All Saints Parish Council Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2010
Present: Father Hahr, Ann Adamczak, Kelley Alderman, Adam Choquette, Claire Doe, Jane Fletcher, Andy Hoadley, Suzanne Lavalla, Mary Viens
Absent: Paul Adamczak, Karen Cangelosi,Cliff Chagnon,Lisa Choquette,Cedric Snider, Theresa Snider, Steven Stryker, Linda Olio
The meeting came to order at 7:07 p.m. Father opened with a prayer.
The minutes of the October were read. Suzanne made a motion to accept the minutes as read, and Adam seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Pastor’s Report
Father Hahr reported that the $10,000 that Bishop Matano gave the three churches to finish the rectory has been used and there probably will be none left over as previously reported. The money was also used for roof repair at OLL and on the Troy Street side of AS.
On Saturday November 27, Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate a “Vigil for All Nascent Human Life” coinciding with first vespers of the First Sunday of Advent. In union with our Holy Father, Father Hahr will have a special vigil starting at 4pm before the 5pm Saturday night Mass at ALL SAINTS. The vigil will include exposition of the Blessed Sacrement, Marian Procession, Rosary, and Benediction. Andy and Adam were asked to see if the Knights of Columbus could carry the statue of Mary in the procession.
Christmas Mass times were discussed. Father Hahr plans to have them the same times as last year. On Friday, Christmas Eve, there will be a 5 PM Mass (possibly preceded by a youth Choir) at ALL SAINTS. On Saturday, Christmas, there will be 12AM Midnight Mass at ALL SAINTS, and the regular 8AM Mass at OLL, 9:30 AM Mass at St Isadore’s and 11:15 AM Mass at ALL SAINTS. There will be no 5PM Saturday night Mass.
A Lenten Mission has been planned for April 3 and 4.
Director of Religious Ed. Report
Kelley reported that there will be no children’s mass on November 28 because of Thanksgiving and there will be no CCD on December 4 because of the Bazaar.
Financial Committee Report
The ALL SAINTS Profit and Loss balance sheet for July through September 2010 was handed out. It was noted that there was a profit in the last quarter.
Father Hahr asked for the Council’s thoughts on having some Masses “Adorientum”, where the Priest is facing the Tabernacle (instead of the people in the congregation) but not spoken in Latin.
Adam said that he thinks, and that people have told him, that that Latin speaking and singing turn young people away from the Church.
Mary said that she thinks, and that people have told her, that older people really like the Latin singing in the Church. She also expressed that people generally resist change and that any major change needs to be accompanied by a clear explanation of the meaning behind it.
The oil tanks in the church have been installed.
Ed Hahr has almost completed the repair of the front steps of the church. Andy has not yet checked with the state to see if the steps can be rebuilt if torn down. He will try to do this by January.
The roof on the Troy Street side of the church is being repaired by Claude Desautels.
Linda will begin to put $100 a month into a Wells Fargo savings account to be used for the anticipated roof replacement at ALL SAINTS. This account is also used to put money aside to pay for insurance.
Diocesan Policies
Andy has not yet spoken to Linda.
New Business
The Ave Maria has a new chaplain, Father LaPlante.
Claire handed out Catholic Advanced Directive forms that she was able to print off from the
It was decided to cancel the December Parish Council Meeting.
The meeting Adjourned at 7:47 pm.