A / You have been placed in a group with peers who you do not wish to work with as they have a reputation for producing poor work. The mark you receive for this project contributes to your overall university degree.
B / You have been working on the project for a number of weeks. In your latest group meeting three members of the team have produced well-structured work, whereas work produced by one team member looks rushed and lacks sentence structure.
C / You have been informed that the team member in question has dyslexia and can find it challenging when producing written work.
A / You have decided to rent a house in your second year with friends. You have allocated less for rent than your friends as you have considered that you will have to spend money on bills. Consequently, your friends want to rent a house which is out of your budget.
B / You and your friends compromised and are now living together. As you accounted for bills you would like the heating on regularly during the winter as your house can get very cold. Your housemates have said they can’t afford the bill and would like you to ‘wrap up’ indoors instead.
C / You have had a fantastic year with your housemates! One of your favourite pastimes (indoor cricket) resulted in your housemate smashing a window. Consequently, your landlord has taken £50 from your personal deposit; you didn’t discuss whether you were sharing the cost with your housemates.
A / Your siblings are playing music late at night whilst you are trying to study.
B / The night before you invited your new uni friends to your family home – they stayed till 12am talking loudly and ate your siblings’ favourite food.
C / You have an exam at 9am tomorrow morning.
A / Someone in your halls of residence never does any washing up and always leaves their dirty dishes lying around.
B / You’re moving out in 3 weeks anyway because it’s the end of term.
C / Your hall warden has said the kitchen is so bad that they may shut it down.
A / All your flatmates have asked you to come on a night out with them but you have scheduled to do some revision.
B / You need a good mark in the exam or it will badly affect your overall grade
C / You haven’t been out with your flatmates in ages and the exam isn’t for two weeks.

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