Allendale Board of Education


Regular Session

June 03, 2013



Monday,June 3, 2013

CALL TO ORDER8:00 p.m.



The public has been duly informed of this meeting in accordance with Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of 1975 by posting at least 48 hours prior notice on the bulletin boards in Brookside School and Hillside School and by like 48 hours prior notice to the Borough Clerk, the designated newspapers, and interested parties requesting such notification.





1. Remarks – Mr. Michael J. Barcadepone

2. Presentation: Ms. Anastasia Maroulis, Hillside School Principal, Winner of the Bergen County Principals and SupervisorsAssociation’s Administrative Excellence Award


Buildings & Grounds






Strategic Planning


BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the minutes of the following meetings:

May 20, 2013Executive Session

May 20, 2013Regular Session


1. BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following list of succession for the 2013-2014 school year for Administrator in Charge in the absence of the Superintendent of Schools:

Mr. John E. Boreman

Ms. Jo Ann Karamus

Mr. Bruce Winkelstein

Ms. Anastasia Maroulis

2. BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following list of succession for the 2013-2014 school year for Administrator in Charge in the absence of the Hillside School Principal:

Ms. Jo Ann Karamus

Mr. Bruce Winkelstein

3.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following list of succession for the 2013-2014 school year for Administrator in Charge in the absence of the Brookside School Principal:

Ms. Jo Ann Karamus

Ms. Anastasia Maroulis

4. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the Extra Curricular Stipend positions for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Personnel Attachment I.

5. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve a Sidebar to the 2008-2011 Agreement between the Allendale Education Association and the Allendale Board of Education, as follows: To reallocate $1,322 of the Instrumental Music Upper Grades stipend monies from Collette Mather to Kelly Goodwin for the production portion of the Spring Musical for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Personnel Attachment II.

6. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept, with regret, the letter received from Mrs. Diana Solarino, District Payroll/Bookkeeper, advising she will be retiring effective August 1, 2013.

7. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept, with regret, the letter received from Ms. Diane Aronsky, District Basic Skills Instructor, advising she will be retiring effective June 30, 2013.

8. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following substitute(s) for the 2012-2013 school year:

Alexander Aquilera Custodian (Pending Completion of County Documents)

9. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following substitute custodians for the 2013-2014 school year:

Michael WalshGlenn OrgCindy PerryRobert Wick Medi Xheraj Alexander Aquilera

10.BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve five (5) summer hours and payment (at the rate of $40/hr.) to Patricia Bombolevicz, RN for review of new student medical histories and Grade 6 immunization lists.

11.BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the request received from Mrs. Shannon Rutowski (Grade 2 Teacher) for a leave of absence through the end of the school year, June 27, 2013 (using her sick days) due to an illness in her family.


1.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the adoption of the current Bylaws, Policies and Regulations of the Allendale Board of Educationfor the 2013-2014 school year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to approve adherence to Parliamentary Procedures at all Board of Education Meetings.

  1. BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the curriculum and textbooks that are currently in use,for the 2013-2014 school year.
  1. BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the adoption of the mandated and permitted pupil records according to 6A:32-7.3for the 2013-2014 school year, as follows:

Personal Data




Handicapped Pupil Rules and Regulations

Any other records required by the State

  1. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following Practicum Field Experience for a William Paterson University student from September 23rd through the week of December 9, 2013:

Ms. Jenna Gardner, enrolled in the Grade K-5 TSD Special Education, with Mrs. Theresa Merchant, District Resource CenterTeacher

  1. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the Agreement for Independent Course Study (Spanish II E Class) at Northern Highlands Regional High School for a current Brookside School seventh (7th) grade student (J. R.) for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Education Attachment I.
  1. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the Agreement for Independent Course Study (Honors Math Analysis) at Northern Highlands Regional High School for a current Brookside School sixth (6th) grade student (S. M.) for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Education Attachment II.
  1. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the Agreement for Independent Course Study (Honors Geometry Class) at Northern Highlands Regional High School for a current Brookside School seventh (7th) grade student (A.Y.) for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Education Attachment III.

8. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the listing of Field Trip Locations for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Education Attachment IV.

9. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to reapprove the District Calendar for the 2013-2014 school year, as per Education Attachment V.


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following schedule for 2013-2014 for John P. Campion, Ed. D., District Special Education Consultant: a total of eight (8) days during the summer months and four (4) days per month during the 10-month school year, at the per diem rate of $700.


1.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following appointments for the 2013-2014 school year:

Board Secretary – Mr. John E. Boreman

Treasurer of School Monies – Ms. M. Alissa Mayer

School Physician – Valley Health Services

Psychiatric Examiner – Dr. Richard Hahn

Attendance Officer – Ms. Jo Ann Karamus

District Qualified Purchasing Agent – Mr. John E. Boreman

Public Agency Compliance Officer – Mr. John E. Boreman

Affirmative Action Officer – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo

Homeless Liaison – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo

District Anti-Bullying Coordinator – Ms. Jo Ann Karamus

Brookside School Anti-Bullying Specialist – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo

Hillside School Anti-Bullying Specialist – Mrs. Maria Ade

Substance Awareness Coordinator –Mrs. Kristina Vassallo

NJ Division of Child Protection

Permanency (DCP&P), formerly DYFS– Mrs. Kristina Vassallo

Title IX Coordinator – Mr. Bruce Winkelstein

Section 504 Brookside Coordinator – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo &

Mr. Michael Shaughnessy

Section 504 Hillside Coordinator– Ms. Anastasia Maroulis

ADA Coordinator – Ms. Jo Ann Karamus

A.H.E.R.A. Designee – Mr. Anthony DeMarco

Right to Know Officer – Mr. Anthony DeMarco

Chemical Hygiene Officer – Mr. Anthony DeMarco

Safety & Health Designee– Patricia Bombolevicz, R.N.

Indoor Air Quality/PEOSH Designee – Mr. Anthony DeMarco

Integrated Pest Mgmt. Designee – Mr. Anthony DeMarco

Board Committees –

Budget/Finance - Mr. Fliegel/Mrs. Duncan

Negotiations– Mr. Geraghty/Mr. McAuliffe

Education – Mrs. Duncan/Mrs. Capano

Buildings & Grounds – Mr. Geraghty/Mrs. Duncan

Technology – Mr. McAuliffe/Mrs. Capano

Policy – Mrs. Capano/Mr. Fliegel

Strategic Planning –Mr. Fliegel/Mr. McAuliffe

BCSBA Delegate

NJSBA Delegate

2.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the adoption of the existing Contracts and Agreements, to which the Allendale Board of Education is a party.

  1. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board designates The Ridgewood News and TheRecord as the official newspapers of record for Allendale District.

4.BE IT RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator to invest school district funds within statutory limitations and process bank wire transfers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education approve the district’s participation in the Bergen County Banking Consortium (BCBANC) from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 and authorize the School Business Administrator to serve as a trustee; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education designate Capital One as the bank for deposits and withdrawals for the Warrant Account, Payroll Account, Payroll Agency Account, Unemployment Account, Student Council Account, Student Activities Accounts, Award Fund Accounts, Summer Music Account and Lunch Account, and approve the use of a safe deposit box at Capital One, from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014; and.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Allendale Board of Education approves the designated signatures on the above accounts, and the use of facsimile signatures where required and as needed, and as recommended by the Superintendent.

5. BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following checking accounts and signature requirements for the Allendale Board of Education:


ALLN BOE UNEMP TRUSTPres. or Vice Pres./Bd. Sec. or Supt./Treas.(any 3)

ALLN BOE OPER ACCTPres. or Vice Pres./Bd. Sec. or Supt./Treas.(any 3)

ALLN BOE PAYROLL AGENCYTreasurer/Board Secretary

ALLN BOE LUNCH ACCTPres. or Vice Pres./Bd. Sec. or Supt./Treas.(any 3)


STUDENT COUNCILBoard Secretary, Advisor

HILLSIDE STUDENT ACTIVITIESBoard Sec./Hillside or Brookside Principal(any 2)

BROOKSIDE STUDENT ACTIVITIESBoard Sec./Hillside or Brookside Principal(any 2)

LOUIS J. MURGIA AWARD FUNDSupt./Board Sec./Brookside Principal (any 2)

BROOKSIDE SCH. LANG. ARTS GRAD. AWARDSupt./Bd. Sec./ Brookside Principal (any 2)

ALLN BOE Summer Music Program Supt./Board Sec./Treas. (any 2)

6. BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to make investment decisions, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:20-37 through 39, with the following depositories:

New Jersey Cash Management Fund

New Jersey Asset & Rebate Management Program

7. BEIT RESOLVED, to approve the establishment of a Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $300 for the 2013-2014 school year.

8.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the Custodian of Government Records for the 2013-2014 school year, as required by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et.seq., the New Jersey Open Public Records Law.

9.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the 2013-2014 Calendar of Regular Session Meetings for the Allendale Board of Education, as per Board Attachment I.

10.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the 2013-2014Calendar of Executive Session Meetings for the Allendale Board of Education, as per Board Attachment II.

11.BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize Elaine Greenan, Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator,to record minutes of the Board meetings in the absence of the Board Secretary.

12.BEIT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to participate in the New Jersey State Contract Process; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to utilize State Contracts for purchases when feasible.

13.BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to solicit bids when required.

14.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint Mr. John E. Boreman, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, as the Qualified Purchasing Agent to exercise the duties of a purchasing agent pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2b, with specific relevance to the authority, responsibility and accountability of the purchasing activity of the Allendale Board of Education.

15.BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Educationreaffirm the Allendale District's participation in the Educational Data Services, Inc. Cooperative Pricing System (Ed-Data), for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2013-2014 school year from its authorized vendors.

16.BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education reaffirm the Allendale District's participation in the in the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission (MRESC), for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2013-2014 school year from its authorized vendors.

17.BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Allendale District's participation in the Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission (HCESC), for purchasing of supplies,and goods and services for the 2013-2014 school year from its authorized vendors.

18.BE IT RESOLVED, to re-approve participation in the New Jersey State Contract Process and further authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to utilize State contracts, and associated approved contracts via New Jersey participation in the Western States Contracting Alliance/National Association of State Procurement Officials ((WSCA/NASPO) for purchases; participate in cooperative purchasing ventures; solicit quotations and go out to bid as required under statute, and to approve, but not limited to, the following state contract vendors, for purchases during the 2013-2014 school year:

Company / Contract # / Description of Goods/Services
Hewlett Packard Company Public Sector, Omaha, NE / A70262 / Technology Equipment & associated software/licenses
Atlantic Tomorrows Office / T-2075/51464 / Savin copiers
Dell / 70256/77003
T#M0003/M0483 / Computers & associated software/licenses
Grainger / 72605 T#M0002 / Industrial Supplies/Equipment
Staples / 77249(A74337) / Supplies
School Specialty / 65606 / Supplies
Meru / 73981 / Technology Equipment & associated software/licenses
Motorola Solutions, Inc. / T0109 13-x-22183 / Radio Equipment and Accessories

19.BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Allendale District's participation in the PEPPM (Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers):Technology Bidding and Purchasing Program, for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2013-2014 school year.

20.BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Allendale District's participation in the Bergen County Cooperative Contract Purchasing System, for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2013-2014 school year.

21.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the firm of Fogarty & Hara as the Board’s Attorney for

the2013-2014 school year; Fee Schedule - $165/hour for Partner and $145/hourfor


22.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the firm of McManimon & Scotland, L.L.C., as the Board’s Bond Counsel, for the 2013-2014 school year.

23.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the firm of Lerch, Vinci & Higgins as the District’s auditor for the 2013-2014 school year for a fee of $19,250 (including Statutory Annual Audit, CAFR, Audit of the School Cafeteria, GASB 34, RSI and MD&A); Standard Billing Rates: Partners $140-170/hour, Manager $100-125/hour, Supervisor/Senior Accountants $80-100/hour, Staff Accountants $70-80/hour, Other Personnel $45/hour.

24.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint Debra Ginetto of Burton Agency as the Risk Management Consultant to NESBIG for the 2013-2014 school year.

25.BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint The Maksin Group as insurance carriers for school timecompulsory student accident coverage, with the Burton Agency as the Broker of Record.

26.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to appoint Environetics Group Architects as the Allendale District’s Architect of Record for the 2013-2014 school year: Fee Schedule - $165/hour for Partner and $145/hour forAssociate.

27.BE IT RESOLVED to approve the project cost of $1,695 for Karl & Associates, Inc.,the District’s regulatory compliance and asbestos management company, forpreparation of the 2013 Right-to-Know Survey Update for the District.

28.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve Karl & Associates, Inc., the District’s regulatory compliance and asbestos management company, for two Six-month Surveillance Reports (December 2013and June 2014) and for a total cost of $1,100.

29.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve travel to, and related expense reimbursement for staffing in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-7.3, 7.4 & 7.5, as per District policy for staff, for attendance at workshops and programs,not to exceed $1,500, for the 2013-2014 school year.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education hereby establishes the school district travel maximum for the 2013-2014 school year not to exceed $30,000 and that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded.

30.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve travel to, and related expense reimbursement, as per District policy for staff, and as per contract stipulations for administrators, for attendance at out-of-district and IEP meetings, not to exceed $1,500, for the 2013-2014 school year, for the following:

Jo Ann KaramusBarbara BogdanskiMichael Shaughnessy

Kristina VassalloMaria Ade

31.BE IT RESOLVED, to adopt the uniform minimum chart of accounts distributed by the State and utilized by the District to prepare its 2013- 2014 school year budget.

32.BEIT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to release warrants for payment of the District’s bills for the balance of the month of June and during the Summer of 2013, prior to approval at the Board of Education’s scheduled meetings.

33.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the 2013-2014 tuition rates, for approved regular education, out-of-district students, as follows:

Integrated Preschool Program$ 3,200


Grades 1-5$16,683 Grades 6-8 $19,072

34.BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve acceptance of the following out-of-district students (children of staff member) for the 2013-2014 school year, in accordance with the District’s tuition policy, as follows:

Teaneck, NJVictoria MatherGrade 5

Teaneck, NJPaden MatherGrade 2 Teaneck, NJ Logan Mather Grade K

So.Plainfield, NJStephen RitterGrade 6

So.Plainfield, NJAutumn RitterGrade 2

35.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve acceptance of an out-of-district Grade 8student from Saddle River for the 2013-2014 school year, tuition to be determined in accordance with the District’s Tuition Policy and cost of services, as per the student’s IEP and as recommended by the Child Study Team.

36.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the 2013-2014school year substitute rate of pay per diem, as follows:

Teacher $85/$90 after 5 years

Classroom Aide $70 (first ten days)/$80


Nurse $125


Custodianstarting at $12

37.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc. as the district’s Third Party Administrator and Common Remitter Consultant, for services in conjunction with the Tax Shelter Annuity Companies and affiliated Brokers as follows:

MetLifeAXA Equitable Valic AIG Lincoln

38.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the Student Accident Insurance Renewal Proposal submitted by Bollinger Insurance for the 2013-2014 school year. The cost structure for the Voluntary Plan is: $74/schooltime and $128/24-hour coverage, respectively.

39.BE IT RESOLVED, to approve Brown & Brown, Livingston, NJ, as the broker for Dental Insurance for Allendale District staff, for the 2013-2014 school year.

40. BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve unavoidable travel and costs as related in this resolution which are educationally necessary and fiscally prudent and are related to and within the scope of the employee’s current responsibilities and promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district. The reimbursements listed in this resolution are in compliance with state travel reimbursement guidelines as established by the Department of the Treasury and Board of Education policy in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.1 et. seq. for the following seminars/workshops: