Strategic Plan

FY2007 - FY2009

December 2005

Allegany County Library System

Something for Everyone!

Executive Summary


Excellent Customer Service

·  We serve each customer in a considerate and professional manner.

·  We constantly examine our actions seeking ways to improve.

·  Each staff acknowledges their ability to help patrons and each other.

·  We strive to exceed customer expectations


·  We act with purpose and the highest ethical standards of honesty, fairness, and discretion.

·  We seek and respect different view points when making decisions.

·  We keep commitments to ourselves and others.

Equity of Access

·  We share our knowledge, collections, resources, and services freely with others.

·  We strive to serve all our customers equally.

Open Communication

·  We are open, clear, and truthful in all communications.

·  We give complete information to build and maintain trust, while respecting confidentiality.

·  When in doubt, we ask questions and seek help.


·  We enforce library policies and procedures to ensure fair, equitable, and consistent service and treatment of our customers.

·  Staff acts fully within their defined roles and responsibilities.

·  We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.


The Allegany County Library System enriches our community by providing information resources, services, and programs to

promote reading, lifelong learning, and opportunity.




ACLS Staff


Community Partners


ACLS uses its knowledge, collections, and resources to meet customers’ current and future needs.
1.  During the life of this plan, ACLS will target an area of the collection for development each year, based on an assessment of patterns of use and demand by customers. By 6/30/07, circulation of nonprint materials will increase by a 15%.
(Objectives for Years Two and Three to be determined)
Performance Indicators:
·  Review and update collection development plan
·  Budget and collection spending plan
·  Feedback from public service staff
·  Circulation analysis
·  Report of additions and withdrawals to collection
2. By 6/30/08, ACLS will acquire 25% more items in response to customer requests.
Performance Indicators
·  Tracking system for requests
·  Accounting system that supports real-time collection development
·  Collection development policy, budget and spending plan
3. By 6/30/09, retrieval of articles from databases will increase by 50%.
Performance Indicators:
·  Analysis of database statistics (include stats for emailed articles)
·  Training needs assessment
·  Staff trained to provide customer assistance with databases
Programs and outreach activities are targeted to promote the library as a valuable resource for the community.
1.  During the life of this plan, ACLS will target program and outreach efforts each year, based on an assessment of community needs. By 12/30/07, children 0-24 months and their parents will have the opportunity to attend at least six systemwide programs per month. (Objectives for Year Three to be determined)
Performance Indicators
Staff training
Public survey targeted to potential customers
Number of contacts with potential community partners
Annual marketing and outreach plan
Establishment of quality standards for programs
2.  ACLS staff and Board will work together to establish at least one new partnership each year and enhance at least one existing partnership that will serve community needs. By 6/30/07, establish a Friends of the Library group for LaVale.
(Objectives for Years Two and Three to be determined)
Performance Indicators
Identify potential Friends leader and library liaison
Identify potential members
Group organizes and formalizes (establishes by-laws and plan)
3.  By 6/30/08, average attendance at adult programs will increase by 30%, and 75% of attendees at adult programs will indicate they have seen a program promotion.
Performance Indicators
Survey of attendees
Several different kinds of promotions occur
Staff training for both front-line and marketing staff
ACLS staff has the skills and support required to meet emerging needs, and appreciate the importance of the roles they play in delivering excellent customer service.
1.  By 6/30/07, every staff member will participate in training specific to the needs of their job, and will report an increased level of comfort as a result.
Performance Indicators
Staff survey, pre- and post-training
Job descriptions revised and updated
Training needs assessment and annual training plan
Training occurs
2.  By 6/30/08, at least 80% of staff will report that they are supported by their supervisors, the library administration, and the library board.
Performance Indicators
Annual quality of work life survey, with staff-identified issues addressed
Evaluation of staffing levels and staffing patterns
Salary study to determine market levels
Supervisory training
3.  By 6/30/09, ACLS managers report that problems are solved at the right level at least 80% of the time.
Performance Indicators
Organization chart revised to include functions and job duties
Update performance reviews, and include adequate documentation
Supervisory training for coaching and counseling
ACLS customers have technology to meet their current and future needs.
1.  During the life of this plan, ACLS will target an aspect of technology for development each year so that library service is supported adequately. By 6/30/07, staff will report they are able to use any PC in the library system easily.
(Objectives for Years Two and Three to be determined)
Performance Indicators
Annual plan is developed
Inventory equipment and software
Develop tracking system for reporting problems, monitoring repair status, and increasing timeliness
Pilots of emerging technologies are identified
2.  By 6/30/08, staff will report they are able to handle 80% of customers’ computer questions easily.
Performance Indicators
Determine appropriate distribution of privileges and make needed changes
Staff training, including targeted troubleshooting training
ACLS will create welcoming, secure, comfortable, and well-designed libraries to attract customers and satisfy the needs of the community.
1.  By 6/30/07, the average time to acknowledge and address maintenance work orders will decrease to 48 hours, and accidents due to building conditions will decrease by 100%.
Performance Indicators
Reporting mechanism that includes follow-up
Assessment of current building conditions
2.  By 6/30/08, at least 85% of staff will report that they are able to manage disruptive behavior issues effectively, so that all library customers feel welcome.
Performance Indicators
Review policies and procedures and update as needed
Staff training
3.  By 6/30/09, 80% of the staff will report that the condition of library facilities enhances library services.
Performance Indicators
Maintenance log at each branch
Merchandising an display plan based on retail best practices
Assessment of staff work spaces and public service areas to support merchandising/display plan
Gate count
Examine parking options such as business partnerships and advertising
4.  During each year of the life of this plan, identify and pursue capital funding opportunities to meet facilities needs of the library system.
Performance Indicator
Capital plan is developed
ACLS staff members communicate openly, know their responsibilities, participate actively, and are accountable for results.
1.  By 6/30/07, 100% of ACLS staff will report they know who is responsible for key library functions in branches and in the system and will use appropriate channels to communicate.
Performance Indicators
Organization chart revised to include functions and job duties
2.  By 6/30/07, 100% of ACLS staff will report they are aware of desired results and are accountable for meeting deadlines.
Performance Indicators
Supervisory training
Performance reviews reflect project completion
System for recognizing excellence
3.  By 6/30/08, all branches will submit at least one agenda item for six all-staff meetings each year.
Performance Indicators
Meeting format is restructured
Agendas are developed
Schedule for branch responsibility is developed
4.  By 6/30/09, all staff members will report they are comfortable communicating new ideas, suggestions, concerns, and questions without fear.
Performance Indicators
Quality of work life survey developed and implemented
Tracking and monitoring number of ‘Gripes and Kudos’ submitted
Supervisors have performance goals for encouraging communication in their areas of responsibility


