HarwellPrimary School
Allocation of PE Premium
for period 2016/17 October Census
Children Non FSM / Children on Free School Meals or FSM6 / Looked after children / Children from Service families / TotalNumber of eligible pupils / 143 / 30 / 0 / 2 / 175
PE premium funding received / £8400
Quantative Indicators
Indicator / Baseline / End of periodSchool Sport –to increase the variety of school sports offered / Within school traditional sports dominate although greater cross applied skills are being taught. / Some success in widening the sports and opportunities (skipping, yoga and Karate) but this is an area to continue to focus on.
Health and wellbeing- to increase the opportunities offered to younger children / Clubs for younger children have traditionally been under used.
At the start of year there is one dance club for younger children. / KS1 yoga
Yr 1 & 2 football
Dance club
Quality of inclusion to improve to include vulnerable children / All vulnerable children take part in school sports but PPg have historically been lower represented. / 14.2 % of uptake representing 33% of PPg cohort
SENd numbers higher at 20% uptake. Representing 38% of target group.
Vulnerable learners Numbers remained steady across the year.
Participation of clubs to remain high / Good uptake last year in extra curricular clubs – target above 40% sports clubs / Good range of clubs on offer continuing into 2017/18
Numbers of places on offer increased from 50 per week to 70 per week – year on year increase of 40%
Improving the Quality of PE through high quality teaching / Real PE is becoming established / Additional training was unable to happen due to staffing changes. Target for coming year.
Evidencing the impact of the PE and Sport Premium
Key Priority: Improving the Quality of PE through high quality teachingActions and strategies 2016/17 / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / Outcome
Leadership monitoring from PE coordinator
Expand monitoring of extra-curricular inclusion
Expand the provision for pre year 4 extracurricular clubs / Review of needs and support
Monitoring impact of strategies / 3 x non contact days
£3 x 200 / One day used
Additional support needed in 2017/18 – this target needs to continue.
Team teaching from GK (Real PE) / Supporting staff to deliver high quality PE / 6 x half days
£750 / Teacher – unable to be released due to host school difficulties as yet
Key priority: School Sport –to continue increase the range of school sports offered
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / Outcomes
Karate / Give opportunities for all children to receive experienced karate
Develop child wellbeing and personal responsibility
Extend club links / £40 x 39
£1560 / Some experience days (Japanese theme yr 6) over term
Cost less
Unable to extend to club due to registration issues
Dance club / Develop health and fitness
Target alternative fitness and sports interests and possibly girls groups / 20 x 39
£780 / Working well
Yoga / Develop health and fitness
Target alternative fitness and sports interests and possibly girls groups / £900 / Completed – teacher maternity new teacher being investigated
Hockey Tuition / Give opportunities for all children to receive experienced hockey coaching
Develop staff expertise and skills / As yet uncosted / Unable to find tuition
Outdoor learning training / Increase capacity in teambuilding, orienteering and journeying
Resources for / Training in incomplete , however some investment in active playground spaces to develop strengthand agility
Swimming coaching / Increase the participation for all classes in high quality swimming
To develop healthy habits / £2340 / In place
Key Priority: Health and well being- to increase the opportunities offered to younger children
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / Outcome
Subsidised curricular clubs / Club to target KS1 focus on fitness, agility but to also target vulnerable learners / £780
Jump rope training for the whole school September 2016
(follow up jump rope to be booked to maintain focus) / Contacting Youth sports trust to identify additional staff training needs for TA and lunchtime supervisors and children i.e. jump rope
Explore zoning possibilities / Jump rope £750 / Impact – increase participation on the playground
Children skipping increasing healthy activities.
Book follow up session 2017/18
Play leaders training / Current year 5s to work with younger children when in year 6 by SBS / £50 / Training contact and booked. Trainer cancelled.
Subsidised transport to events / To enable wider participation in inter sporting events espvulnerable children / £500 / Ongoing
Developing outdoor learning space for children / Improve the physical activity and environment for children on th playground through zoning and increased participation / Minimal cost / Zones – reflecting child engagement
Support children to access active participation / Widen the opportunities in participating with outward bound activities / £800 / 5 children supported who would have otherwise not been able to participate.
additional costs
Pool cover needed / £500
Pool maintenance and materials needed / Automatic cleaner
Increase need for additional cleaning and purifying chemicals / £450
Slight overspend / £8860
While elements of the PE plan did not manage to be fully realised (in particular increasing the quality of teaching within school hours of sports other than swimming) the children did have increased opportunities to increase their participation in sporting events and activities. Children had opportunities in skipping and karate.
The number of children engaging in weekly extra-curricular activities increased significantly.