A / The progress of PP children is in the top 5% of schools nationally in
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. maths

B / 62% of PP children will achieve ARE in Reading
C / 42% of PP children will achieve ARE in Writing
D / 62% of PP children will achieve ARE in Maths
Statements of Success/Impact – Year 4
To use £ to ensure / 2017/2018
1 / 2 / 3
A / The progress of PP children is in the top 5% of schools nationally in
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. maths

B / 51% of children achieve ARE in Reading, Writing, Maths (combined)
Statements of Success/Impact – Year 5
To use £ to ensure / 2017/2018
1 / 2 / 3
A / The progress of PP children is in the top 5% of schools nationally in
a) Reading
b) Writing
B / 58% of children achieve ARE in Reading, Writing, Maths (combined)
Statements of Success/Impact – Year 6
To use £ to ensure / 2017/2018
1 / 2 / 3
A / The progress of PP children is in the top 5% of schools nationally in
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. maths

B / 53% of children achieve ARE in Reading, Writing, Maths (combined)
C / % of additional subject target group
  1. 67% will achieve ARE in reading
  2. 73% will achieve ARE in writing
  3. 70% will achieve ARE in maths

Plan /Spend / Implementation Timeline / Cost / Lead / 2017/2018
EEF Toolkit / Sept 17 / Oct 17 / Nov 17 / Jan 18 / Mar 18 / May 18 / July 18 / Sep 18 / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality first teaching – The power of feedback
1 / Quality/bespoke CPD to embed metacognition into pupil feedback responses (Critical thinking and Core Knowledge) SW – Astrea twilight / +8 / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / ZB
2 / Subject CPD to enhance effective subject feedback, CPD Mondays, PDMs, Twilights
Work with SLE Topsy Page on dialogue for writing / +8 / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / £3,450 / ZB, LG, MM, SK, AL, HC, LG, AMG
3 / To further embed our live marking system (feedback to the learner) / +8 / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / ZB
4 / To ensure all staff are using No more marking effectively, to ensure quality moderation and feedback / X / X / X / X / X / ZB VL
Assessment/Pupil Outcomes
5 / Embed the proactive use of the progress target setting tool to ensure all staff use it independently to track progress against top 5% targets for KS1 and KS2 / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / £0 / VL – assessment systems
6 / Half termly progress scrutiny held with all teachers to track progress/support/ensure accountability towards targets. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / BS
7 / Review and embed –
  1. EYFS, KS1 and KS2 pupil progress meetings to include PP tracking against scaled score targets including robust challenge, action and vulnerable groups identified
  2. Half termly phase leader meetings to scrutinise current and ongoing achievement including early years early identification
/ X / X / X / BS
8 / Review and enhance the current procedures to enable:
  1. Identification of PP/SEND pupils
  2. Develop effective intervention for PP/SEND pupils to bring outcomes in line with national expectations
  3. Targeted in class teacher interventions to ensure PP/SEND pupils are making rapid progress in line with their peers nationally
  4. Delivery of appropriate CPD for staff around PP/SEND needs and teaching strategies
/ X / X / X / X / X / X / X / BS
9 / Review the impact of:
  1. Heavy tracking and monitoring of PP pupils (attainment/achievement) ensuring that robust progress actions are in place.
  2. PP class action plans and ensure that progress is tracked half termly
Liaise and support phase leader accountability in implementing and embedding, process and procedures by informal dialogue and formal meeting structures. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / BS
VL / £1,428 per year group
10 / Review and enhance the current procedures for:
  1. Monitoring of assessment of PP pupils for R/W/M against year group expectations of a bi weekly basis
  2. Book look process to check for PP progress against year group expectations
  3. Planning scrutiny progress to ensure stretch and challenge for PP students
/ X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / ZB
More Time
11 / Pupil Premium Booster teacher works with pupil writers with large gaps to national (Years 6 5 4) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / LG SK
12 / After/before school interventions in place with the teaching fellows KS2 Year 3 4 5 6
Maths/English to diminish the gaps / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / JH
13 / Parental support groups for Year 6 Writing Reading and Maths are well attended by target pupils / X / X / X / SK LG MM
14 / Mastery to be offered to Year 6 readers / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / SK DP
15 / Phonics parent workshop offered / X / X / HC
16 / SATs parental workshops in KS2 / X / X / X / HC
Diminishing barriers to achievement
17 / DEAR time is part of the schools culture in KS2 including Year 3 / X / X / X / X / X / X / LG SK HC
18 / Attendance officer to monitor and impact on target children attendance below 95% who are eligible / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / JG
19 / Gap education cohort selected for Year 4/5 parents / JH DP
20 / Thrive cohort whole school / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / JH DP
21 / Revision materials provided to all Year 6/5 pupils each holiday period / X / X / X / SK LG MM
22 / Cohort of Art Therapy and Play therapy / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / JH
No child stood outside of a conversation
24 / Year 6/2 to visit Grim and Co, to develop writing / X / LG SK HC
26 / Year 6 subsidised visit to see Shakespeare
Year 2 pantomime / X / X / SK
27 / Most able pupils have a timetable of events to stretch and challenge their thinking / X / X / X / X / X / Subject Leaders
28 / Brother hood event Year 6 boys / X / JH DP
29 / Sisterhood event Year 6 Girls / X / JH DP
30 / Year 6 residential / X / £3,500 / SK RS
31 / Gifted and Talented Music Groups / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / £5,000 / SK RS

PP Planned Allocation, Spend and Actions/Sept 17_RS