Planning Committee Members

Maryland Appel

Branch Manager & Circulation Supervisor, Washington Street Library

Lisa Broll

Branch Manager, South Cumberland Library

Nora Drake

Circulation Assistant, LaVale Library

Lisa McKenney

Electronic Resources Coordinator

John Taube


Carol Waugerman

Technical Services Coordinator

Connie Wilson

Children’s Services Coordinator, Frostburg Library

Gail Griffith – Facilitator

Deputy Director, Carroll County Public Library

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Shared Values - What ACLS believes is important (beliefs) in accomplishing its mission and also practices

Current State Assessment - An examination of ACLS’s strengths and weaknesses, and the key organizational issues

Customers - The people or organizations for which ACLS serves – a key stakeholder

Goal - A statement that describes a long-term (FY 2009) desired end state, result, or outcome.

Guiding Principles - Codes of conduct that describe expected behavior honoring the value

Mission - A statement of what ACLS does and for whom ACLS does it

Objective - A specific, measurable, attainable, result-oriented and time-bound statement that outlines performance targets or major steps to achieve the goal

Performance Indicator - The specific characteristics or behaviors measured to track the performance of an objective

Current State Assessment

What ACLS does well.

·  Staff connection to patrons

·  Collections

·  Environment and atmosphere in libraries

·  Programs

·  Technology

ACLS Problem Areas

·  Not enough staff or some staff “wearing too many hats”

·  Staff need additional training –keeping up

·  Funding

·  Facilities – layout, condition, size

·  Outreach – coordinate library message

·  Internal Communications

Emerging Needs and Issues that ACLS should address

·  System growth and mechanics of getting things done.

·  Staff – continuous need to grow and adapt

·  Maintain currency & stability of technology available to public and staff

·  Appropriate collection growth and funding

·  Maintain facilities and comfortable public atmosphere

·  Transition plan for staff retirements and continuity of library services

Major areas where ACLS wants to commit resources to serve customers or to improve organizational effectiveness.

·  Collections & Resources

·  Programming & Outreach

·  Staffing & Staff Development

·  Technology

·  Facilities & Infrastructure

·  Communication & Accountability

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