Student Handbook 2015-2016

Janet Buchheit


Allen Jervey Tiffany Temple

Assistant Principal Assistant Principal

In partnership with home and community, Kate Collins Middle School

is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment

that promotes respect and support for the individual,

fosters a spirit of cooperation, and challenges us

to develop to our fullest potential.

We acknowledge that all children can learn

and are entitled to the best education possible, enabling them

to become life-long learners and productive, successful citizens

within a changing, diverse society. We envision a climate

in which students want to learn, are inspired to do their best,

and recognize and develop their own self-worth.

This handbook belongs to:


Welcome to Kate Collins Middle School

Dear KCMS Badgers and parents/guardians,

We are beginning another school year and are very happy you are here. The new school year brings new opportunities, new challenges, and new faces. Let us work together to make this a great experience and one in which we can look back and appreciate all that was accomplished in such a positive way.

The guidelines within this handbook are expectations about how you can best contribute to your middle school environment…which we expect to be safe, friendly and productive. It is about having an atmosphere here at school that fosters strong academics, good feelings and good memories.

Respect for yourself, others and the property is probably the single most important thing students can learn as a member of a school community of learners. As a community member, it is critical that you respect yourself, your peers, the adults that work here and the building itself. When we do this together, we can accomplish amazing things. Respect for yourself begins by reading this handbook and making plans for how you are going to make this a great school year.

Remember…most of us know when we are doing the right thing. Do the right thing and you will be fulfilling a big part of your obligation as a student here at Kate Collins Middle School – YOUR school.

Please pay careful attention to this handbook. Discuss it with your parents, teachers and classmates. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to seek our assistance. Have a GREAT year!


Janet Buchheit

Janet Buchheit



Administration – 946-4635 School Nurse – 946-4635

Principal – Ms. Janet Buchheit Nurse Diane Meek

Assistant Principal – Mr. Allen Jervey

Assistant Principal – Ms. Tiffany Temple

Administrative Secretary & Bookkeeper – Mrs. Nancy Via School Resource Officer – 946-4635

Secretary/Attendance Secretary – Mrs. Tammy McDaniel Officer Robert Girard

Secretary – Mrs. Teresa Dudley

Counseling Center – 946-4635

Counselor – Mrs. Mandy Chambers

Counselor – Mrs. Mary Adams

Counselor Secretary – Mrs. Shirley Powell

School day BEGINS at 8:20

School day ENDS at 3:10

2015-2016 Delay and Early Release Schedules

1 Hour Delay
8th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade
Block I / 9:20 to 10:35 / Block I / 9:20 to 10:35 / Block I / 9:20 to 10:35
Block II / 10:40 to 11:40 / Block II / 10:40 to 11:40 / Block II / 10:40 to 11:40
Lunch / 11:45 to 12:15 / Block III / 11:45 to 12:45 / IE / 11:45 to 12:15
IE / 12:20 to 12:50 / Lunch / 12:50 to 1:20 / Lunch / 12:20 to 12:50
Block III / 12:55 to 1:55 / IE / 1:20 to 1:55 / Block III / 12:55 to 1:55
Block IV / 2:00 to 3:10 / Block IV / 2:00 to 3:10 / Block IV / 2:00 to 3:10
2 Hour Delay
8th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade
Block I / 10:20 to 11:25 / Block I / 10:20 to 11:25 / Block I / 10:20 to 11:25
Lunch / 11:30 to 12:00 / Block II / 11:30 to 12:30 / Block II / 11:30 to 12:00
Block II / 12:05 to 1:05 / Block III / 12:35 to 12:50 / Lunch / 12:05 to 12:35
Block III / 1:10 to 2:10 / Lunch / 12:55 to 1:25 / Block II / 12:40 to 1:05
Block IV / 2:15 to 3:10 / Block III / 1:30 to 2:10 / Block III / 1:10 to 2:10
Block IV / 2:15 to 3:10 / Block IV / 2:15 to 3:10
8th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade
Block I / 8:20 to 9:15 / Block I / 8:20 to 9:15 / Block I / 8:20 to 9:15
Block II / 9:20 to 10:10 / Block II / 9:20 to 10:10 / Block II / 9:20 to 10:10
Block III / 10:15 to 11:05 / Block III / 10:15 to 11:05 / Block III / 10:15 to 11:05
Block IV / 11:10 to 12:00 / Block IV / 11:10 to 12:00 / Block IV / 11:10 to 12:00

All students should be released at 12:00 and not sooner, please. If there is a change in that release time, an announcement will be made.


This Student Handbook is issued to each student at Kate Collins Middle School. The purpose of the handbook is to clearly communicate school information and expectations. If there is anything you do not understand, please ask a school adult.


Code Red: Lock-down. Halls cleared, all door windows and windows covered, students and faculty locked in classrooms, lights off and classes quiet.

* For everyone’s safety, Code Red drills will be performed periodically throughout the school year.

Code Yellow: Limited Lock-down. Halls cleared, all students and teachers remain in classroom. Teaching may continue in the classroom without interruption.

Code Green: “All clear.” This code will be heard over the intercom to indicate that all is clear and instruction may continue.

Tornado Drill: This drill will be performed one to two times each school year. Teachers will discuss the procedure with all of their students during the first two weeks of school. When the announcement is made, “may I have your attention please, we will now perform a tornado drill,” students and faculty should move into the hall and get into position as quickly and quietly as possible.

Fire Drills: Fire drills will be practiced regularly throughout the school year.

(We continue to address a variety of ways to practice code red drills at various times of the day so students get practice outside of classroom time. Your teachers will discuss the procedures with you.)

