Allen (Al) Barnett
AB Aviation Services
(647) 223-1626 Canada
+441865 58 9775 UK
May 2013
CV for Allen (Al) Barnett
2011 to Present
- Associate Consultant for LPS AVIA Created and implemented a Safety Management Systemand training program for SMS implementation at a Northern Alberta aerodrome.
- Route Development and Operational Regulatory Consultant for a small Caribbean Carrier aiding obtainment of strategic route enhancements and advising on safety management
- Consultant for Air Races North: Prepared safety case and risk analysis for staging air races in Canada similar to the Reno, Nevada venue
- Consultant for a Bahamas Water Aerodrome Certification: Outlined requirements and processes needed for certification to international standards
- Consultant for North Caicos Aerodrome, Turks and Caicos Islands: Performed private audit and prepared report for investors interested in privately operating the aerodrome Producing business and master plan
- Consultant for Air Taxi Service Start Up:Prepared regulatory feasibility report for a Toronto/Buffalo air taxi service.
- Consultant for Mustique airport in the Eastern Caribbean
Prepared safety case and risk analysis for obtaining a night operating endorsement certificate
- Conference Presenter: Can present on all subjects regarding Aviation and Management but have a special presentation on the effects of volcanic ashing and the responses available to airport, airline and ATS operators (Presented to CANSO, ICAO and ECCAA Conferences)
2009 - 2011
Airport/ATS/Met Manager – Montserrat, British West Indies:
- Provided interim airport management which was acceptable to the Civil Aviation Authority allowing the airport to be provisionally recertified The airport had been decertified because of a failure to establish the necessary safety regulatory processes
- Produced and implemented a robust and collaborative Safety Management System ensuring permanence and regulatory compliance
- Produced a regulatory acceptable airport manual
- Produced a business and master plan outlining assets and road-mapping future development
- Produced and actioned an acceptable succession plan which promoted from within. Provided personnel mentoring to achieve the goals of this plan
- Established letters of agreement outlining jurisdictional responsibilities and procedures with regards to adjacent country’s Air Traffic Control and Meteorological Services as well as those pertaining to in-country agencies.
- Established night medevac procedures and processes as critical patient care was not available on island
- Established and documented processes and procedures for hazardous cargo and goods handling
- Produced and exercised disaster and emergency plans for aircraft accidents and natural disasters
- Established volcanic ash-fall response plan and processes to reduce airport closure time
- Established non-arbitrary formal airport closure processes
- Introduced collaborative processes allowing flexible airport operatinghours
- Rationalized the Airport Security procedures to reflect reality and increase efficiency of passenger processing
- Represented Montserrat at ICAO and ECCAA conferences
2008 – 2009
Airport and Aviation Accountable Manager for Ambergris Cay Airport and Ambergris Cay Commuter
- Provided interim accountable management acceptable to the regulator for the airport and the island owned commuter operation
- Produced and exercised disaster and emergency plans (Hurricane plan exercised for real during two hurricanes in 2008)
- Provided active recruitment and mentorship of a permanent accountable manager
- Facilitated the design and certification of IFR approach and departure procedures
2007 - 2008
Consultant for Ambergris Cay Airport, Greenfield Phase, Turks and Caicos Islands
- Established processes and produced manuals for the Airport, Air Traffic and Meteorological services in support of certification
- Designed and supervised training courses and venues for Air Traffic Service and Rescue Fire Service personnel.
- Provided liaison with local air traffic and civil aviation authorities
- Drafted and formalized letters of agreement outlining responsibilities and procedures with Air Traffic Control
- Produced and implemented a Safety Management System
- Obtained airport certification under British Overseas Territories Air Navigation Orders
- Established processes and produced manuals allowing an Airline Operating Certificate (AOC) to be obtained for the Island owned commuter operation.
- Sourced and obtained airport operating equipment
- Recruited and selected personnel
Nav Canada Temporary ATS manager after retirement to replace someone on extended sick leave
2004 - 2006
Nav Canada ATS Manager for the Toronto Pearson Tower/Terminal Complex
- Senior management position responsible for airport and terminal airspace control services with approx 100 personnel.
- Responsible for Safety Management System processes
- Oversight of incident safety investigations, analysis and mitigation
- Extra duty as team member overseeing the national philosophical change from air traffic control (ATC) to air traffic management (ATM) in Canada and establishment of Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) procedures and tools
2001 - 2004
Nav Canada ATS Manager for the Toronto ACC Traffic Management Unit
- Senior Management position responsible for the functional supervision of the Toronto ATC Air Traffic Management Unit with approx 15 personnel
- Extra duty overseeing the opening of the Canadian National Operations Centre in Ottawa which took over air traffic management functions nationally.
- Extra duty as Nav Canada representative on the FAA CDM initiative which resulted in the more efficient management of trans-border traffic and the establishment of formal offload routes through Canadian airspace over Southern Ontario and Quebec
1994 - 2001
Duty Manager in the Toronto ACC Traffic Management Unit
- Middle management position responsible for tactical day to day air traffic managementin Ontario and Quebec airspace
- Extra duty as the Canadian representative for the FAA Collaborative Decision Making Initiative, which resulted in the philosophical shift from ATC to ATM and the development of collaborative tools for ATM.
Prior to 1994
Controller / Supervisor in the Toronto ACC Terminal Control Unit.
- Junior management position responsible for direct hands-on supervision and quality control of peer personnel
- Seconded for extended periods to the regional and national ATC schools as both a classroom instructor and course director for an aggregate of approx 3 years
- Secondment to Toronto Airshow as ATS Coordinator for the years 1985 to 1990
IFR Air Traffic Controller in the Montreal Area Control Centre
- Terminal and Enroute specialties
- Elected as ATC Union representative for Montreal
Air Traffic Control Instructor in the Montreal ACC Regional ATC School
- Secondment due to influx of new hires and shortage of qualified classroom instructors
- Mobile Control Tower Supervisor for air-shows and special events at uncontrolled airfields
VFR Air Traffic Controller in the Montreal / Dorval Control Tower
- High density complex airport control
- Secondment to St Jean Control Tower for several months to facilitate personnel sick leave
Other Endeavours
Owner/operator of a small specialty (Charter & Banner Towing) air service
- Obtained and maintained Part 7 Operating Certificate (Specialty [banner towing] and Charter) functioned as the regulatory accountable manager
- Managed 5 A/C and associated personnel based Toronto City Centre Billy Bishop Airport
- Sold due to divorce 1990
Commercial Pilot License
- 5000+ flying hours
- Early experience in Caribbean (Barbados) and South East Asia (Thailand)
Part/Owner of a small Toronto suburban limousine service
- Operated and managed several limousines
- Sold due to divorce 1990
KD Marine
- Professional Diver
- Underwater construction and inspection
Canadian Navy Reserve
- Leading Seaman
- Clearance Diver
- One cruise on Destroyer (HMCS Haida) and several on small Arctic and Great Lakes patrol ships
Hobbies and Interests:
- Aviation
- History, Anthropology and Politics
- Boating, Fishing and Snowmobiling
- Exploring and Traveling
Personal Information
- Irish/English descent and possess both Canadian and UK passports
(maintain residences in both Canada and the UK)
- Born in Northern Ireland (Londonderry)
- Raised in England (Windsor)
- Teened in Canada (Montreal)
- Weaned in Canadian Navy (Diver)
- Matured in Caribbean and S E Asia (Pilot)
- Careered in Canada and the World (Pilot, Air Traffic Control, Airport and Airline Management)
- Married(twice) with 4 Adult children and 1 grandson aged 7
- Bilingual:SpeakEnglish with a Canadian accent and French with a Quebec accent and can order a drink in any language
Contact Information
A Barnett
AB Aviation
647 223-1626 (Canada / Universal)
+44 1865 58 9775 (UK / Universal)