Sunday 15th February 2015

Readings at nine thirty on Sunday:

Exodus ch 24 vv 12 - 18 (p. 82)

Ephesians ch 6 vv 10 - 24 (p. 1177)

WELCOME - to All Saints Church and to Chelwood Gate Church.

TODAY - Paddy is leading and Derek Heath preaching at both morning services at All Saints. And Paddy is taking the Holy Communion Service at Chelwood Gate this evening.

THIS WEDNESDAY - There will be a service for AshWednesday, including a short meditation led by Catherine Older, at ten o’clock at Chelwood Gate.

NEXT SUNDAY - Paddy will be away. The Revd Bill Kemm will be taking the early service at Chelwood Gate, and the Revd Peter Markby both main services at All Saints. There will be an informal service in the evening at Chelwood Gate, led by Richard Kay, at which Andrew Hicks will be preaching.

MESSY HELPERS - Many thanks to all who helped with Messy Church last week. 17 children and 17 adults came, including 6 non-churched parents. If you would like to help on future second Sundays, please contact Paddy. Help is needed with setting up from 3pm and above all, in praying for this service.
PRAYERS ON SATURDAY - As Paddy is away we meet at the home of Mae Lewis, Avenings Cottage on Church Lane on Saturday at 8.30am.

LENT COURSE - “Six Steps to Loving Your Church”. A course on how we love the people in our church and support one another. The course will run in most home groups as part of their regular programme.
There will also be a group led by Paddy, meeting for a simple lunch and study in different homes for six Mondays, starting at the Virtues’ house on Monday, 23rd February from 11.30 to 2.00. All are welcome. Please see the back of this news sheet for details and see the back of church to sign up for Mondays.
TNT & ICE YOUTH GROUPS - TNT & ICE are on half-term this week and return on Thursday 26th February. Any queries to Emma Boyce: 07897 148640.

SOUND SYSTEM - The new system and operators are still very much on a learning curve. Not all the equipment has arrived, so some work remains to be done and performance is far from optimal as yet. Please be patient while both the system and operators get themselves sorted out over the next few weeks. If you would like to learn how to operate the new sound system, please talk to Paddy or Terry McHattie.
MAY CAMP - About 30 of our young people and 6 leaders are planning to attend May Camp, the diocesan youth camp. Please pray for us all, especially as two thirds of the young people are non-churched and this is a great chance for them to explore the faith. Please let Meg and Steve know if you could make a simple evening meal (food boxes and food transport supplied) for all or half of the group. Thank you.
AFTER MAY CAMP - for your diary, on Sunday 31st May at 11am there is a May Camp presentation when all the parents will be invited. Please pray for this and for a young people's Discovery Course in June.
PLANNED GIVING - There is a box at the back of the church containing notes of thanks and a record of donations in 2014 from the Treasurer addressed to individual planned givers. Please look for these after the service if you have not already picked yours up.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - meets at the new venue of Heaven Farm on Thursday 26th February at 12.30pm for a light lunch with a short talk. Homemade vegetable soup, roll, tea or coffee and biscuits for £5.65 (add £1.05 for cake). Please sign up at the back if you would like to come, or call Annie McHattie on 01825 790963 or Christine Colbourne on 01825 740365.
PASTORAL CARE - A reminder to keep an eye out for anybody in any sort of trouble and speak to Shelagh Gilliam on 01825 790803 or to Paddy on 01825 790269. Prayer chain requests can be made through Ann Dale (01825 740076).
- For the family and friends of Myra May, who died on 4th February. The funeral, taken by Rev. Bill Kemm, is this Tuesday, 17th February at All Saints at 11am.

- For those concerned with the Lent course.

- Dot Adams, David Cornwell, John and Marian Spinks, Alberta James, Joy Laraman, Hylda Rawlings, Rosie Rothman, Ruth Rowan, Sue Usher and Peggy Laing.

THIS NEWS SHEET – is coordinated by Cedric Parrish ( or 01825 740465), and finalised by the Vicar before publication (r 01825 790269).


Loving one another

Supporting one another

The 'ministry of the pew'


1. MONDAYS AT 11.30am
Studies led by Paddy followed by a light lunch
First meeting: Monday 23rd February, 11.30am - 2pm

First meeting at the home of Michael and Jenny Virtue
Grindfield Farm, Brookhouse Bottom TN22 3RP

Second meeting at the Vicarage, Monday 2nd March
Subsequent meetings at other homes, venues tbc

To attend, please sign at the back of church
Or contact Paddy on 01825 790269


At the home of Rodney Franklin

Anderida, Beaconsfield Road RH17 7LG

Weekly on Wednesdays at 2.30pm
Except for the first Wednesday of the month

Led by Shelagh Gilliam
First meeting for Lent Course:
Wednesday 18th February at 2.30pm

To attend, please call Shelagh on 01825 790803

3. 2nd and 4th WEDNESDAYS AT 7.45pm

At the home of Andrew and Sue Hicks

Russetts, Church Lane RH17 7EU

Nearly opposite the church

Led by Richard Kay

First meeting for Lent Course:

Wednesday 25th February at 7:45pm

To attend, please call Richard on 01444 483088

4. THURSDAYS AT 8.00pm

At the home of Gerald and Sally Alexander

38 Oak Tree Cottages, RH17 7HY
Led by Gerald Alexander

First meeting for Lent Course:
Thursday 19th February at 8pm

To attend, please call Gerald on 01825 790339
