Allegato 5 - Scheda informativa (in lingua inglese)
Classe LMG/01 – Classe delle lauree magistrali in Giurisprudenza
Specific formative aims and description of the course
The main aim of the masters’ course in law is to provide the relevant and necessary knowledge, methodologies and techniques to acquire an advanced legal expertise instrumental to the introduction into the legal professions.
To that end, a suitable formation and preparation will develop the students’ analytical skills and the ability to combine and interpret legal norms, as well as the ability to express orally and in writing their legal reasoning and argumentation, both at an abstract level and at a practical level.
Special attention will be dedicated to the students’ acquisition of an international-oriented and business-oriented legal expertise, including through the learning of an another language of the european union (especially legal terminology).
Expected learning results espressed through the degree european descriptors
1. Knowledge and comprehension
Graduates will acquire relevant skills in comprehending, analysing and comparing legal norms.
The educational aims will be pursued through front lectures and classes. the expected results will be assessed on the basis of final written and/or oral exams.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension
Graduates will acquire the ability to tackle, both orally and in writing, legal issues through proper lines of reasoning and argumentation.
The educational aims will be pursued through front lectures and classes. the expected results will be assessed on the basis of final written and/or oral exams.
3. Autonomy in assessment
Graduates will acquire the ability to express original assessments and to formulate argumentations, both orally and in writing, with regard to cases and legal materials.
The acquisition of such skills will be tested through the methodologies mentioned above and in the final exam.
4. Communication skills
Graduates will acquire relevant communication and argumentation skills, including familiarity with rethorical and dialectical techniques. graduates will be able to express their reasonings in another language of the european union (especially with regard to legal terminology).
The educational aims will be pursued through front lectures and classes; the learning of foreign languages will also benefit from the use of the facilities of the university language centre.
5. Learning skills
Development of a forma mentis able to permanently stimulate learning and updating of the graduate’s skills and knowledge.
The overall assessment will be made in the final exam.
Occupational Chances
Access to the legal professions: advocacy, judiciary and notary. management of public and private organizations.
Employment in public and private organizations, including in local and central administrations.