All Saints Gold Book15/9/17
(1) / Theo Zidu – Theo is always ready for learning and sits brilliantly during carpet time! He is a great role model to others and at all times. He shows he is listening carefully by looking at who is talking and following instructions successfully.
Holly Beard and Hollie Moore – These two girls have been working collaboratively all week. They listen carefully and help each other work out tricky number problems. The take responsibility for any mess they make and are always helpful.
(2) / All the children in Dormice class have shown their resilience and enthusiasm for learning but the following children have excelled themselves:
Archie Huntingford for making links in his learning and communicating his ideas.
Lucas Palmer for showing independence and determination in his learning.
Keira Satchell for sharing her ideas and solving tricky maths problems.
(3) / JayTee Cox- JayTee is always caringand considerate and shows great kindness towards all of his classmates. Well done JayTee!
Amy Allen - Despite being ill last week Amy has settled into Year 3 very happily.She alwayslistens well and is ready tolearn. Amyengages withevery aspect of the curriculum. Well done.
(4) / Olivia Ciccarello – Olivia has had a fantastic start to Year 4. In our maths lessons looking at place value, Olivia has thrown herself into tasks and challenged herself in order to further her understanding. She is asking thoughtful questions and is so proud of her work when she competes something she was initially unsure about. Keep on going Olivia!
Alexander Murray – Alex has displayed some great ‘independent learner’ skills during our topic lessons this week. He is engaged and keeps on going, even when things are a bit challenging. He is also increasingly using resources in the classroom to help him extend his learning. These are very important skills to use throughout Year 4 Alex, well done!
SergiySilin – Sergiy’s focus and determination has meant that he has made a great start to Year 4. Throughout all lessons, Sergiy is listening to adults and his classmates, concentrating hard on tasks and asking questions to help him understand what he is doing. Keep this up Sergiy and you will have a great year!
(5) / Abigail Street and Hayden Colman - for their determination and team work in Maths. They were problem solving with 5 and 6 digit numbers!
SathvikAnnavarapu - for his engagement in lessons and assemblies. He always has his hand up and is willing to contribute.
(6) / Jay-Jay Attwell:
Your enthusiasm for our topic reach for the stars is absolutely infectious. You have already taught Miss Limberger and Miss Etheridge lots an lots of new things. They cannot wait to see what new ideas and questions you have next.
Alex McQuillan:
All teachers need people to rely on and you always have something interesting to say. You are definitely proving yourself to be the fabulous class thesaurus. You are always ready to help us all out and have a good go at new challenges.
Miami-rose Otabil:
It has been such a delight welcoming you to Elephants class this last fortnight. You are always engaged, try your hardest and ask lots of thought-provoking questions. You bring something special to the class and we all can’t wait to get to know you even more.