Dementia Friendly Pharmacies Information Resources.Dec 2013.

All Pharmacies are Required to stock these Patient Information Resources:

Alzheimer’s Society Leaflets or factsheets:

400 What is dementia?

401 What is Alzheimer’s disease?

407 Drug treatments for Alzheimer’s disease,

408 Drugs used to relieve behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia,

434 Complementary and alternative therapies and dementia,

458 The progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias,

470 Mild cognitive impairment.

1506 keep involved and active

1505 Diagnosis what it means for you

1561/1562/1563 help cards- I have...... (memory problems/dementia/Alzheimer’s disease)

DAW1 5 things you should know about dementia.

219 Worried about your memory (Poster)

207 Worried about your memory booklet (also available in other languages)

218 Worried about your memory leaflet.

316Affected by dementia? helpline number.

872 The dementia guide.


Local Carers centre leaflets.

Local Information Prescription for each area Contains details of all local support services, Alzheimers Society, Dementia Action Alliance, Age UK ,RedCross etc.

How to help people with dementia- a guide for customer-facing staff. AlzSoc code 921.

Local safeguarding adults contacts and a Safeguarding Adults Policy.

Optional and useful resources for Dementia Friendly Pharmacies:

Code 34 Safeguarding people with dementia: recognising adult abuse. (£2 or £50/50)Alzsoc.

Also you may wish to read reports from

Code 915 Building dementia friendly communities: Apriority for everyone.

Code 880 Dementia 2013 the hidden voice of loneliness.

Reference sources:

Drugs that cause memory problems.

Drugs which are not recommended in dementia.

Beers Guide.

AWP Dementia Guidelines inc. Anticholinergic load of common drugs.

Souvenaid information materials.

Chris Bowen - 07535 095139 covers Bristol and Glos
Jo Solomon - 07507 037259 covers BANES and Wiltshire
- (general web site address , can direct patients to this). ( to complete the short online training course)

Healthy diet information.

Guidance on taste disturbances and swallowing difficulties.

Dossett boxes including Pivotell time alarmed boxes.( ). Patients can hire these boxes from Sirona.

Useful dementia awareness training course for pharmacists and staff.

Social Care Institute for Excellence have an excellent open learning programme for dementia

Takes about 2 hours 30 minutes to complete the 7 online modules. Free of charge.