All Breed/Mix Breed
Temperament Test
(Dog must be 1 yr. old)
July 10, 2010
Dalene McIntire, Evaluator
Location: Carco Park, Renton
Exit 4 on Hywy 405
Cost per dog: $25.00
Check in at 9:00
Tests begins at 10:00
To ensure your entry send in pre-entries by July 5 to:
Kerry Southern PO Box 1273 Graham WA 98338
Limit of 40 dogs
Please call or email after July 5th, 2008 to see if there are any more openings.
For more information call: Kerry Southern
Temperament Test Entry
Sponsored by the German Shepherd Dog Club of Washington State, Inc.
Dog’s Name / BreedAKC No. / DOB / Male Female
City / State / Zip
Call for availability of entries day of test. Refunds will not be made for dogs not present for the test.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in a Temperament Test sponsored by the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Inc., and the above named regional club, the undersigned agree that the GSDCA and the named Regional Club are not responsible for any injuries or damage suffered by persons or animals participating in any capacity, I waive any right of action against the GSDCA & GSDCWS and will hold the GSDCA & GSDCWS harmless if any action or lack or action by my dog(s) or by me results in any action against the sponsoring club(s).
Print owner as per Agent/HandlerSignature
Name and Address (Print)
Email: / Telephone: