The World Within

All the glory of the king’s daughter is from within;

her clothing is adorned with fine gold.

(Psalm 45:13)

And if the Spirit of him who raised our Lord Jesus Christ

from the dead dwells within you,

so he who raised Jesus Christ from the dead

will also quicken your mortal bodies

by his Spirit that dwells within you.

(Romans 8:11)

Do you not know that you are the temple of God,

and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? . . .

The temple of God is holy, and that temple is you.

(1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

Do you not realize

that Jesus Christ is in you?

(2 Corinthians 13:5)

My little children,

for whom I am in travail again

until Christ be a reality in you.

(Galatians 4:19)

God wanted to make known the riches of the glory

of this mystery among the Gentiles;

which is Christ in you, the hope of our glory.

(Colossians 1:27)

But adorn yourselves by the spiritual man within you,

with meek pride which is incorruptible

and an ornament which is rich in the sight of God.

(1 Peter 3:4)

That which is within you is greater than that which is in the world.

(1 John 4:4)

Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. (MuhammadAli, in The Greatest)

The truly amazing phenomena is that if you ask yourself for an answer or solution to a problem in an alert state of calm along with a positive expectation for the future, you will get an answer or solution to your question from within yourself. (Sid Walker)

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within – strength, courage, dignity. (Ruby Dee)

My best side is on the inside. (Ashleigh Brilliant, in Pot-Shots)

The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself. (Garth Brooks)

We all carry within us our ravages, our crimes, our places of exile. (AlbertCamus)

The world’s longest canyon: Geologists located the earth’/s longest canyon beneath a 2-mile-thick plate of ice in Greenland. The huge gash in the island’s bedrock, discovered by ice-penetrating radar, is twice as long and twice as wide as the Grand Canyon, though only about half as deep. “It’s not every decade, it’s not every five decades that you discover something quite as substantial and extensive as a feature like this,” said geographer Jonathan Bamber of the University of Bristol in the U.K. (The Week magazine, December 31, 2013)

Garfield: “I feel like I have a skinny cat inside me, and he's hungry.” (Jim Davis, in Garfield comic strip)

You are aware that any changes in your life, your relationships, your finances, your health, and so forth) will be a result of any changes you have made on the inside, in your soul.Inner change is the only way to improve your life. The work is done on yourself only. (Richard & Mary-Alice Jafolla, in The Quest, p. 226)

A Buddhist monk strode into a Zen pizza parlor and said, “Make me one with everything.” When he got his order, he gave the proprietor a $20 bill, which the guy pocketed. “Hey,” asked the monk, “where’s my change?” “Change,” replied the owner inscrutably,” must come from within.” (Quoted by Phil Proctor, in Funny Times)

If only I could reach into myself and change whatever needs changing! (Ashleigh Brilliant, in Pot-Shots)

A few years ago getting in touch with our inner child was all the rage with speakers, workshops, seminars and books. We all uncovered that frightened 4-year-old or the mischievous 9-year-old or maybe you found the angry adolescent. What did you do with that child that you found lurking beneath your façade of being an all-together adult? I think the next workshop gurus should tour the circuit with: How to get in touch with your loving inner mother because many of the newly discovered inner children are still feeling bereft. Just because we recognize that needy child within doesn’t mean it is getting all he / she needs. Then we could find out how to bring out the inner, strict but tender, father, the wise and doting inner grandparents, indulgent uncles and aunts, and even find fun-loving, considerate siblings and maybe we would finally be a whole functional family all by ourselves. (mc, in S.C.U.C.A. Regional newsletter)

Man: “My inner child is striving to get out, Doctor.” Doctor: “As long as he’s potty-trained, that’s fine.” (J. C. Duffy, in Go Figure comic strip)

We are not in the world, but the world is within us. (Deepak Chopra)

Outside a church in Orlando, Florida: “Win a free trip to heaven. Details inside.” (A. C. Stone, in Catholic Digest)

Reporting on my internal conflicts can be a dangerous assignment. (Ashleigh Brilliant, in Pot-Shots)

The crisis is in our consciousness, not in the world. (J. Krishnamurti)

I feel like the only way to diminish (your inner critic) is to treat it like a crazy aunt at Christmas. She’s always going to come, but you don’t let her hijack Christmas, and I think that part’s difficult for women to do. Don’t let the crazy aunt drive the car. (Elizabeth Gilbert, writer)

The diamond is the hardest natural substance we know. Diamonds become so hard because they form more than 93 miles underground. Temperatures of about 2,200 degrees F and pressure from thick layers of rock squeeze the carbon atoms into a tight, strong crystal. Diamonds might grow under these pressures for 1 billion to 3 billion years. They are probably the oldest gemstone. (Betty Debnam, in Rocky Mountain News)

At birth our divine potential is folded up in us like a tent. It is life’s purpose to unfold that tent. (St. Hildegard of Bingen)
Mother Goose: “Grimm, you're not really a bad dog. You just need to get in touch with your inner puppy.” Grimm: “I did. And he ate your hat.” (Mike Peters, in Mother Goose & Grimm comic strip)

According to Omni Magazine, April 1987 issue the inside of the earth is hollow! According to research by a pair of geologists, a CAT scan of the inside of the earth reveals images that display continents inside our planet. The CAT maps show surprisingly definite areas thousands of kilometers across, in a region that lies along the boundary between the earth's liquid-iron core and its mantle, the next layer up. This is a first at mapping so deep inside the earth, but these “pioneers” claim that the earth still has many surprises left for us. (Cosmic Consciousness)

About89 percent of the earth's surface -- that's land and undersea -- was spewed out of volcanoes. So say the geologists. (L. M. Boyd)

Adventure is not outside man; it is within. (George Eliot)


Whatlies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

"Stir up the gift of God which is in thee." Let us begin now to trust the wonderful Spirit of God which is in us. God means us to express all that we are capable of, and He is our combined light and inspiration. God enters by a private door into every individual. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


In a restaurant window: “Don’t stand outside and be miserable. Come inside and be fed up.” (Companion)

My mind and body keep fighting – and I’m never sure if I should intervene. (Ashleigh Brilliant, in Pot-Shots)

Harry Fosdick tells of a man who came to him when he was pastor of Riverside Church and asked for membership. He said: “I am not even sure what I think about God, but I should like to work out my spiritual faith inside the Christian fellowship, not outside.” The church accepted him on those terms. Three years later, he said to Dr. Fosdick: “No words can estimate what this has meant to me; each year, clearer insights, deeper assurance, and life more and more worthwhile.” Here was a man who needed to believe, wanted to believe, and benefited from believing. And came to believe because he planted himself within the community of believers. (LectionAid)

You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him to find it within himself. (Galileo)

As they enter church, Grandma says: “Where's your Grandfather?” Granddaughter: “He said He'd wait outside! Doesn't Grandpa believe in God?” Grandma: “Of course he does! He just says God makes him nervous when he gets him indoors!” (Tom Batiuk & Church Ayers, in Crankshaft comic strip)

As Billy eats a sandwich for lunch, he says: "If God lives inside us like Grandma says, I hope he likes peanut butter and jelly." (Bil Keane, in The Family Circus comic strip)
In a cool cavern five stories below the streets of New York City, an armed guard stands before a 90-ton steel door. When he turns its huge wheel clockwise, the door opens upon a ten-foot-high wall emitting a butter-yellow glow. Gold! Farther inside, one single compartment of the vault contains some 107,000 bricks, each weighing 30 to 33 pounds with a market value of about $153,000. A cool $16.3 billion. This is one of the 122 impregnable compartments in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Some 50 nations stash their gold hoards here for safekeeping. All told, the New York Federal Reserve Bank holds just under 10,000 metric tons of gold, worth about $117 billion at the market rate. (A metric ton equals 1.1 tons.) (Joseph A. Harriss, in Reader's Digest, June, 1996)

Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you will find on the inside. (Forrest Gump)

Happiness is an inside job. (William Arthur Ward)

Don't despair -- help may be coming from an unexpected source -- somewhere within you. (Ashleigh Brilliant, in Pot-Shots)

Mythology supplies this story. A conclave of the gods was called on Olympus to determine where to hide the sacred flame of life so that man might not defile it. The mountaintop, the depths of the sea, the world’s blackest cave -- all these were rejected as too easy a discovery. Just when the gods were at their wit’s end, an inspiration came to one of them. “Why not hide it within man himself?That is the last place he will look.” (Helen Wood, in Unity magazine)

According to an old Hindu legend there was a time when all men were gods, but they so abused their divinity that Brahma, the chief god, decided to take it away from men and hide it where they would never again find it. Where to hide it became the big question. If they buried it deep in the earth, or sunk it into the deepest ocean, or placed it on the highest mountain top, man would eventually find it. Then Brahma decided to hide it deep down in man himself for man would never think to look for it there. Ever since then, the legend concludes, man has been going up and down the earth, climbing, digging, diving, exploring, searching, for something that is already in himself. Two thousand years ago a man named Jesus found it and shared its secret; but in the movement that sprang up in His name, the Divinity in Man has been the best kept secret of the ages. (Eric Butterworth, in Discover the Power Within You)

A holiday gives one a chance to look backward and forward, to reset oneself by an inner compass. (May Sarton)

Patriotism welled up inside me. I know it was patriotism because at my age when anything wells up inside me, I have the doctor check it out. (Bob Hope)

There's an old story about the old farmer who saw his first locomotive. He saw it pull the train and he said to somebody, “Where's the horse?” His whole experience had been with horsepower. A man tried to explain that there was no horse, that it burned wood which made steam, and that was what pushed a piston and the piston turned the wheel, and that made the locomotive go. “Oh,” the farmer said, “I understand. The horse is inside.” (Ervin Seale)

Within is with us and in us. (J. Sig Paulson, Unity minister)

I learned that it is possible for us to create light and sound and order within us no matter what calamity may befall us in the outer world. (Helen Keller)

Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us – and, sometimes, they win. (Stephen King)

My dear, you ask why you do not enter into the understanding you so desire. I will tell you. You are already in it, but think you have some great thing to do to get there. The kingdom of God is within you! All you need to do is “Be still and know.” (Myrtle Fillmore, oldest known letter in her handwriting dated September 7, 1891)

President Bush was scheduled to undergo a colonoscopy. You never know where that Osama bin Laden might be hiding! (Jay Leno)

A moment exists within each of us in which context suddenly shifts. And what has seemed impossible becomes possible, an instant in and out of time when we take responsibility for the world and what it could be. (George Leonard)

The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. (Max Lerner)

Life is not lived from outside-in, but from inside-out. Unless we understand this, we miss the whole meaning of life. The purpose of life is not acquisition but unfoldment and personal development. Life is a matter of developing or unfolding from within. It is knowing that life is not something to get but something to express. (Eric Butterworth)

If I have lost every friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me. (Abraham Lincoln)

I have this rule I live by: Only do what you can do. That means you’re never looking outside for what’s popular; you’re always looking inside for what’s true. (Delia Ephron, screenwriter)

Looking inward instead of focusing on outward circumstances is an important step in the process of spiritual development. When you take it you begin the process of shifting your goal from the pursuit of external power – the ability to manipulate and control – to the pursuit of authentic power – the alignment of your personality with your soul. (Gary Zukav)

First man: “You have to wonder if it was mainly Cindy’s looks that got her that anchor job in New York City.” Second man: “Hard to say, Cindy’s no dummy. But I guess we’ll have to wait till her looks fade to really see if she’s got anything under the hood.” (Tom Batiuk, in FunkyWinkerbean comic strip)

After taking the computer apart, Grimm says to Mother Goose: “I can’t find the little guy who keeps telling me ‘You’ve got mail’.” (Mike Peters, in Mother Goose & Grimm comic strip)

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read. (Groucho Marx)

Buried almost 2000 miles within our planet are broad mountains and valleys of molten rock. Researchers measured a mountain six miles high and 6000 miles wide, and a valley at least that wide and deep. (Reader’s Digest)

Nicolo Paganini (1782-1840) is still considered one of the greatest violinists of all time. One day as he was about to perform before a sold-out opera house, he walked out on stage to a huge ovation and felt that something was terribly wrong. Suddenly he realized that he had someone else's violin in his hands. Horrified, but knowing he had no other choice, he began to play. That day he gave the performance of his life. After the concert, Paganini was in his dressing room speaking to a fellow musician and he reflected, “Today, I learned the most important lesson of my entire career. Before today I thought the music was in the violin; today I learned that the music is in me.” (The Friday Letter)

Remember, you are wonderful! All that you will ever need is hidden right within you, waiting for you to recognize it. It is the Perfect Power of God Within You. (Jack E. Addington)

In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. (Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher)

The Olympic flame that top performers pursue burns inside them. They're driven not only to be the best but to do their best -- always. An inner dynamo keeps Olympic champions going -- not just the promise of a medal, but the satisfaction of completing a difficult task against the odds. That same effort can apply whether the task is a race, a difficult mathematics lesson or a corporate report. (John E. Anderson, in Reader's Digest)

Every life viewed from the inside is a series of defeats. (George Orwell)

The magic is inside you. There ain’t no crystal ball. (Dolly Parton, in People)

Good week for: Playing nature’s lottery, after a Lebanese woman working in a restaurant kitchen opened an oyster and found a cluster of 26 pearls. “I was so startled,” said Amal Salha, (The Week magazine, September 19, 2008)