MOTHER 4'2m3f Mother's Day (off)

(all entrances and exits left side, except at end of skit)

MOM --- (enters wearing bib apron, crosses to podium, immerses

hands in imaginary dishwater)

DAD --- (enters with open Bible) Honey, can I talk to you a


MOM --- This must be important for you to interrupt your morning

quiet time. I know! You came in to help me do the dishes.

DAD --- Dream on. No, actually, I just wanted to talk to you

about what I was reading in Proverbs 31.

MOM --- Yes, isn't that interesting?

DAD --- Interesting? So, you know what I'm talking about?

MOM --- Yes, it's interesting that the author talks about evil

harlots and adultresses all through Proverbs, but he waits until

the last half of the very last chapter to talk about the ideal

wife and mother. It's just like a man.

DAD --- Well, you have to admit, this woman in Proverbs 31

really has it together. You know, you could take a few lessons

from her.

MOM --- You mean the part about spinning wool and flax, or the

part about making sashes?

DAD --- See, there you go, making light of the wisest man who

ever lived.

MOM --- Oh, I know! You interrupted your quiet time to come out

here to tell me about the verse that says: "Her children arise

and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."

DAD --- Well, not exactly. You know you really ought

to....(points at Bible)

JOHN -- (enters barefoot, interrupts) Mom, have you seen my

soccer shoes?

MOM --- One is under your bed. The other made its way into the

clothes hamper. It's on the dryer.

JOHN -- Did you patch up the hole in my soccer socks?

MOM --- Yes, they're in your sock drawer.

JOHN -- (exits) Okay.

DAD --- Now, as I was saying....

MOM --- Hold on a minute.

DAD --- Why?

MOM --- He didn't ask about his shin guards.

JOHN -- (enters) Mom, have you seen my shin guards?

MOM --- (smiles) You left them in the back seat of the car after

practice yesterday.

JOHN -- (exits) Okay, I'll put them on on the way to the game.

DAD --- Now, as I was saying....

ALLY -- Mom, did you pick up my red dress from the dry cleaners?

MOM --- It's hanging on the left side of your closet.

ALLY -- (runs to exit) Oh, good.

DAD --- Now, about the ideal woman. Solomon talks about....

MEL --- (enters) Mom, did you hem the cuffs on those blue slacks

yet? All the girls are wearing slacks to the youth group rally


MOM --- Yes. They're on the sewing table.

MEL --- (runs to exit) Oh, cool.

MOM --- While you're in there... Oh, well, she'll be back. What

were you saying, Hon?

ALLY -- (enters) Mom, it's not in my closet.

MOM --- Your other left.

ALLY -- (exiting) Why didn't you say the other side?

MEL --- (enters) Mom, have you seen my white blouse, you know

the one that with...

MOM --- It's on the ironing board, right next the sewing table.

I just ironed it.

MEL --- Oh, cool. (turns, turns back) By the way, Mom, you've

gotta help me with my science project some time today. I don't

want to bother with it tomorrow.

MOM --- Check the computer. I just downloaded a science project

proposal similar to yours from the Internet. We can use it to

help us with the wording on your proposal.

MEL --- Oh, cool. (exits)

MOM --- Okay, what were you saying about Proverbs?

DAD --- (closes Bible) Nothing. It can wait. By the way, why

doesn't Melissa want to bother you with her science project


MOM --- We have reservations at Anthony's right after church

tomorrow, remember?

DAD --- It's Mother's Day tomorrow! Say, listen, Honey, I just

remembered I have some shopping to do. I'll see you later.

(kisses her on the cheek, exits R)

ALLY -- (enters) Did somebody mention going shopping? (shouts to

Dad) Daddy, wait up. I'm going shopping with you.

MOM --- (takes $5 out of apron, holds it over shoulder)

ALLY -- Mom, can I have my allowance. (notices money, snatches

it, exiting R) Oh, thanks. See ya.

MEL --- (enters, shouts) Daddy, wait up.

MOM --- (takes $5 out of apron, holds it over shoulder)

MEL --- Mom, can I.... (takes money) Oh, cool. (exits R)

JOHN -- (enters) Is it really Mother's Day tomorrow?

MOM --- (takes $5 out of apron, holds it over shoulder) Yes, it


JOHN -- (takes money) Oh, thanks, Mom. (shouts) Dad, wait, I'm

going with. (exits R)

MOM --- (shouts) Don't forget, you have a soccer game at noon.

(takes check book out of apron, holds it over shoulder)

DAD --- (enters R) Honey, have you seen the.... (takes

check book) ...check book. What would I ever do without you?

(kisses her on the cheek, exits R on Mom's line)

MOM --- (dries hands on apron, smiles, exiting L) I don't know.

I'll go check Proverbs 31