Notice of Non-Discrimination

The Waynesboro Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Mrs. Vermell Grant

Title IX Compliance Officer

Waynesboro Public Schools

301 Pine Avenue

Waynesboro, VA 22980

540-946-4600 ext. 12

For further information on notice of non-discrimination, call 1-800-421-3481 for the address and phone number of the Office of Civil Rights that serves your area.



Car riders and walkers enter the cafeteria once the duty teacher signals for them to enter the building at 8:00 a.m. Please do not drop off or send your child to school before 8:00 without permission from the principal. Those that eat breakfast at school will report to the cafeteria. Other walkers and car riders will report to the small gym upon entering the building. Bus riders will enter the building at 8:05 a.m. and report to the main gymnasium. At 8:10 a.m., bus riders are dismissed from the big gym to report to their hallways. Bus riders that eat breakfast may pick up a bagged breakfast near the main gym as they walk to their locker. They should gather the materials needed from their locker and head to their first period class. Students are to be seated in their homerooms right away. Each day at Kate Collins Middle School begins with the salute to our United States flag and a short period of silence.

Students should not be in the school building before 8:00 a.m. or after 3:20 p.m. unless supervised by a teacher or coach. Please note carefully: Once students arrive at school, they are to remain on school grounds. Students planning to ride the late bus home need prior parent/teacher permission. Bus passes are teacher-issued. To ride a different bus home, a student will need a signed note from a parent giving permission. Students leaving school early will only be released to a parent or person designated on the Emergency Care Card.


Stay tuned to the local radio and TV channels or Channel 13 for information on school closings and delayed openings. You may also call 946-4600 for a recorded announcement after 6:00 a.m. or check the Waynesboro Public Schools website for the announcement.


As per code of Virginia section 22.1-254, students are required to be in class and on time every day. If a student is going to be absent from school, a parent/guardian should call the school. Upon the student’s return to school, the parent/guardian should provide a note explaining the absence. By law, the school must notify a student’s parent/guardian that his or her child has missed five or more FULL days of school.

Students must be in attendance for at least three hours during the day to participate in extra-curricular activities, such as club meetings, field trips, athletic practices or contests, musical rehearsals, etc. If a child leaves school early due to illness, he/she may not return for after school/evening activities. The following outlines excused vs. unexcused absences and the practice of KCMS regarding absences.

Excused Absences (labeled AEX in Power School):

·  These are absences excused by a doctor’s note, professional counselor, school administrator or school nurse

Unexcused Absences (labeled AUX in Power School):

·  These are absences in which the school has not received any communication from home about the absence.

·  When a student reaches 5 or more unexcused absences for the year and 5% unexcused absences, a parent conference will be called by the school to write an attendance plan. An attendance plan is the first step in taking action before poor attendance becomes a court issue.

Parent excused Absences (labeled APX in Power School):

·  These are absences in which the parent provided a written note or called the school regarding their child’s absence.

·  When a student reaches 10% or more absences for the school year thus far (ex. If a child is absent 6 days within the first 60 days of school = 10%), a parent conference will be called by the school to write an attendance plan.

Excused Absences: The student is requested to bring a note from home stating the reason and number of days absent and give the note to his/her homeroom teacher.

Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is generally one that is avoidable but with the knowledge and consent of your parent/guardian; however, the school has no authority to excuse you.

Illegal Absences (Truancy): Absence from school without the knowledge and consent of your parent/guardian is truancy, an infraction of school regulations and Virginia State Law.

Tardiness: All students should be in their homeroom by 8:20 a.m. for attendance. Students are expected to be to all classes on time. The following are consequences for tardies to all classes:

Tardy Policy:


a.  All students who enter the building before 8:40 will report directly to class. Teacher will mark students tardy in Power School

b.  All students who enter the building after 8:40 will report to office to check in.

c.  All students who are tardy to 2nd -4th blocks will report directly to class. Teacher will mark students tardy in Power School

2.  CONSEQUENCES (Start over each semester for 7th and 8th grades and each nine weeks for 6th grade)

a.  1st & 2nd tardies - warnings

b.  3rd tardy will result in ASD (after school detention). If a student does not attend ASD, an office referral will be written as defiance and further consequences given.

c.  4th tardy – 2 ASDs and parent contact.

d.  5th tardy – 3 ASDs and parent contact

e.  6th tardy – 1 day of ISS and required parent conference

f.  7th tardy – Overnight suspension and required parent conference

g.  8th tardy – 3 days OSS for defiance – refusing to comply with this policy

Early Dismissal: Students are required to present documentation for early dismissal. Documentation for appointments such as medical/dental visits, legal/court appointments will be excused and the student will be allowed to return for after school/evening activities. Your parent/guardian is expected to meet you in the office and sign you out of the building. If you return to school before the end of the day, report to the main office for a pass to return to class.

High School Credited Classes: In order to receive credit, you must pass the class and meet the high school attendance requirement of missing no more than 10 days for the duration of the course. Students are asked to make up seat time to earn the credit. Administration will communicate with parents about the reasons for the absences as well as the required make up time, if necessary. If required seat time is not made up, the student will not receive credit for the class, even if they are passing.


The Virginia Dept. of Education Annual Discipline, Crime, and Violence Report defines bullying as "repeated negative behaviors intended to frighten or cause harm" that may include, but are not limited to, verbal or written threats or physical harm. Non-criminal behavior associated with bullying includes intimidation, taunting, name-calling, and insults. Another form of bullying occurs through the use of electronic means and is referred to as cyber bullying. Typically, cyber bullying is defined as using information and communication technologies, such as cell phone text messages and pictures and internet e-mail, social networking websites, defamatory personal websites, and defamatory online personal polling websites, to support deliberate, hostile behavior intended to harm others.

Waynesboro Public Schools’ Policy under the student code of conduct states: