All Sizes Welcome

10829 Old St. Augustine Road

Jacksonville, Florida 32257

(904) 880-0155

Parent Handbook

Welcome to the Little Britches family!

We believe you have made an excellent choice in your child care decision and we hope you do too! We opened our doors to the families of Jacksonville on December 2, 1996. From that time, we have enjoyed an excellent reputation and we hope to continue the tradition. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please tell us. We all want to do a better job.

This handbook has been written to describe our program, policies and the myriad of practical details that go into making each day as happy and successful as possible. Please review it and keep it for reference, as it will answer many of your questions.

Thank you, ______(Director)

Revised (January, 2012)

Program Description

LITTLE BRITCHES opened its doors to the families in Jacksonville on December 2, 1996. The center is locally owned and operated. It is licensed by the Department of Children and Families; License number: C04DU0269. In September of 1999, the center was the first in Jacksonville to receive the A.P.P.L.E. accreditation; we have been through accreditation three times; 2002, 2006 and 2011. (Reaccreditation lasts five years.)

We also participate in the Guiding Stars of Duval Program which is the quality rating improvement system for Jacksonville designed to help parents choose quality early learning care for their children and help child care providers improve the quality of early learning care they offer. Our star rating is displayed outside by the front door.

We believe that the learning gained in the early years of a child's life is critical as a solid foundation for future success. At LITTLE BRITCHES, we believe that children also learn through play. Intermingled throughout the curriculum (described below), your child will have many child directed learning center play experiences to help develop the skills that are needed in the years to come.

A state funded one-half day Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program is available for those children entering kindergarten the following year. LITTLE BRITCHES is licensed and regulated by the State of Florida. The license is displayed in the hall by the water fountain.


LITTLE BRITCHES uses the following age and developmentally appropriate curriculum: Foundations for Success, HighReach Learning and Links to Literacy. Teacher read books and individually read books (reading/pretend reading) are central to the curriculum.

The Caterpillars, Lions, Pandas and Bunnies classes use the Foundations for Success curriculum, which focuses on four foundational areas which are necessary for supporting infant and toddler development. The foundational areas start with Relationships as the center point surrounded by learning in Senses & Perception, Movement, and Language; where learning occurs by interacting with the environment creating crucial brain building experiences. Music experience is also interlaced as an additional part of the Foundations for Success curriculum.

In addition, the Pandas and Bunnies classes use the HighReach Learning program which provides a rich learning environment that develops self-regulation, cognitive skills and expands vocabulary. This curriculum encompasses the whole child’s development: cognitive, social, and physical.

The Alligators, Monkeys, Polar Bears, Seals and Penguin classrooms use Links to Literacy. The program was designed to help children become ready for Kindergarten, with a special emphasis on language and literacy development. The curriculum is based on recognized national and state school performance readiness standards, Duval County School Readiness Performance Standards, and is aligned with the Head Start Child Outcomes.



1.1 Philosophy Statement

1.2 Mission Statement

1.3 Open Door Policy


2.1  Tuition

2.2  Multiple Child Discounts

2.3  Late Payments

2.4  Registration Fees

2.5  Supply Fees

2.6  Returned Check Fees/Collection Fees

2.7  Late Pick-up Fees

2.8  Holidays

2.9  Attendance

2.10  Vacation


3.1 Arrival

3.2 Special Requests

3.3 Absences

3.4 Illnesses

3.5 Termination/Withdrawal

3.6 Pick Up Policy

3.7 Authorized Pick Up/Emergency Pick Up

3.8 VPK Attendance


4.1 Parent Volunteers

4.2 Take Home Activities

4.3 Parent-Teacher Conferences

4.4 Parent Surveys

4.5 Parent Bill of Rights

4.6 Annual Events

4.7 Referral Policy


5.1 Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

5.2 Confidentiality of Records

5.3 Emergency Closing and Inclement Weather

5.4 Child Health Services

5.5 Screenings

5.6 Child Health Emergency

5.7 Medication Administration

5.8 Conditions of Short Term Exclusion

5.9 Notification of Illness

5.10 Dress Code/Diapers

5.11 Meals

5.12 Dietary Restrictions and Allergies

5.13 Discipline Rationale

5.14 Discipline Procedures

5.15 Discipline Guidelines

5.16 Standards of Conduct

5.17 Visitor Policy

5.18 Lock your Car


6.1 Curriculum

6.2 Toys from Home

6.3 Field Trips

6.4 Portfolio

6.5 Transitioning from Class to Class

6.6 Transitioning from VPK to Kindergarten

Section 1 – About LITTLE BRITCHES

1.1 Philosophy Statement

We believe that children are our future and we are obligated to provide them with an environment that will stimulate and develop them to be happy, confident, healthy, and successful children in their earliest, most crucial years of life.

1.2 Mission Statement

Our mission is to operate an organization committed to provide a learning and nurturing environment for each of our children. With three main goals:

We will:

1.   Help the children develop the needed knowledge, physical abilities, and social and emotional growth early on, enabling them to charge through life at their highest ability.

2.  Help the parents treasure the development their children are receiving at LITTLE BRITCHES and have the highest level of confidence by trusting their children in our care while they provide for their family.

3.  Help the employees understand the importance of their role, and experience a satisfying level of personal achievement and pride while assisting and experiencing each child’s development.

1.3 Open Door Policy

Our door is always open to you! We encourage you to visit often, join us on field trips, daily activities, and lunch. Your child will enjoy it and we believe you will too. If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, ask the Director for more information on parent involvement.

We ask that parents who are dropping off children in the classroom not engage the teacher in extended conversation; this makes it difficult on the child and on the teacher. You may discuss classroom concerns with the Director at any time. We encourage your questions and welcome your input regarding your child and our program.

Each classroom is equipped with a camera that allows you to see you child interact and play with other children when you are not in the room; the observation monitor is located in the foyer. The observation system is not connected to the internet.

In situations where there is custody or domestic issues the following will apply:

¨  The center must be provided with the most recent certified copy of court order and any amendments to the order, i.e. custody order or restraining order.

¨  The center will follow the orders of the court. Deviations from the court order are only made if there are written instructions from the custodial parent/s (joint custody will require both parent signatures).

¨  If a copy of a court order is not provided to the center, then both parents will have equal access to their child. According to Florida law, the center may not deny access to child by parent without a court order.

¨  If a verbal or physical conflict occurs, the Center will contact the police.

Section 2 – FEES

2.1 Tuition

Tuition is based on reserved time and not on actual time that a child spends at the center. No reduction in tuition is given because a child is not in attendance at the center. Tuition is due for all days including holidays, sick days, emergency closings, and vacation days. Current tuition rates are posted at the entrance counter. Your child’s tuition is determined by the child’s age, not the classroom the child is in.

If you would like, you can pay tuition the Friday prior to the week of care to reduce your weekly tuition by $10.00.

If your child is enrolled in the before and/or after school program and classes are canceled because of a holiday, teacher in-service, storms, etc., an additional fee is charged for the child to attend LITTLE BRITCHES all day.

Tuition increases occur annually in August; however we understand that high quality child care is very expensive and we do attempt to limit increases in tuition.

2.2 Multiple Child Discounts

A $5.00 per week discount is given for each sibling.

2.3 Late Payment Policy

The week’s tuition is due on Monday, or the first day of your child’s attendance each week. If tuition is not paid by Tuesday at 6:30, a late fee of $10.00 per week is added to your account. If your account is not paid in full by Friday, your child may placed on a DO NOT ACCEPT list Friday afternoon. The following Monday, your child’s care will be terminated until payments are made in full. Any variation of these rules does not affect the future collection your account.

2.4 Registration Fees

A one-time registration fee of $80.00 is required to enroll your child. Paying the registration fee places your child on the waiting list in front of those who have not paid the fee. If enrollment is terminated at any time and the child returns to the center at a later date, the registration fee is charged again. Registration fees are non-refundable.

2.5 Supply Fees

We do not charge a one-time or annual supply fee.

2.6 Returned Check Fees/Collection Fees

A fee of $20.00 will be charged for a returned check and LITTLE BRITCHES retains the option to refuse any further payment by check. In the event tuition and fees are not paid, LITTLE BRITCHES will institute whatever means are necessary to collect the past due amounts, including the use of a collection agency and potential collection via a law suit through the court system. The Registering Parent(s) agree to reimburse all costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. All past due amounts are subject to an additional service fee of 0.5% per month payable to LITTLE BRITCHES.

2.7 Late Pick Up Fees

The center closes at 6:30. If your child is not picked-up before 6:31, you are charged $1.00 per minute after 6:30. The staff members who stay late will share the $1.00 per minute late fee for their inconvenience. The late fee must be paid in order for the child to return to the center. See Section 3.6 for further information.

2.8 Holidays

The following are holidays recognized by the Center:

New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, close at 12:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Holidays that fall on Saturday or Sunday, are observed on either Friday or Monday. Full tuition is changed for weeks that include holidays.

2.9  Attendance

Because you are paying for your child’s space in our program, full tuition is charged each week whether your child is present or not.

2.10 Vacation

LITTLE BRITCHES offers a vacation/extended absence rate when your child will not attended. To maintain your child’s enrollment space, you are required to pay ½ of the weekly tuition for each week of vacation/absence. The full week’s tuition is charged if your child attends more than one day of the week. Enrollment will be automatically withdrawn if the tuition is not paid.

VPK, JCC and School age tuition rates are based on holiday and vacation schedules. A Tuition guide is displayed on the front counter of the office that explains pricing during these times.


3.1 Arrival at LITTLE BRITCHES

The center is open from 6:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please bring you child to the center no later than 9:30 each day. We have found that children adjust much easier when their day has a schedule and routine. On occasions when your child has a doctor’s appointment or other important event that prevents arrival prior to 9:30, please notify the center the day before. This affords the teacher an opportunity to pre-plan and more easily work your child into the day’s events.

Please leave your cell phone in your vehicle and give your child your full attention during the transition from home to school.

Parent must turn their child over to center staff before leaving the class. VPK and JCC parents are required to sign their child into the center on the Daily Sign in/out Log kept with each class. The staff will sign all children in on the class clipboard upon arrival.

Children are not allowed to take poptarts, McDonald’s, donuts, juice or milk cups, etc. into the classroom in the mornings.

Please don’t sneak away, but help your child become engaged in the ongoing activities in the classroom. This may require planning a few extra minutes each morning, but will greatly benefit your child’s transition into the classroom.

3.2  Special Requests

Parents must follow the policy for Administering Medication (see 5.7) if your child is to receive medication during the day. This should be taken care of during arrival time.

Parents are requested to notify the teacher or Director if there are any special needs or instructions for the child’s day. Special requests may require a written submission of the change.

3.3  Absences

Parents are requested to notify LITTLE BRITCHES if their child will not attend that day. This notice assists us to effectively maintain appropriate child to staff ratios.

Parents are requested to notify the center if their child is ill. This notification will assist the center to track any illnesses that may occur at the center.

3.4 Illnesses

Parents are requested to notify the Center Director if their child has a communicable disease so that parents of children in the classroom/center may be notified. Only information about the communicable disease is shared. The center will follow the center’s Confidentiality Policy and procedures.

The center conducts a health check on each child upon arrival in the classroom. A child may be turned away from the center if staff deems the child is too ill to attend or is contagious.