All Saints’College Boarding P&F Sub-Commitee
3.30pm Saturday 10th August 2013
Afternoon Tea provided
Attendance: Brian & Maree Plummer, Dr Peter Miller, Tamara Willcox, Wendy Langfield, Annette Piper, Lisa Jones, Hayley Bradley, Grant & George Keech, Heather Cozens, Gill McAllistar, Brad Allen, Kristin Kuhn, Jacqui Chapman, Kim Stokes, Nigel & Wendy Wass
Apologies: Julie & Nigel Porter, Melissa & Terry Galvin, Tony Card, John Morris, Ian & Jane Menzies, Judy Elias, Stewart Ross, Lloyd & Dale Johnstone
Business arising from previous meetings:
· Boarding House ‘Useful Contact Numbers’ sheet was distributed at the meeting and will be emailed to families. Thank you to Stewart Ross and Deanne Wade for organising the contact details.
· Revised daily/weekly routine sheet for boarding houses distributed at the meeting and will go in the new student handbook and on the website.
· Boarders Travel Information Form for school holidays and long weekends. This will be emailed to parents and is available on the website to download. Details of where they will spend the majority of their holidays for international students in particular.
Motion “That the minutes from the Boarding P&F meeting dated Saturday 11th May 2013 be accepted and endorsed as read”
Moved: Nigel Wass Seconded: George Keech
Correspondence out:
· Card to Dianne Coopes on behalf of the Boarding P&F for all her help with accommodation for parents & families
· Letter emailed to parents regarding the Spring Fair ‘Bottle Stall’
· Thank you to Darrin Masters & his staff for the ‘Christmas in July Dinner’ in the dining hall at the beginning of Term3
Correspondence in: Nil
President & Whole-school Representative Report: Brian Plummer
· The presentation of the plans for the new boy’s boarding house is the start of an exciting development for boarding at All Saints’ College. One of the challenges for the development will be to blend the architectural concepts with practical needs of the boy’s house. Another challenge will be to provide a positive experience for the existing boarders while the construction phase is occurring.
· The school marketing and exposure throughout the Central West has improved noticeably with fresh, innovative ideas and not the same old rehashed information. This is providing a positive feedback from a boarding parent’s perspective. Possibility of ASC manning a tent at Louth races to reconnect with former students from the far western region.
· Pleasing to see the ongoing commitment by All Saints’ College to the Nyngan Ag Expo and from all reports there was a good solid enquiry on the weekend.
· A combination of Working Bees and maintenance staff working hard has made a major impact on the entrances to both Marsden and Watson. Both these areas are far more appealing as first impressions are very important.
· Thanks to Brad for organising paint balling last weekend, the boys had a great time.
· Boarding at All Saints’ seems to be going from strength to strength with the linkage between boarding & the whole-school working well.
Treasurer’s Report: Tamara Willcox
3/5/13 Opening Balance $4,002.50
31/5/13 Interest $7.94
28/6/13 Interest $7.69
28/6/13 Closing Balance $4,018.13
Head of College Report: Dr. Peter Miller
General Matters
Head of Watson Report: Brad Allen (Emailed previously)
Head of Marsden Report: Gillian McAllister ( Emailed previously)
General Business:
· Rugby Guernsey Raffle has been a protracted exercise and thanks to George Keech for initiating. Fundraising can go into a separate account so $1000.00 of the proceeds has come back to boarding with $500.00 for each boarding house. Brad would like to spend his portion on memorabilia/pictures/wall hangings etc for the common area and get the boy’s involved. Donated framed pictures of past students would be appreciated.
Motion: To endorse the project put forward by Brad. Moved: Grant Keech Seconded: Maree Plummer
Gill’s suggestion is for $500.00 to go towards a stove for the junior girls’ common-room for baking and cooking on the weekends.
Motion: To endorse the project put forward by Gill. Moved: Hayley Bradley Seconded: Heather Cozens
· Spring Fair-Bottle Stall Roster passed around and almost filled. Donated quilt to be raffled at the bottle stall and proceeds to go to Spring Fair.
· Curtains Thanks to Heather Cozens who has sewn curtains for the senior area in Marsden.
· Mothers Day Chapel will be held on Mother’s Day in 2014
· Meeting Date-Term 4 Due to a 3 week holiday in Sept/Oct we agreed to change the date of the next meeting and AGM from the 19th October to the 26th October. Boarding P&F to continue with the same meeting structure with AGM in Term 4 and possibly combine secretary/treasurer positions.
· Sleep-over for new boarders is being organised and will probably coincide with Year 7 orientation. This opportunity is also available to prospective students at any time during the year.
· Working Bee Weather proofing the front veranda at Watson and sanding/painting tables at Marsden.
· Clinic Query about sick children in the clinic, meals, communication with their parents and clinic procedures. Lengthy discussion and Dr Miller to address concerns by revisiting clinic procedures and the need for effective communication between clinic staff, boarding staff and parents.
· Food Query about the standard, quality and quantity of food available to students. Lengthy discussion and Dr Miller to follow up by speaking to the catering company and provide an update at the next meeting.
Meeting ended 5.20pm
Next Meeting: Sat 26th October at 11am with Social Function in the evening.